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Calibration Noise
Calibrate our Noise Generators to your Own Hearing Curve

Are You Ready for an Ear-refreshing Experience?

myNoise stands out with its unique capability to compensate for potential hearing impairments, audio equipment deficiencies, and shortcomings in your listening environment. 

Calibration settings will be saved as a browser cookie and can be retrieved at any time by selecting the 'Balanced' or 'Full' options found under the iEQ section on every generator page.

During calibration, if a specific band remains silent across the entire slider range, set it back to zero. It isn't beneficial to emphasize frequencies you can't hear or that your speakers can't reproduce. Ideally, the majority of sliders should be in the lower half of the user interface. If this is not the case, simply increase your computer's volume and restart the calibration process.

How to Proceed

1. Increase your computer's volume until the static noise used for calibration starts to be perceptible. If the static sound is too loud, turn the volume down. The static noise should be barely audible.

If you don't hear any sound, your browser might have blocked the sound from auto-playing and is waiting for your action. Click the button below to start the calibration process.

2. Move each slider until the corresponding sound is just audible to you (in the case of the hearing-threshold variant) or until all sliders create sounds at the same perceived volume level (in the case of the equal loudness variant).

After all the sliders have been properly adjusted, 3. Save your curve.

Return to your Noise Page, or choose a new one, then 3. load your calibration data by clicking one of the options under the iEQ section.

Select the 'Balanced' option to compensate for your hearing loss. If your hearing is good and you're aiming to compensate for your speakers' or headphones' quality, use the 'Full' option.