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Autumn Walk
Autumn, All Year Round


Thunder & RainWindy ForestAutumn BirdsMushroom PickerQuiet WindsSinging TreesSolitude Surprise!

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Refreshing Autumnal Winds

Following the pattern of our noise machines featuring walks through spring, summer and winter, here comes an autumnal stroll through a windy forest. This invigorating ambiance was recorded in the Geographic Arboretum of Tervuren, a Belgian botanical garden composed of trees from the temperate climate zone of the Northern Hemisphere.

Wind sounds are produced and moulded by the obstacles they meet. The Arboretum, on a breezy day, offers a fantastic opportunity to record diverse sounds. In a short walk, you can move from one type of forest to another, experiencing the wind as it whispers through different species of trees. To simulate this, try the Slider Animation feature.

Published by Stéphane on March 10th, 2017

User Stories

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  It's nearly October, but here in the desert where I live, it certainly doesn't feel like it (with 100+ degree weather). I've been listening to this generator nonstop for the past few weeks to get myself in the fall mood. It pairs especially well with "cozy autumn instrumentals" on Spotify. :)

  I just found this by accident, and I am so impressed. When I put this on to study, I really feel transformed into a different plane of existence, almost, where it is just pure brain flow. Thank you so much.

  Really helps with studying!

  A rainy autumn day met you as you stroll through the orange forest. As you hear the thunder and rain, you realize it may be best to turn back around and head home before getting drenched in water. As you walk away, you think about how pretty the wildlife is. But, while the outdoors has much to offer, you think of the sounds you'll be able to hear later on while you sip a warm drink.

  You are standing in a meadow overlooking a pine outcropping in the late months of autumn. Mist shrouds the trees ahead, only allowing you to see a few hundred yards away. Charcoal grey clouds blanket the sky comfortingly. As you stand, you close your eyes. Thunder rumbles ahead, signifying an oncoming storm. Rain falls onto the trees. You are completely alone and completely at peace.

  It feels just like walking through a forest on a perfect day. Thank you for making this.

  This is honestly an amazing background to instill a sense of impending doom OR pure calm on the listener. I always image a huntress walking anxiously (she's lost) through the woods, and just realizing how small she really is. Great story starter.

  I just found out about this, an I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know how many times I've flocked back to my phone, my pc, my tablet, just to play these sounds. It helped me through a time of great depression, and now I always use this if I'm studying, doing HW, or just chilling.

  This worked *WONDERS* trying to get my homework done.

  Well, where has *this* been all my life?

  The forest is hushed as a storm brews on the clouded horizon.

  I have been using myNoise for years to help me study, and get through rough depressive episodes. Autumn Walk, Distant Thunder, and any of the singing bowls are my go too to help my brain better process the massive amount of hours I spend staring at a screen and let my brain escape and relax into sound.

  All of these are great, they're really realistic and I literally feel like I am there, in the forest. It's SO realistic, amazing!!

  It helps me be calm and relaxed and helps me fall asleep.

  This one is something special and so calming. Probably my favorite on the site.

  Morning walk in an autumn forest.

  This sound is great for sleep.

  When I stumbled across this white noise site, it helped me so much whenever I wanted to escape the tight space of being inside. Listening to this made me feel like I was really outside.

  Most underrated website - and generator on this website ;) - by far!

  I find it almost 'magical' how well Dr. Pigeon can convey sounds electronically with/through his web site! I live near some woods with birdsongs, and wind rustling the branches. There are 3 brooks/creeks, with varying water flowing sounds. He has some settings which so very much resemble my real nearby world!

  I APPRECIATE the footsteps slider. Able to get the full "laying on the forest floor in a stream of sunlight, with no one around for miles" experience!

  It makes you distance yourself from the cruel world that we live in.

  I am so thankful that this exists! Without it, I wouldn't be able to on my homework! I love this site so much <3

  I love this place - as a creator of relaxation vids - these sounds are amazing.

  I used to live by a forest, were it always rained and the trees always creaked. This reminds me of those times.

  You're tired of village life, so you decide to run away for a bit to the nearby forest. You're so absorbed in your thoughts, you can't even hear yourself walking across dirt and leaves. You then realize that the steps you are taking are part of an endless, invisible path through the trees. All is calm, and all are welcome to take the path you are making.

  This is what heaven sounds like when you're trying to ignore the heatwave outside.

  Autumn walk? To me these settings sound like you're followed by a curious crow during an early spring walk through the park after some fresh snow had fallen the day before. Would sell my soul to go there, but as I'm not able to do that, I'll opt to study instead while this soundscape clears my head.

  I wrote a story set in a forest, I live in the city. Car noises are not the best for fantasy forests, but hey. This sound is!

  This is lovely! I have trouble working from home due to my ADHD, but Autumn Walk quiets my brain and allows me to feel much more calm and focused.

  This is great for when I'm trying to sleep! When this is paired w/ sleep music, it's perfect.

  I pair this with Levadas and I can focus for hours!

  Pair with Gregorian Chants, set slightly lower than this. It makes you feel like you can hear the voices of angels above.

  Feels like I'm walking in the rain through a forest.

  Best sounds/loops on the internet! Thank you so much!

  Sounds so nice, really feels like your walking on a sidewalk that's covered in leaves on a rainy day :)

  Really nice ambience and everything! I like the rustling of leaves and the rain against the trees, because those are my relaxing sounds. One of my favorite players on here!

  This paired with Thunder and Rain makes for a really amazing sound for almost everything I do. I recently had a self-care day for myself and this was playing the whole time just so relaxing. Also very good for studying, reading, etc.

  This little forest is so much better now that I live in a city! It reminds me of my woods home. Also it's great for my sick little me to settle with a little tea or some hot milk with honey and maple syrup ^^.

  That is my comfort sound for when I'm studying. Also I paired this with "88 Keys" and its even better.

  I've paired this mix with an audiobook of "The Hound of the Baskervilles'. A great fall listen!

  Man, this ambience is the perfect way to keep my ADHD brain from wandering. Thank you so much!

  Autumn is one of my favourite times of the year, when the trees turn as gold as the sunlight, and the weather cools to a comfortable temperature. This calms me when I sleep, particularly when combined with Levadas or Rain on a Tent - and the crows especially add depth and life to an otherwise silent room. Thank you, this helps a lot with my PTSD..

  The wind is cool and fresh, and smells of rain and decaying leaves. The sun still shines, but it's warmth is fading. Thunder rumbles in the distance, as raindrops patter against the leaves that still hang from the creaking trees, and birds chirp, a crow occasionally giving a raspy call.

  This sounds exactly like sitting in the middle of the forest, bundled up in several layers of coats/jackets, and listening to the wind sway the trees around you. Or maybe you explored too far and now you're lost...

  This is so nice! It really makes me feel like I'm in a forest, without having to worry about ticks. I used to use YouTube ambiances, but this is so much better! is my new go-to for ambient noises.

  When I listen to this with my headphones while reading a book, I totally forgot where am I. It makes me feel like I am at a wooden house in a forest and sitting on a chair which I can hear the sound of raindrops on the window glass.

  I've been using myNoise for many years now and I've found a lot of generators that I really enjoy, but I always come back to this one. It's perfect for studying and sleep for me because it lets the ADHD part of my brain wander in the forest while the part that's capable of executive function works! Love Autumn walk, Stéphane I consider you my closest friend even though we do not know each other.

  I love this website. I'm so overjoyed. I spend hours finding just the right sound to block my tinnitus. It's been such a relief and a blessing I can't tell you. Thank you, thank you thank you.

  So beautiful! I use this when I'm doing work, and boy, it has me hankering for rain! *sigh* I love the thunder, and the crows, oh my gods. The crows are a great touch! Reminds me of going pumpkin picking around Halloween!

  This combined with the fireplace sounds like a bushfire.

  These settings go PERFECT with some lo-fi! It's astonishing how real and lively the sounds are. This has to be my favorite choice out of all of them! <3

  Intermittent chirps and creaks, constant white noise, and the occasional roll of thunder come together to sound not only lovely and relaxing, but also end up being a perfect combination of noise to ignore the everyday disturbances surrounding a small suburban house.

  My two sisters and I used to go to this forest hiking trail all the time around the fall and omg this is exactly what it sounded like. Almost eerily serene...

  This setting is brilliant for my university studies! I do a lot of reading in a history degree, and so this is perfect for blocking out background noise but also not distracting me.

  On of the the best noises here. I love the sound of walking on the crunching leaves. It's amazing!

  This setting paired with The Pilgrim animated on deep mode at regular speed helps me concentrate so well right now. I like to listen to the sounds of the current season with some sort of melodic accompaniment and this is perfect for when I'm stuck inside at work with no windows. My imagination makes my own window from these sounds.

  This is a favorite of my middle school students. We live in a sub-tropical climate, so hearing the sounds of autumn is novel to them. It's incredibly peaceful and soothing to listen to. Try layering it with Rainy Riverbank for a soothing autumn walk next to a calming river.

  A low-hanging sun attempts to extend the warmth of summer, but is repeatedly obscured by thick clouds racing from the northwest, bringing cold winds that shake the last leaves stubbornly clinging to branches nearest the forest floor.

  I'm listening to this with the Over the Garden Wall soundtrack, for an extra layer of ambience. It worked amazingly, thank you so much!

  So comfortable. It makes me happy and it makes me smile. Love the heavy noise coupled with softer rain.

  Try editing it and combining with Arctic Wolves and Twin Black Lodges. Thank me later.

  Perfect to overcome writer’s block. Also helps me overcome my Astraphobia. :D

  I can't play music while writing music (for obvious reasons) but I find it so hard to concentrate without noise. This is some of my favourite white noise out there. Thanks myNoise!

  All the right noises for a peaceful night, or calming day.

  This sound is definitely one of my favourites! One of my favourite thing is the satisfaction of dry Autumn leaves crunching under foot, and this sound recreates it perfectly so I can enjoy the crunching all year round, rather than just Autumn! :D

  Chilly autumn day, a little gloomy and ominous; perfect for cuddling up with a warm mug of tea and a good book.

  Your walking through the woods on a cold Autumn afternoon. There is a slight breeze. You hear rain drops pitter-patter on the tree branches. You listen to the birds chirping and the leaves crunching under your feet.

  Beautiful and relaxing. Click the blue heart to hear the sound of peace and relaxation. Combined with 88 Keys, or even on its own, it really does help with writers block. I am so thankful for this noise! If I was working on a school project, or writing a story, this would be what I would listen to! It also drowns out my naughty little inner voice saying, "No, that's dumb to write about!" Tysm <3

  This is so beautiful when I'm writing and, in a house with a yapping dog and loud people, helps me focus.

  This is really good for overcoming writer's block, although I always went to write about autumn when I listen to it! ;-)

  I wrote a campaign that lead my player though a forest and this was the perfect soundscape!

  This, paired with The Pilgrim, really helps me focus on my embroidery and drawing. It make my feel like I'm lost in a forest and thoroughly enjoying it. Thank you myNoise! (^-^)

  This is so relaxing and beautiful! If I close my eyes, I am actually visualising myself taking a walk in a peaceful forest in autumn. It's by far my favourite for writing, studying and reading. Very relaxing and satisfying. I highly recommend it! <3

  This is one of my favorite nature sounds on this site. I've been overcome with anxiety these days, and my ADHD symptoms have been out of control. Pairing this with "May it Be" by Enya on repeat really calms me. Middle Earth vibes :)

  This with the Irish coast is what I use to study and it works great!

  I love this one! The creaking trees and footsteps are such satisfying sounds. I have ADHD and get bored easily but music distracts me from studying so there isn't much I can listen to to keep me focused while I study. I love myNoise because of the sheer number of very different sounds it has and the infinite number of ways you can change them to keep yourself entertained.

  A late evening stroll in the forest, with the wind blowing lightly causing the tree branches to creak, and there's a light rain falling on your jacket. There are flashes of lightning off in the distance, and the thunder is getting louder. You know you want to get home but you just can't take yourself away from the approaching storm. Should you wait it out or should you head back?

  This reminds me of Calgary, Canada, a place that I love and miss dearly. I could forget the crowded city of Shanghai, China while listening to this. Thank you!

  The perfect combination of blocking out the sounds of my noisy home, and enough variety that my mind stays focused on my studies! Thank you for this fantastic mix! <3

  I can practically feel the cool air on me, ahhh.

  This just gave me a powerful feeling of nostalgia from my early childhood, when I was living in the countryside. Thank you.

  It is simply wonderful that this website exists. It's the only thing that allows real focus when you need it most. The versatility of noises and the new additions never cease to amaze.

  I have ADHD and this really helped me.

  I love that you can adjust the different sounds to your own taste, and I love the variety this website has! There are so many options, so many moods, it's wonderful. I have only listened to a few, but I am excited to experiment with new ones. Thank you. :)

  I am a writer, and I need that for focusing and relaxing. Thank you for helping me!

  I have a difficult homework that needs inspiration and with that noise I was able to finish it, thanks a lot!

  This is my relaxing favorite.

  The wind and rain begins to pick up on your morning walk through the woods, so you stop to take shelter under a large tree. The only compelling reason for you to leave is to make yourself a nice, hot cup of tea at home but you know that there's no rush so until then, you enjoy the moment with the crows.

  I used this for studying for most of my tests, and for writing essays. So far it’s worked!

  Listening to this while reading is excellent! I feel heavily focused. Highly recommend for anyone who is easily bored. The loud crow cawing breaks up the sound enough to keep you focused.

  While writing a five-page essay due in four hours, I combined this with Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" so that I had the terrifying feeling of being slowly chased in a calm autumn forest with cool background music. I finished my essay in two hours and got an A on it. Highly recommended.

  I suffer from an anxiety disorder which makes it very difficult to fall asleep. This is perfect for distracting me from the thoughts rushing around my head by helping me focus my mind on imagining this beautiful forest.

  Really loved being able to customize everything so that it sounded like a nice walk through a forest with an oncoming storm. I could almost visualize the place and it provided a suitably autumn-like atmosphere!

  The rustling of the leaves, wind through the trees, and footsteps over fallen leaves; this definitely a sense of nostalgia for me; the birds and rain just add that feeling of definitely changing time of the year for me.

  This setting is extremely comforting to me! It make me think of taking nice long walks in the woods or hiking like I used to when I was younger.

  This really helped me calm down and stay calm - my A-level results come out tomorrow (they will determine if i can go to uni or not) and I'm very anxious about them. the birds and the rain and the wind made me feel like I was far away and helped me get some perspective.

  I've used this website for years and Autumn Walk ranks right up there as one of the best! I can't be out in the heat and/or direct sunlight so this gets me through summer until my beloved Autumn returns.

  I set this to fit my preferences, so this could be subjective, but this really helped me focus on my studies as well as made me feel like I'm really in the season of Autumn, but I currently live in a tropical country, so, there's that. Hope this helps!

  Just perfectly tuned mine to block out the summer heat when doing bibliography ! <3

  This is my go to when studying chemistry! Feels like I'm on a walk in some other land. We don't get autumn in my country, so thanks!

  This one is the best for me, because it actualy calms me down. There is almost no thunder or crows and footsteps are turned off.

  This one is quite nice, albeit a bit creepy.

  Very calming, just the wind and the birds.

  This really helped my writing a lot. Not sure what else to say but I recommend.

  This is the perfect thing for when I'm working in the office and get the sudden urge to be out in the forest, laying on a ground of damp leaves and listening to the autumnal life all around me.

  I have listened to this generator so many times. It is my go-to generator if I have a lot to get done and need to concentrate. I set it so there are no footsteps, animated, and a beautiful storm in the forest and I am immediately transported to another world. Love it.

  I discovered this site just yesterday and I can surely say that this is the best discover of the year for me. This year I'll be moving to Australia alone, and the sound of winds with no footsteps, the rain and thunders along with the crows makes me feel I'm home in the mountains where I live in Brazil. I'm happy will be able to use this set when I feel homesick :) (with the Sleeping Dragon also)

  Silence almost all the birds, and enjoy a moderate shower as the rain showers your head and wets the leaves beneath your feet. It is peaceful here, if the slightest bit chilly!

  This combined with Pebble Beach on Speech Blocker mode is simply heaven and blocks out the contractor team whom are set up nearby my desk constantly having discussions (curse of the open office). Autumn Walk pairs up most brilliantly with Irish Coast as well, reminds me of walking through pine forests at Curonian Spit in Lithuania.

  This is so peaceful and comforting! I absolutely love it. (also perfect for my campaigns)

  This one is excellent! I especially love the footfalls and the creaking of the trees.

  This reminds me of walking home through the forest before a storm fully hits <3 It makes me feel safe and calm.

  This is my absolute favorite here. We have no proper autumn where I live and certainly no sounds of crows, or the way the wind sounds as it rustles the leaves on trees in an autumn wood. I listen to this all autumn and into winter~ It perfectly captures autumn in woodland when I lived in England. This helps to ease the yearning. I am transported in an instant back to much missed days.

  My... that "Mushroom picker" setting when I hear those rough steps making their way through the scattered leaves I feel what can genuinely be described as a massage to my grey matter (inside my brain)... XD... Ever heard of that one before??? WOW... the blissful feeling! The stress buster... And the instant energy impulse!

  Listening to this with a cool breeze coming through the window makes it fall any time of year. Very atmospheric and relaxing. Love that thunder. Thank you for all the effort you put into these generators; they really are excellent.

  I was able to recreate my favorite time of year- when the storm clouds threaten while you're walking in the woods. Sometimes it's you and your footsteps, sometimes the wind rustles the dead leaves. So much home!

  The best rain sound on the site, IMHO.

  This is so peaceful and soothing.

  Blowing wind, rustling leaves, and creaking trees, and I can feel the crisp fall air on my skin and see the colorful leaves and bare tree limbs. Add in the Fire Noise on a high-bass, rumbly setting and I'm in a cabin in the woods, warm and cozy in front of a roaring fire. Thank you for this website, Dr. Pigeon!

  Turn the footsteps slider to zero and it sounds like you're reclining on a rock in a hill top grove. I have a particular place in mind found in the Finger Lakes area of NY.

  This is a very nice generator, thank you so much! I was with my dog, and she seemed a bit bored so I turned this on, and at the sound of a crow, she was looking around, probably wondering where the sounds where coming from. It was so cute! Not only did it keep her entertained, but it helped fill the silence of the house.

  Autumn has always been one of my favorite seasons. I loved the smells of fresh leaves and the oddly crisp air, the chilly breeze slightly disturbing the warm sun. Only now do I realize how beautiful the sounds of autumn are too! This really helps me focus, and its great to listen to while reading or drawing. So glad I discovered this generator!

  Walking on autumn leaves on a quiet October afternoon.

  This makes me feel like a windy mid-Autumn stroll and Halloween is only a few days away.

  I have this on with Saharan Caravan, Rain on a Tent, and Thunder & Rain. It helps me sleep. It kind of feels like I'm traveling during a storm and I'm barely kept dry by a canvas roof.

  When I need to calm down or focus, this really helps. Its very calming, and it reminds me of where I want to be.

  I use this soundtrack a lot to write to. It calms me down.

  When I combine "Railroads" with "Autumn Walk," it sounds so much like the walks I take with my dog in the rural park near us. There's a freight rail that passes nearby and with the birds, the crunchy leaves... it makes me feel so good. The only thing I have to add is the sound of my dog!

  I started coming here when I was diagnosed with incurable lung cancer, penultimate phase. It took me back to quiet walks in the beech woods and helped clear my head and calm me. It was a huge help. Now that they have redefined 'incurable' to include 'non-existent' I still use this particular sound set to relax. But now it also reminds me to make the most of the world in the (hopefully) years ahead.

  This is absolutely perfect. It helps me overcome writer's block, especially when the characters are surrounded in this kind of environment. It's almost like being there, seeing what they see, hear, feel, and smell as they do.

  This is my favorite :) I come in to work with my coffee and pretend I'm sitting on the porch of a quaint log cabin tucked into a hillside in the peak of Autumn, sipping the morning away. It's a great escape! Helps me focus too. Can't thank you enough for this precious gift!

  I live in a house with a family with two toddlers who love to play and scream and laugh, which is great, until I have to study or do work! But this player is the perfect balance of background noise and noise-blocker, and it helps me calm down and focus on the work I need to do. It encourages my concentration, as well. All-around favorite!!

  I've been using myNoise for a few years now, especially whenever I'm working on my novel. The different scenes let me surround myself with exactly the right atmosphere, and they help to completely immerse me in the world I am trying to share with my audience. I'm particularly in love with Autumn Walk whenever I'm sitting in my office, just for a peaceful vibe to get me through the day.

  I love to listen to this relaxing setting! It makes me feel like I'm in an enchanted, elven forest.

  It is just amazing, the best noise while working :DThank you very much.

  I love this generator and especially this setting! It's perfectly calming and I love to listen to it. Thank you for creating it!

  Great to listen to while writing or reading, especially if the story is in the country side during Autumn or early winter as it can really help put you into the stories. Kudos to the person/people who went through all the effort to record all of this!

  Helps calm me down after a long day, reminds me of Autumn back when I was kid in my hometown. A nice and comfy gem for unwinding yourself.

  I can't help but let my imagination run wild when listening to this, perhaps a quaint medieval village in autumn harvest or being somewhere in European countryside on holiday. Hopefully can get to experience in real life, but until then this gem can continue captivating my mind.

  I love, love Autumn Walk! The crunching of the leaves is such a slight, but perfect touch to this new addition! I listen to this at night, and helps me fall asleep so quickly. Thank you so much for all the hard work you do! :)

  I love Autumn Walk! I moved to the east coast for college, but I have missed my home walks in the woods of Wisconsin. Now I can sit in the library on the darkest of days and listen to the wind, birdsong, and crunching footsteps through the leaves. Thank you for this beautiful soundscape!

  My name is Rory Bennett and I am a composer. This site has really helped me to compose my music. I love this inspiration.

  This is awesome. This can help me focus, and it gives me tranquility.

  This is my to go place whenever I write and paint, and Autumn Walk has quickly become my favourite atmosphere. The rustling leaves, the crows in the distance, the peaceful walk through the woods... it truly feels like Home. Thank you <3

  What amazes me about this site is that every time Stphane creates a new generator, there can be 10 other generators on the site that are SO close in terms of subject matter (e.g., nature, trees, wind, rain, etc.) and yet the new generator still feels TOTALLY unique. This one is so calming.

  Forest sounds without the birds.

  I just love to put this on and imagine myself walking through the forests on a rain day, listening to the birds and being free.

  While it is definitely getting into the Autumn season here, having this generator really intensifies the seasonal feeling. Best part about it is the fact I've always loved Autumn, from it's intense and vibrant colours that remind you of Summer to it's almost Winter atmospheric feel, a perfect blend of both seasons as it moves from one to the other.

  I like to mute the footsteps and imagine I'm sitting in the forest on a crisp fall day. It brings to mind a slight chill on the nose and the sweet smell of autumn leaves in the air.

  Yet again, quality, creativity and beauty! There is nothing like this site out there, truly.

  Truly an instant favorite. Tuning this was especially difficult because I simply love the sounds in every single slider! In the end I found myself cranking up the trees and the thunder for a comfortable spooky feel.

  We found a nice path off the main road and trekked down until we found a hushed brook, we followed it through wisps of fog, and I felt I was teetering on the edge of complete serenity for the first time ever. The downpours patter, the birds over head, the sepia, all made me feel like breaking down and crying when Tess asked me what was wrong. I lightly choked and then replied, "for once, nothing."

  It's like walking into the Unknown.

  Every time I think I've found the perfect myNoise generator, a new one comes along and blows me away. I've wanted an Autumn Walk ever since I first discovered the site. Thank you!

  Gorgeous! I love rain and thunder so much =D

  The footsteps and rustling leaves, along with the crows, might remind you of Halloween. No clue if it will for you.

  I love autumn and walking through leaf-strewn forests with trees bowing to the wind, and I wanted some autumnal ambience to accompany throughout the other seasons for a really long time, so you accidentally fulfilled a great wish of mine!