Radio stations are streaming all day long in high quality. No talking, no adverts. Have a listen to channels already available to you below. Stay tuned for new releases!
Zen Garden : a blend of calm nature sounds and relaxing tones • Rainy Day : generative rain that never stops • Ocean Waves : real field recordings from all over the world, not loops • Siren Songs : let yourself be seduced by a combination of mesmerising voices and deep underwater sounds • Pure Nature : connect to Mother Earth to create inner peace • Space Odyssey : a trippy journey through mystical cosmic dust • Drone Zone : trance-inducing meditative tones
Streaming has a cost. These radios are brought to you by the people who support myNoise. Join them by making a small donation below and gain access to many bonus features as a thank you.
Available for listening on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Deezer and more.
Tune in with a free radio client such as VLC (cross-platform) • Tune In (cross-platform) • iTunes (OSX) • Windows Media Player (Windows)
To access a particular station, use the following URL format: http://###.radio.mynoise.net where ### represents the name of the specific stream you want to access in lowercase and without space, e.g. http://zengarden.radio.mynoise.net for Zen Garden.