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Primeval Forest
Wind, Water, Birds & More!


Quiet Forest ToneSinging TreeDistant StreamOnly BirdsHungry BirdsGood Morning Mr. FoxLight HailWindy Day Surprise!

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Nature Sounds from a European Primeval Forest

Forests make up about a third of Europe's landscape, but most of these are not original growth. They are either plantations or have regrown after being logged in the last few hundred years.

This soundscape has been recorded in the Bieszczady National Park — one of the few remaining primeval forests in Europe — during my sampling session in Poland. Bieszczady is located at the extreme south-east corner of Poland, bordering Slovakia and Ukraine. The park and its surroundings are part of the wider UNESCO East Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, an area of land where the woods are mostly natural.

If you are wondering how the bird flapping sounds were recorded, as well as the other animal sounds: by hiding recorders in the forest and leaving them running for 24-hours continuously, without any human presence. Behind-the-scene pictures are available here.

Published by Stéphane on August 29th, 2016

User Stories

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  Loved this site for years. Keep coming back to this one in particular.

  I love this website and all of the soundscapes on it. You can really tell the effort that was put into this by the quality of the sounds. Personally, I love the natural sounds like Autumn Walk or this one. This really helps me when studying, and I love that you can customize your soundscape to your needs! Also, love the timers, as I'm very bad at time management.

  Works great for me in school.

  I struggle with my disorganized life. This setting helps me find balance at home, and the meditation bell becomes a useful "Pomodoro Timer" for when I want to set limits to my activities.

  I loved it. I felt like I was on a camping trip.

  Feeling unending homesickness after moving to a big city and returning to in-person work at an office. This has helped make the transition easier, while also helping me remember the beauty of home.

  I used this for studying. I really love this soundscape and I set the water stream above mid, and set these in the mid range: 'forest tone low', 'mammal steps' and the birds with blue slider. I set the rest to zero. This helps with studying atmosphere for me especially if it is daytime, for evening studying I use other settings.

  I am in the middle or writing up my PhD thesis and the sounds of the forest help keep me focused and clear headed. I especially like the mammal steps and the cuckoo which interrupt my mental wanderings and bring me back to focus if I stray.

  Primeval forest and a nice quiet classical music playlist is peak with a good book.

  I love it. Studying is so much easier!!

  I love this sound, (I love all the sounds on this site!) and if anybody has tinnitus, then play this sound! If any one has trouble sleeping, play this sound! This sound is great for EVERY SINGLE THING!!!! Making tension relax, sleeping, studying, making quiet rooms lively, and (if your teacher is nice to put this on) writing a test a quiz! I recommend this sound for EVERYONE!!!!

  I cant focus on studying because of the voices in my head and this helped me study.

  This is awesome to just relax and start dreaming or meditating. It helped me to be at that moment without being disturbed by thoughts!

  Thank you for these, they really fuel my creativity!! You’re priceless!!

  I love this tool! Thank you!

  I love the sound of falling hail, it's just soothing...

  This is wonderful for tinnitus!

  I'm listening to a mix of Primeval Forest with Ryuichi Sakamoto's Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence (1996 album's instrumental trio "classical" version with Jacques Morelenbaum & Everton Nelson). It's very haunting and interesting. It mixes really well.

  I LOVE these sounds! They are just amazing, they make it feel peaceful and naturey at my computer while I'm working. Awesome website, would 100% recommend to anyone and everyone! -Silver

  My dog is happily snoozing to the sound of birds. Thank you :)

  This, and the Japanesse Garden, make me very happy.

  Take out the cuckoo and this becomes my grandmother's ranch in the Rockies when I was a kid, nestled into the edge of the woods. I love it to pieces - this and Irish Coast are my favorites. So soothing.

  Because of quiet ambiance of my study place, I can't study great. But because of I can finally study peacefully, feeling like I am studying inside the forest. Thank you for making this page. -derman

  I am currently suffering with autistic burnout, I am sensitive to noises and voices normally but recently they have become unbearable to the point I can't watch TV or listen to music. This site is the only thing that is currently giving my auditory senses any sort of relief other than sleeping. Thank you for creating such a priceless resource.

  I just turn off the hail and I am immediately transported back to hiking trips in the southern alps with my family. Fantastically soothing, and allows me to work at the same time. Amazing.

  These sounds make it feel like I'm sitting in a peaceful forest, silver light glistening between the leaves on the trees, when I'm really sitting inside on a computer doing work. It's very relaxing.

  Really love this website! These specific settings remind me of a nice walk outside with lots of birds, and help me focus while writing my thesis in a crowded office.

  There are so many different options on myNoise! Plus, there are a bunch of sounds you can quietly listen to.

  Had forgotten about this website for a minute and finally found it again, I am still in awe!! The sounds are so soothing.. They help me to do my work and not be so stressed all the time. Xx

  I struggle to concentrate but this is perfect, I turn the cuckoo up and ahhh bliss and can just crack on with my homework.

  I decrease the cuckcoo, increase the mammal steps, and imagine a life beyond sitting at a desk and coding.

  Oh my goodness this is the best! Just having this and the minecraft soundtrack on and it makes me so happy and reminds me of childhood.

  When paired with the Marimbas, it reminds me of my childhood animal shows I used to enjoy.

  I just gotta say, I think what you're doing is not only amazing but super-super amazing. Love this website and have for at least 5 years. I only started using it again early last year to study for my real estate exams and I'm still using this service while I work or study. Will definitely donate when I'm able to.

  Love this website! Very cool. If you didn't know already, you may move the sliders to create your own set of forrest-y sounds. Very relaxing when reading!! <3

  Using the computer a lot, it gets rather quiet. But listening to this while doing work or even watching videos / playing video games makes me feel as if in a forest of birds and happiness.

  Sadness is not great, but when mostly over this and then hearing this, I am in a better mood. I would pay if I had a bank account. This website is great for many reasons, this sound is great for less but even better reasons.

  Probably one of the best projects on the internet <3

  Sought this out after reading the new research into the positive effects of birdsong on quality of life. It does really make a sense of calmness and ease that is hard to come by.

  As if being at a hidden forest lake, just sharing it with the birds :)

  My partner and I live in the countryside and love spending time out in nature. It's good to be able to bring that indoors while we're working from home. Extra bonus that my partner loves birds, so I make sure to turn those all the way up :)

  I listen to this and Rain On A Tent together and it is a wonderful combination that brings me memories of camping and helps block out noise at the same time! Excellent!

  Ah, the perfect work/study and homework companion.

  When I'm going through a tough time, I go to the forest by a creek and think about life. This reminds me exactly of that and it's as if I'm in the forest. Thank you.

  For some reason I struggle to study in silence or while listening to music (sometimes even instrumentals just irritate me) but so far this allows me to concentrate on my work with just the right amount of background noise. Thank you!

  The definition of peace, it really helps you feel like you are in a primeval forest.

  I grew up in rural Oklahoma surrounded by prairie woods; the sounds of birds and wind in trees will always fill me with a sense of 'home' and 'peace.' I wish I could hear this soundscape in my dreams -- it reminds me of the World Between Worlds in C.S. Lewis' Narnia.

  After years of trouble with sleep and having to rely on cannabis, this site has allowed me to be free from that cycle and now I'm able to sleep soundly without any medical help. Thank you.

  The wind feels like gentle pressure on the ears rather than a sound, just like it would in nature. I like to increase volume of the "mammal steps" and imagine I am walking there.

  I've been using this to help me focus on editing and it's been SO useful. Whenever I turn it off I immediately miss feeling surrounded by forest.

  I love it! This sound sounds SO realistic! So helpful to concentrate!

  Thanks so much! This really helps me focus and fell calm.

  Whenever I'm alone, I always feel scared, especially w/o hearing any sounds. This really helped me, thank you.

  This is honestly my favorite to listen to when working or relaxing. So peaceful! <3

  There are plenty of other soundscapes I use and enjoy on this site, but I'm not sure any fills me with a sense of peace quite like this one.

  When I look away from my screen and gaze at the distant trees, I feel I am surrounded by the rabbits and birds living their daily life and stopping near me to say Hi.

  If I set this to a slower speed, and also play the Reverb-y vocals from Into Light at a slower speed (like G), then, suddenly, I'm in a late-afternoon forest watching the procession of the Elves returning to the Undying Lands. Peaceful and spooky. :)

  I always put the forest sound on while doing my tasks and exams. I feel motivated and creative thanks to this refreshing sound!

  I love this sound! Doing virtual school is exhausting, and I miss the outdoors, now, I can visit the forest from the comfort of home! Thank you so much for this! I really enjoy this sound and all the other sound sets on myNoise!

  Primeval Forest helps me calm and the quality of sound is perfect. Having access to this is such a gift. Thank you!

  This is nice for people with ADHD that have no idea whether they should listen to music or asmr while working.

  Normally animal sounds would distract me, but I like this mix between the animal and forest sounds :)

  An island of birds is what I imagine.

  This page is great! It was so nice and relaxing to just sit down without being in total silence!

  The only thing better than these sounds is that someone would create it and share it to world like Dr Pigeon has done. Very nice!

  Close my eyes and I'm in a forest on a spring day.

  I love this page and all the sounds this page has. It's absolutely incredible to hear all of these sounds while I am working at my office. It makes me feel like I'm living with nature!! 10/10

  I'm Polish and it makes me so happy to see a slice of our incredible nature featured on this site! I'm a freelancer who requires noise cancelling and natural sounds to focus. This particular setting both relaxes me and helps me concentrate. The flapping of bird wings is an absolute gem.

  I have just moved from a one-time payment to a monthly sum for the site. The sound engineering work here is both awe inspiring and faultless. Support this site if you use it! |Nathan Bunting|

  I have just moved from a one-time payment to a monthly sum for the site. The sound engineering work here is both awe inspiring and faultless. Support this site if you use it! |Nathan Bunting|

  This is a wonderful, life-giving generator for me. The cuckoo sound is a revelation. I toned the birds down because I found them intrusive.

  Absolutely LOVE this site! THANK YOU! I'm an author and I prefer writing near the beach. But since I can't convince my husband to move, I simply go into my office or on my deck, put on the ocean waves and wind sounds, and voila! It's the next best thing. Very relaxing, calming, soothing, and inspiring.

  I'm so grateful for the sounds! When I started listening to the Forest recording, I could feel my stress decrease. It's wonderful I was so psyched to find it! Thanks for sharing! Charli, 5th Grader

  This website just transported me to another world!

  This is so helpful to keep me calm and at peace when going through difficult times.

  The mammal steps are soo satisfying!

  Listening to European Primeval Forest is like somebody told some bit of my brain "now you can relax." I can't explain it better than that, but it's really nice. Reminds me of when I lived in Germany and would spend the entire day tromping around some remote castle ruins and not see a single soul for hours and hours. Thank you so much for this!

  Using this while I finally get around to catching up on missed work! This site is fantastic.

  I listen to the "Good Morning Mr. Fox" preset with headphones in, and the audio wraps around your head to create an 8D sort of feeling. It's really, REALLY cool, I recommend listening and closing your eyes to hear this strange but awesome effect!

  Like many others, I'm working from home. Some days, I don't leave my house when I hear reports of rising virus cases in my area. But myNoise transports me to spaces that calm me and give me hope and inspiration. Water, birdsong, wind and thunder are just a few of the peaceful sounds that help me stay grounded. Thank you, Stephane, for creating this website. It couldn't have come at a better time.

  Honestly, it's just heatbreakingly amazing. Helps me calm down when I`m stressed and just relax. If i could hear these noises 24/7, I would probably never feel anger again.

  Putting this on while I study helps me focus so much and helps me keep so calm. Even when I'm in the city, I can hear the sounds of nature.

  I stayed at this amazing camp around three times back in middle school, and I honestly loved it there each time and didn't want to leave. This soundscape beautifully takes me back to those lovely memories of walking through the forests all day. Glad I get to relive it with this soundscape, absolutely gorgeous!

  They cut down another of the few trees behind my house today. I needed to spend some time sheltering in a cave from a cool autumn rain with some woodland friends, and fortunately was there to help.

  The birds reminds me of the cuckoo clock in my grandma's house.

  AMAZING... just amazing!

  Can't do without this website. I can never concentrate in an open office, so I listen to this and cruise through my admin work!

  Perfect to have in the background while studying!

  Makes my classroom peaceful.

  I went camping a lot and this is the best generator I've found in a while!

  This together with "Thunder & Rain" sounds so relaxing.

  This one's so cool! Makes me smile.

  This is lovely! I'm so grateful for this website when I need help focusing :)

  Thank you for giving me something to help me focus in when I have to do long repetitive tasks. It works for household cleaning, it works for animation sequences, and it works for when I'm working out.

  Perfect things to combine with various healing frequencies.

  Honestly, just wanted to say that the best site of the year goes to! Since the covid-19 pandemic, I found it a bit hard to focus on my studies and homework cz everyone is coming to my room taking my stuff and making a mess! So I found two solutions: lock the doors and listen to my noise!

  Makes me feel close to nature.

  Listening to just music makes me tired, so I put this on with some tunes and it really helped me focus!

  Listen this with Gregorian Chants, you are in for a treat... believe me.

  Nice to combine it with japanese garden to have a lot of birds and wind around...

  Wow. When I first played this I had to double check that there weren't suddenly birds outside the window I was sitting by! This is incredible. Thank you so much.

  So relaxing! This setting sounds almost like ASMR!

  Hello, I am so grateful for the sounds you have provided here! As soon as I started listening to this Primeval Forest recording I could feel my stress decrease. It's a wonderful site and I am so happy to have found it! Thank you for sharing this with us!

  This reminds me of windy days camping in the forests of northern Appalachia. (The wind might be loud with my settings here).

  I'm getting my specialization with this noise background. Study hard.

  Absolutely love this! It helps me so much with focusing on my homework as I am often easily distracted. Thank you!

  I just love listening to the animals footsteps! So cool!

  Like camping but without the soggy tent!! Love this site, thank you!

  You might not know it, but you are saving lives with your noises! Thank you!

  Honestly, I just feel myself relaxed and focused, what a great site!

  This one is amazing! This generator has the perfect blend of masking white noise and interesting, but not really distracting nature sounds. I used to put on nature footage videos while I worked, (like what Paul Dinning on YouTube makes, go check him out, he makes some great stuff.) but that proved to be too distracting for me. This is much better and it helps a bunch.

  This reminds me of the hikes I used to take in the mountains close to the river. Stopping to sit on a rock and just listen to all the sounds while having a picnic. Really calming and peaceful.

  Incredibly calming!

  Lying in the forest for a thousand years.

  It's great to listen to while doing school! Really helps drown out my sister's loud voice.

  Isolates me from surrounding wherever I am.

  I imagine myself laying out of place in my bed, in the middle of the forest. Sleeping, while the birds around me chirp.

  I'm currently fighting burnout syndrome, this is helping to "take me out" of this toxic environment. Changing one's environment is meant to help, and this is at least one small change I can effect as a result of your amazing dedication and generosity. Thank you.

  Thank you so much for all the different background sounds! I work as a translator in an open office and I just can't focus listening to music. Until I found your page, I did many extra hours just trying to catch up. This + noise canceling headphones is just amazing!

  Not having this on in my room when I'm in it or just going to sleep makes my ears feel empty. This is just serenity, especially with the water stream turned up a little bit. Thank you so much for this website.

  Listening to this with "In The Sky", both set on animate, sounds like a forest just within earshot of Elves singing. Gorgeous and good for studying.

  My barely domesticated dinosaur likes this song.

  My Budgie really like this setting she chirp and tweet more than with video of other budgies chirping. And i really like hearing my budgie chirping it make me happy so this generator on this setting make me happy :D

  This keeps me sane during work! Cortisol and so the heart levels are down. I cannot express my whole appreciation for this site! The the developer, a big THANK YOU! Have a great day where ever you are.

  Perfect for meditation where I recharge in a peaceful woods!

  Thank you so much for providing these. I work as Mental Health Counselor and these sounds provide great background noises during sessions with clients. So calming and peaceful.

  It sounded so familiar to me, that I actually had to check if it was recorded in my country - and it was! It sounds like home!

  This + Irish coast = Hozier songs = absolute heaven to the ears.

  The sound of stepping on grass is so soft and calming.

  I utterly cannot get enough of the light hail slider. There's just something about the little clicks that pleases the hindbrain intensely in a way little else can. This is one of my favorite generators to keep open in a tab while I write (sometimes I combine it w/one or more of the rain/other forest generators, for extra ambience & more for my brain to chew on while I work). Thank you so much!!!

  Love this sound! Really immerses you in such a soothing setting. I am breathing better and can practically feel the cool, clean air!

  Accessed this through the "my room is too quiet" section, and this setting instantly made me relax my muscles and breathe deeply, thinking clearly for the first time in days. The silence of my room can be suffocating and anxiety-inducing sometimes, but this helps amazingly. Thanks so much, Dr. Pigeon. As always your work is absolutely incredible.

  I've been to this primeval forest and it's amazing! So happy to have the ability to revisit it in sound.

  I got recommended by one of the other comments to listen to this and the Lord of the Rings soundtrack. Do it. You won't regret it :)

  I'm a student with ADHD and the noises of the birds are just distracting enough that I don't struggle to focus on my work, but mundane enough to be ignored again immediately after my attention has been drawn to them.

  This site rocks! It got rid of my stress, anxiety, and termite infestation in just three days of soothing ambient sounds!

  Such a beautiful noise! I use this when Im on my own to help the space feel less cavernous.

  I'm a forest-loving teenager stuck in a suburb! Lately I've been feeling stressed, upset, and anxious, and this instantly made me feel the most peace I've had in ages. Thank you. <3

  I love these sounds. I use them at work to help cut down the noise of an open concept office. Love how crisp the birds are, and balancing it with some lower end tone and water to fill in the gaps.I sit next to someone from Poland who has talked about this forest so it was very cool to hear sounds from it. Thanks you so much!

  After falling asleep in the office to "rain" (oops!) I decided I needed more tension. I have been playing the wonderful primeval forest with birds set to max -- and added another tab with the purrli cat snoozing. This might sound perverse, but it gives me a tense edge while relaxing me. The cat had better not wake up!

  I absolutely love this - I'm writing a story set in a world of primeval forests and this works perfectly for me. If you put "forest tone low" almost all the way up, and put "light hail" ALL the way up, and add a little wind, it makes a wonderful mock up of a light thunderstorm in a forest.

  I love this sound, really helps me study and deal with my anxiety, perfect when mixed with a rain noise or waterfall soundscape too. I really like this site and hope you don't stop!

  I'm getting ASMR-like tingles from all the wing flapping.

  Amazing! I put this on the background while I work. Often, I look out the window to see the rain and birds - usually when it's sunny and bare outside. Very convincing and beautiful. I also play it with Sleeping Dragon in the background, so it's ever more calming.

  This gives me such nostalgia from when I used to live in Sweden and go for long forest walks after exhausting school days. It's a very tranquil feeling.

  Try listening to The Lord of the Rings soundtrack together with this! It's magical!

  I grew up in city, however, the forest sounds give me immediate peace of mind. The expression "it's music to my ears" is the description to this website. I recommend every day this noise generator to someone, whether a friend or a colleague.

  The soft chilly breeze blows through the treehouse where the members of the Kidz Tunz Chorus are hanging out with board games & card games, s'mores, popcorn and a stack of books that are just begging to be read. This is the actual sounds of nature that they're hearing right now outside their treehouse as of this post! :)

  Seriously, play this in the background while also playing Malukah's cover of "Beauty of Dawn." It is haunting.

  This is incredibly relaxing and reassuring. Great for when you're working somewhere quietly and don't need to block out noise.

  I grew up in city, however, the Forest sounds give me immediate peace of mind. The expression "it's music to my ears" is the description to this website. I recommend every day this noise generator to someone, whether a friend or a colleague.

  While sitting in an office building I like to set it to match the weather outside as best as possible. For example, today in Boise it is sunny in late spring and with little wind. The river is not far away.

  Calming and lovely. Helping me not watch Netflix while revising!

  I could swear that the birds outside my open window were mimicking the bird songs from this soundscape. They must love it as much as I do!

  I love love love nature and being outside! My parents house has woods in the backyard but we are surrounded by noisy neighbors so I don't get to hear unadulterated nature sounds. Thank you very much for all your hard work to bring us these wonderful generators. God bless you.

  I love listening to this combined with the album "Holy Week on Mount Athos / Greek Byzantine Hymns", creates a feeling of awe for the natural world and spiritual elevation.

  I really love this generator. It make me feel like I am in my woods in spring. In my opinion, this is one of the best generators on the site. I love this site!

  I love this. "Sitting in a peacefull forest" while learning for an important examination. :)

  This generator is deeply relaxing  I keep coming back to it when I need to calm down; it often puts me to sleep! I don't live anywhere near a forest, which bums me out, but this really helps me feel like myself.

  I love this generator so much. I'm of Native American heritage but I work in a busy downtown city, so I am unable to hear the sounds of nature when I want to. When I mix this with the "Canyon" and set both on animate, I feel right back at home with my tribe again. Thank you, and may the Spirits guide you, Stephane!

  I grew up in New Hampshire so my parents dragged me along on numerous hikes in the White Mountain region. Quiet Forest Tone sounds exactly like being on one of those mountains. Brings back memories of treading over tree roots and the smell of leaves in the summer air.

  There are many beautiful, helpful sounds on this site, but I will always come back to Singing Tree.

  The sound of birds makes me feel that I'm not alone. This is so comforting! I could also hear a fox walking nearby!

  This one gave me the inspiration I needed for a forest scene in my book. I love it.

  This reminds me of the creek I used to visit when I was younger. There was nothing but trees as far as the eye could see, with only the company of the birds singing all around. Thank you for bringing me back to those days.

  This is wonderful! I love the sounds that the fox makes and the stereo effect as s/he wanders back and forth from one speaker to the next. I can also hear the fox panting from time to time, which makes me smile. The background sounds of the forest are wonderfully soothing and great for blocking out urban noises. Another brilliant generator, Dr. Pigeon. Thank you!

  I live in the suburbs, so I'm not very close to the woods. Even then, the closest forest (that I feel at peace in) is currently caught up in California's Loma Prieta wildfire. This particular soundscape really helps me find peace when I'm stuck at home or in the library at college.

  I love being outside and hearing all of these noises, but get distracted by the bugs when doing homework outside. This generator helps me hear those sounds without the pesky insects! Love it!

  Nothing restores me better than a long hike through the woods. Nature is amazing, as is this generator. Thank you.

  As a suburban pagan, nothing makes me feel more at peace than the sound of the deep woods. The crackle of the hail setting makes this even more wonderful.

  I live in a tight-packed neighbourhood with a playground right outside, and the highway on the other side of the house so there's constant noise all the time. This one takes me back to when I used to live right next to a forest. So many days of my childhood have been spent there. I miss it.

  When this sound setting is used, combined with "Crystal Stream" & "Water Stream" both set to the Quiet Brook setting, one can almost picture the rustic/primitive treehouse high up in one of the trees here in the forest where we are hanging out; this is JUST what it sounds like from that treehouse (when the weather cooperates, that is!) .

  So realistic, like a cold forest morning in camp with fire... <3

  What a fantastic layer to add to a rain backdrop, really helps bring out the realism. Thanks, Mix-Master P.!

  myNoise helps me escape the normal hum-drum of everyday life... I hate small talk around me while working and dislike certain noises to the point of frustration (pen clicking, papers moving, etc.) so this helps me immensely at school. I like nature, so I add in 3 generators at once to help me really escape. I use Primeval Forest, Healing Waters and myNoisli. Thanks so much!

  This is so lovely. This is what I love about the internet. Talented people can share their work so others around the world can enjoy and benefit from their craftsmanship. Thanks again.

  Thank you very much for this generator. I like walking in a forest, it really relaxes me. And now I can have this feeling in my office! It was also interesting to me, that pine-wood forest and leafy forest have completely different sound.

  Awesome sound! Reminds me of lengthy hikes in the Swiss Alps as well as now in my new home, the Canadian Rockies: mighty trees, wind and wildlife :-)

  It's so very nice to find another soundscape from my own country here. This one is particularly close to my heart as I used to spend every autumn in Bieszczady when I was a teenager. Wonderful memories of quiet, peaceful... better times. Thank you.

  Me and my wife usually take a tent trip every year in the forest. And this sounds so much like that, when waking up in the morning.