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The myNoise Sampling Sessions' Photo Album
A 4-day sampling session in Poland, sampling 'Natural Elements' such as the Earth, Air, Water and Fire. I would like to thank Marta — a Polish fan of this site — for organising my staying. She opted for shelters in the middle of nowhere, without electricity nor running water, and that was just perfect!

RPG ElementsMeadow LandPrimeval Forest

Poland • Spring 2016

A cemetery, abandoned in the Polish countryside
Abandoned for a long time, indeed...
Chatka Na Końcu Świata (The Hut In The Middle of Nowhere)
There are two ways to reach Chatka Na Końcu Świata. By jeep.
Or by teleporter.
Teleporter's side view
Hut at sunrise
Meadow land surrounding the hut
Life our starred hotel (starred by clear nights only)
myNoise fan Marta, giving my sound devices a try...
Marta in action. The sound of spinning fire
Close up
Sampling the tone of the 'Air' - wind and distant birds
One of those little recorders cached for continuous recording.

Thank you!

Sampling sessions abroad are only possible because of the generosity of the people making donations to this website. May those contributors be assured of my deepest gratitude! If you would like to foster the recording of new sounds, please support or keep supporting my work. Stéphane