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The Pilgrim
Meditative Soundscape Generator


ChordalMeditationalCanonCanon (w/ voices)PilgrimsPatternOrnamental Surprise!

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mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range Set→[ LowHigh ]←Set

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G #A #BC #D #EF #
Speed ÷2Speed x2Reset

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A Haunting Journey

This generator brings to mind the endless walk of a lone pilgrim, lost in his thoughts and prayers. Like all generators on myNoise, this one has no true end, bringing to mind the road traveled by our pilgrim - repetitive, but ever-changing. Journey along part of that road yourself by humming along with the last slider; you may find the melody remains with you long after you leave.

This soundscape is an attempt to answer the recurring request for a generator featuring a hang drum, a melodic percussion instrument shaped like an UFO, often used in meditative music. Technically speaking, what you are currently hearing is not a hang drum, but a RAV drum - a cheaper, yet high-quality variant. The RAV sounds different: it offers a longer sustain and richer harmonics than its cousin. The creation of this generator required that I learn to play the RAV, a time-consuming process involving daily practice that unfortunately delayed the generator's release.
Published by Stéphane on July 30th, 2018

User Stories

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  Love this! Please add more.

  This, paired with a forest sound, really makes me feel like I'm hiking on a perilous quest to save the kingdom!

  This, mixed with binaural harmonic beats, is bliss.

  I can't seem to remember where I placed myself. I LOVE this!

  This is like love as first note! Thank you so much, Stephane for creating this and dedicate your time to learn a whole new instrument just for us! I can't even describe this feeling right now, it's pure bliss.

  On a daily basis this generator helps me get into a focused groove. Thank you very much!

  The Pilgrim is super nice. Really relaxing stuff while I type out my little stories lol. I hope whoever made it is doing OK today, and also you too if you're reading this. Remember to breathe, stretch, drink water and get some sunlight.

  This is very calming. Perfect for a brain break.

  I work alone in my studio every day, and every day I listen to rain or the pilgrim. What your site has brought to my world is likely not a surprise to you, but it has rocked my auditory world. Thank you for your ear and soundscaping artistry.

  I love this generator. It helps me in school and to focus on my tasks. Thank you for myNoise!!!

  I have listened to this track for over a 1000 hours. Part of my routine for settling into deep work is turning on this track. It stills some of the noise in my mind without creating eddies of its own.

  I love this so much! I especially like it started as "Chordal" with soft, normal animation, paired with "88 Keys" (which I initialise with "Stéphane"), also with soft, normal animation. Thank you for this, and all the other lovely distractions.

  It makes me feel warm and helps me do my work, it also reminds me of lord of the rings.

  This makes me think of stories that I never knew I could write. A haunted pilgrim in a countryside. Mysterious, enchanting, mystical.

  This generator is a new one for me and I love it. Adventurous, mysterious, mystical, and serious. This setting is rhythmic and resonant, great for helping me keep focused on my reading :)

  The Pilgrim Meditation, Pattern, or Canon blends very well with Duduk Song's The Day After, or Slow Harmonies. Actually a number of these combos between the two work well together, make sure you keep them both in the same key if you change speed.

  This one is very special; humming ended up being a little too repetitive even tho that's what got my attention at first. Currently using those settings, loving it with speed control E.

  I used this generator last year for some exams and I've come back again for my GCSE's. I can hum while revising and it doesn't distract me. Such an awesome generator I owe any good grades (highly unlikely I will get high ones) to you, Sir.

  Trying to write an essay on medieval theology, and this is really putting me in "the zone." Thank you!

  This makes me feel like I'm ascending into heaven or meditating to achieve the perfect state of mind. I just really love the humming.

  My anxiety gets pretty bad sometimes and this just instantly calms me. The rhythm is so repetitive and soothing, it helps me a lot when I'm spiraling or on the verge of a panic attack. Love it!

  I write computer code. Concentration is important and this running in the background helps. Changing it up occasionally also is great! Definitely worth the donation!

  I don't have any special settings , but man , it lets you just drift into work, almost a looking-into-space kind of thing. This doesn't hinder the performance of your work though, it stands beside you and helps you... I don't really know how to explain it myself, all I know is it's nice to have around.

  This just sooths me and lets me focus on my studies; the hours just roll by. I use it in conjunction with Binaural Beat Machine on focus. Works beautifully! Love this site.

  The humming reminds me of Stan Rogers "Down the Road." Lovely! This is great for study/focus because of the steady rhythm to keep you awake and calm your body. I love focus ambience with unobtrusive vocals.

  When I get sensory overload and need to decompress, this gives me something predictable and soothing to "latch onto", to calm my troubled mind and help me find a rhythm to start working again. Thank you! -- Victoria

  Absolutely love this while doing work where I have to focus a lot! I like to combine it either Medieval Village or Sad Minstrel, and imagine a lone Pilgrim passing through a town during their travels.

  This is just awesome... I get the chills listening to this...

  I often pair this was the Irish Coast generator and I can just feel my shoulder drop. I have it saved on my phone as "Song of the Sea".

  Brilliant for inspiration.

  Another absolute brilliant generator. Soothing, yet good for focussing. Meditative but also bracing. Please, more like this! :)

  This is the only thing that allows me to get any work done! The sound is really effective at triggering the "flow state" we all strive for when trying to focus.

  Such a beautiful sound.

  Great generator, helped me get through a (very loud) rainstorm...And, I am... Afraid of rainstorms... The power flickered a few times, but this generator blocked out the sounds of the rain. Then, I just closed my eyes and the power flickers "stopped!"

  I combined this with Sad Minstrel and my new kitty fell asleep- er, passed out, I mean instantly! Thank you so much, my cat can't fall asleep unless there is a natural/human noise in the background.

  I did this without the humming for just a second, to see what it sounded like, but my brain just had to. I started humming in my head...Which led to me humming out loud...GOSH, WHY DO I LOVE THE HUMMING SO MUCH?

  Fantastic noise, great for working in an open environment office.

  This is an old gen, but I just wanna say, I keep coming back to this. Thank you.

  Listen to this with any rain generator and "Japanese Garden" for a super relaxing feel that I use for meditating and sleeping :)

  This + Oak Song, both with sliders animated + any rain generator quietly in the background is amazing. So calming and mystical feeling. Absolutely love it.

  I use this one a lot at work! I pair it with different landscapes from the site, and it sounds like the pilgrim is wandering through different regions of the world.

  Wow! I love this one, so calming and the tune's catchy. Defidently one of my favorites. Thank you!

  I've played around with a lot of different ones, including a bunch of the magic and fantasy gens. This is my favorite. I pair it with Duduk and turn on both animation settings and let them do their thing. 100% worth the donation.

  Always sending good things out in to the world, hopefully the universe.

  I love this one! The gentle tones of the RAV are so calming and perfect for background while I work and need to be able to focus, but still want something in the background. I love being able to adjust the scale as well to make it sound totally different depending on my mood. Thank you for all your hard work -- learning the instrument just for this! True dedication.

  My customization for The Pilgrim reminds me that even when nobody is around you aren’t alone in the world.

  Ornamental preset, with the Humming turned up to about -14 dBFS. I always think of multiple travelers when I hear this: one playing the drum, one with the low "bass" hum, and another with the slightly higher "tenor" hum. Sometimes I get this music stuck in my head, especially the humming, but I like that: it leaves less room for clutter and helps me focus on the here and now.

  One of my favourites! So glad I became a patron, BTW. You're a genius, Dottore!

  So wonderful. I started listening to this with the new Inspirational Morning makes focus easy.

  I always listen to this one while I'm working on schoolwork; the percussion melody (1, 1-2-1, 1-2-3-2-1, etc...) is simple but pleasant, and the humming conveys a sense of movement that helps me feel like I'm making slow, steady progress at my work, plodding along towards finishing. It works well to keep me focused.

  This track works fantastic when you are writing code.

  The Pilgrim is my absolute favorite soundscape on the site (and I've listened to everything at least once!). It's the humming, I think; that rich, haunting melody. I turn the humming up high and close my eyes and let it take me somewhere else. The Pilgrim is like an old friend, by now. He walks beside me when I write, when I read, when I meditate, and we hum his song in unison.

  I have fallen in love with this! It is so relaxing and transporting. So helpful when your trying to do work with chatty people around you, it just drowns them out!

  This is my go to for listening when I need my brain to quiet down enough to focus.

  This is extremely pleasant on the ears. I only just discovered this website and this is the first sound I tried, messed with the settings for 2 minutes, and sat here for the next 30 or so just listening. It's absolutely amazing.

  I went on a pilgrimage in 2016 and when I listened to this music it brought back the memories and feelings of that journey so strongly I almost cried. Now I come back whenever I need some peace of mind. I especially like the humming.

  This one goes really well with the mid sections of Northern Lights and Ice world, both at half speed.

  This is wonderful, thoughtful without being intrusive. Thank you for taking the time to learn to play the instrument for this, it is just so beautiful and fantasy-like. I have it with Drone Zone and H2O and drifting away down ancient mystical rivers.

  When I'm writing fiction, I get into the story so much more fully with a sound like this. It's mysterious and alluring. I can't wait to use more of them.

  It may come as a surprise to some, but this generator really does it for me when I need to focus and study. I tried many and none came as close as this one. The melody is subtle enough not to distract me, yet interesting enough not to bore me. My favourite setting is when I turn on slider animation and let it do its thing! :)

  This is so nice to listen to with Dark Water set on "paddling."

  This alone creates a rather calm, amazing experience. However, when combined with the Himalayan Chapel generator, it becomes absolutely transcendent.


  I love this soundscape so much! I also love pairing this with the Autumn feeling generators to make it feel like the pilgrim really is lost. This is by far my favorite one.

  Reminds me of the Professor Layton soundtracks. Nice for problem solving :)

  This soundscape has helped me find who I am, what I want to do, and recover lost memories that I thought I lost forever. I thank you, whoever made this soundscape, you helped pull my life back together, piece by piece, and just like the story for this, it's gonna be a long, haunting journey to happiness and non depresson but I'm willing to walk that road-DVJ

  Pro-tip from someone with ADHD — leave sliders at default levels, put animation on Deep and Slowest, and Tape Speed on x2. It's ethereal but energizing; steady enough to promote calm, sustained focus, while varied enough to prevent boredom or habituation. Definitely my favorite generator for getting work done!

  This setting in A# is la soothing balsam for my soul.

  It makes me tingle all over. So relaxing.

  I've tried many noises and patterns. None keeps me as steady and focused for such long periods. It just "keeps me walking".

  This is probably my favourite setting ever!!!

  This particular setting is so calming!

  I love this piece! I was having a bit of writer's block. I customized my mix and let it loop for about 30 min. I finished my document :) Thank you!

  Love Piligrim; it’s in my personality the best soundscape on myNoise yet.

  This is definitely my favourite sound on the whole website! (Or at least I find something even better, I’m still exploring, if that’s even possible!) Love it! ^_^

  This sound is beautiful! Even just the last slider alone is extremely calming! I particularly like putting the humming up at almost full and the rest fairly low. So beautiful!

  I use this (animation button turned on) together with Cave Water at work, like that I can get the best of both worlds at once: noise blocker, health care, meditation and music!

  My favorite on the whole site. Canon in Bb (A#) puts me right to sleep. I actually bought a steel tongue drum because of this track. I also became a monthly subscriber because of this track. Thank you for helping me sleep at night and concentrate during the day!!!

  The Pilgrim has helped me focus so much during quarantine and online school. Thank you so much!

  This, paired with Autumn walk, really lets your mind just wander... it's very curiosity-invoking, and especially when stuck at home, gives the feeling of an eternal pilgrimage.

  This up an octave (speed x2) + Pilgrim + Aeternitas and a matching isochronal tone (D#1 34.6hz on default settings). I'm so focused, like I feel like I have 5 thoughts per second but they're organized and perfect.

  I`m in love with this humming, it helps me to concentrate at work and stay focused.

  The Pilgrim just amazes me at how much it helps me focus on schoolwork. I am a student with ADHD and I get distracted easily, but when I turn these slider settings on, they totally put me in a calming focus state. Amazing!

  I love listening to this soundscape for walking, as background music at work, and for relaxing. It puts me in mind of the deserts in Arizona. Even better: my anxious rescue kitty curled up and fell asleep while we were listening to this, and that's really rare for him. Another beautiful offering from myNoise!

  Man, my misophonia trigger levels are sky high today. This is so soothing, thank you xx

  It’s beautiful, like you are watching a bonfire and the flames are walking around in your mind and warming your heart.

  just paired this with Duduk Song. Why is the best relief sometimes to feel some profound and unidentifiable sadness?

  My absolute favourite generator on this site. I have low frequency tinnitus and this soothes it considerably, especially when the humming is increased. It was also interested to read that the creator had to learn such a challenging instrument for our listening pleasure. Well it was absolutely worth the hard work - thank you so much. I feel another donation coming on...

  Beautiful. Just beautiful!

  When sped up 2x, this soundscape is absolutely ethereal. Ugh, it makes my heart hurt!

  Wonderfully calming, but easy to study to--doesn't put me to sleep like Dark Water or Japanese Garden. I like it with a heavy rhythm, bass line, delicate melody, and lots of humming. It makes my ears very happy!

  Loading this setting with my clockwork city noise generator makes me really feel like I'm roaming the streets of the Bras Fortress. I love it, it's perfect

  I compiled some suggestions from others and I think I've "cracked the code" to ultimate relaxation. Open up The Pilgrim, 88 Keys, and Distant Thunder. Set all of them to the middle, set animation mode to Deep, and have Slowest, Slowest, and Slow speeds respectively. Then, click animate, adjust the volume levels to taste, and relax :) It constantly changes and is fantastic to study to.

  I love this when I'm working on a story about a girl living in a floating spire.

  Setting this on animate and turning off the humming, mixed with Summer Rain preset on Distant Thunder gives you a very Minecraft-esqe back drop. Build your world.

  I basically have only the humming and the bass riff up in one tab, then open up Fire Noise in another tab and I'm basically in Bag End, listening to the Dwarves of Erebor. Pretty sweet.

  Big fan of this generator with Distant Thunder - as the storm settles in, so does my resolve to finish the journey I began, one step at a time. Step, step, drip, rumble..

  This is one of the generators that reminds me why I keep coming back to this site - it is exactly what I needed for inner peace and spiritual harmony. I like it with the summer rain setting from Distant Thunder. Another one that makes me feel the need to up my donation.

  This, with Duduk Song set to "Duduk Duet" and Distant Thunder set to "Summer Rain" has been beautiful.

  It's great in G# modus to play a duet with it on my japanese tonescaled tonguedrum.

  I've been listening to this generator for an entire week now and I still haven't grown tired of it. It's so soothing and just fits any moment. To dull out my surrounding, to focus, to relax. It has it all.

  What an amazing new generator. I love the sound of hang drums, so ethereal. This is a really calming and strengthening sound at the same time.

  The most melodic, calming and - at the same time - inspiring and overwhelming sound! Thank you So Much! Hang Drum plus Vocals is an amazing mix of the feel. Shivers, goosebumps and positive thoughts!

  This is just a great generator, finally could focus after these holiday hectic and finished some of the code I've started in early December.

  WOW, what an awesome new generator.

  Take this generator's Bass, Rhythm, and Varied Hits sliders and play them with the Water and Birds and the Grass Wind of "Meadow Land," plus the third Bowed slider of "Three Friends of Winter." The amalgam is something uncanny. I call it "The Steppe."

  It makes me feels timeless, really beautiful.

  Awesome together with Spring Walk!

  This with Aeternitas's Ohm settings and Northern Light's Magnetic Field setting is something magical, 10/10 recommend you try out.

  LOVE this one. Sounds great combined with "Chapel Voices".

  I tried setting it to half speed just to see what it was like, Sleepy and pensive, maybe a little foreboding. Almost hypnotizing.

  Currently running The Pilgrim with 88 Keys and Forest Life. Very calming and focusing. Thank you, Stphane!

  Look's like I have a new favorite!

  Just incredible! I swear this is better than any other sleeping aid.

  This is one of my favourite sliders! Combined with Rain On A Tent and with the root note set as A#, it almost sounds like a magical wind chime, and really helps me calm down and concentrate.

  This is often how the inside of my head feels/sounds! Different repeating patterns, but repeating at different times. Love the combination of musical instruments and humming. Can't wait to mix it in a stack.

  Reminds me a lot of Crystal Peak from Hollow Knight!

  This sounds even better when combined with Thunder & Rain!

  A very welcome and calming distraction while chats rage about YouTube being down.

  This soundscape sounds both reminiscent and unfamiliar at the same time, creating a calm but energising atmosphere! Thank you for all your hard work!

  Combine The Pilgrim with Cinematic East, Isochronic Tones, and Take It Easy percussion on x2 speed for an energizing mix!

  The moment I clicked on this, it became my new favorite. I don't always use the animate function, but it is perfectly suited for this soundscape. A gorgeous combination of sounds. Thank you!

  Another great addition to the site!

  This reminds me of some parts of the Journey game soundtrack, by Austin Wintory. So peaceful... I love it :)

  Quite ethereal. I'm finding The Pilgrim blends really well with Northern Lights and Desert Wind.

  Just personalized my own setting... Feeling the humming right inside my mind. Playing with the rythm and sounds in the background. Some journey! <3

  This is terrific combined with Gregorian Voices! And I'm so impressed with your dedication to the craft of creating these generators! Thank you.

  I'm not sure if there's such a thing as a Zen Clock, but if there is then this is what it sounds like, sure enough.

  Holy moly! Stock, it sounds like a track from Age of Empires. But like others have said, kick in the sliders and you get a truly dynamic soundscape that you can listen to for ages!

  I saw the 'Pilgrims' setting on Buddhist Ceremony and had to try it in combination with The Pilgrim (set on Canon with Voices). Unexpectedly beautiful; it's a natural for meditation.

  The best when using slider animation. Can listen for hours!

  Open up this, Thunder & Rain, and Isochronic Tones and you have a pretty focused noisescape that has the benefits of the anxiety killing thunder and plus the inspiring humming and drums. May need to turn down the tones so that they are just in the background though. Pilgrim is definitely a fav of mine.

  More like this, please!

  Just discovered "The Pilgrim" - so evocative. I have already wandered through towering medieval forests, over windswept plains between bare mountain ranges and drifted along mighty rivers- and the road goes ever on and on...

  This generator with the animation mode set to 'deep' combined with the Summer Night magic generator (or, presumably, any other generator with lots of cicadas) is probably the nicest and most relaxing thing I've ever heard; I love how this generator is not just the RAV drum but also includes humming - it's such a great organic touch.

  The Pilgrim + Lake Life = Takes me to memories of Algonquin Park at dusk. The subtle melody, the humming and the loons combine to make a beautiful chorus.

  Your story behind this generator made me make a donation. Thank you so much for all the hard work you do, to bring us these heavenly sounds!

  This is one of my new favorites. I pair it with "In the Sky" for a truly meditative and beautiful experience.

  The work you do to bring these generators to life is amazing. Learning an instrument is dedication itself, thank you!

  It's a wonderful generator you offer us here, another one! Thank you so much Stphane, I am a true fan. And to thought you had to learn how to play the RAV drum just to present this generator, it's so cool! Thank you :)

  This is the perfect soundscape for my morning meditation & yoga!

  In agreement another poster, this absolutely sounds Odinic. Gorgeous atmosphere of internal and external travel and discovery. As man walks through the landscape, he discovers not only a new world within, but one without.

  This makes me think of Odin, the archetypal wanderer and seeker of knowledge. Both a king with a kingdom, a wife, children - and yet, at the end, a solitary figure in the world. We all must make our own path as pilgrims on this Earth. The humming, patient and melancholy, the steady beat (like footsteps) - this generator is very Odinic.

  This is one of my favorite "new" soundscapes. I have combined it with a "natural noise" generator (like Irish Coast) to create the feeling of someone wandering a landscape...

  Thank you, thank you, thank you. When I am anxious, stressed or just too worked up, I find that one of the few things that calms me down is the soothing sound of hang drums (or related instruments like the RAV). This will be perfect for keeping me on track at work, calm at home and in a great frame of mind all day. Thanks for putting in the time and dedication to make this happen!

  This is so uplifting and cheering. You're very clever to produce something that contains such a repetitive motif, and yet it doesn't get tiring - there's so much going on. To me it is so evocative of a lost, probably never existed England - Glastonbury and Canterbury and even a nice version of English Folk Horror films! Thank you.

  I like it with Summer Walk. The drum sound is wonderful.

  "The creation of this generator required that I learn to play the RAV". GOD the fact that you learned an entire new instrument to meet the requests of visitors to your free website is exactly why I donate!! Thank you, this new soundscape is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!

  Love this one... The humming is cool. I would love a deep dwarven humming like in the Hobbit.

  "I am a wanderer and mountain-climber!" he said to his heart. "I love not the plains, and it seemeth I cannot long sit still. And whatever may still overtake me as fate and experiencea wandering will be therein, and a mountain-climbing: in the end one experienceth only oneself." (Nietzsche)

  I have been listening to this all day at work. It has completely distressed my frazzled brain. Thank you so much.

  Reminded all over again - my starred favorites are good, but always try out the new generators!

  I cannot get over how well this Humming complements the Yakutian Voices generator!

  These settings make me feel like I'm on a full-on pilgrimage.

  Great sounds and instruments mix in this generatorLove to know that this is your full creative and artistic composition. Well done, Stephane.

  This is such an amazing generator, it's already helping me to focus and I will use it for meditation as well. Thank you for your dedication to this website!

  A nice variety of sounds, across the range, with subtle humming. Good for those wanting a meditation with "pep".

  ← Whatever it is that is troubling your mind at the moment, click on that blue heart and forget it! <3