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Summer Night Thunder
Background Sound Generator


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Audio Time-Lapse

This soundscape was recorded in Beaujolais, France, during my family holidays in 2019. We were staying in an isolated bed-and-breakfast place, lost in the vineyards. It was late afternoon when I heard the thunder coming, under an overcast sky. I searched for a cache among the vine stocks where my recording equipment would stay dry, and I left it running all night. The sounds evolved from a distant thunder to something closer, alternating with rain and chirping insects when the rain stopped.

To faithfully recreate the ambience, sliders have been configured as an audio time-lapse, each of them being associated with a different hour of the night. To hear the exact sound progression that night, reveal sliders individually from left to right. You can mix multiple sliders to create a thunderstorm with the sonic density of your choice. Headphones are highly recommended, to enjoy the superb stereo imaging.

Published by Stéphane on December 12th, 2019

User Stories

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  I've been using the Temple Bells for a few months and decided it was way overdue to contribute to this fantastic enterprise. I love the storm sounds with a "trained" ear as I have an advanced degree in Meteorology and actually served as the President of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) in 2011-2012. THANK YOU for this amazing resource!

  It's mine which I set for sleep on 12:25 am.

  It helps me when I do work at home, and it helps me focus when I am playing video games, it is really amazing!

  Hundreds of great sleeps I owe to this soundscape, you are a hero!

  After using the site for nearly a year, I decided to support such an amazing creator. I can't tell you how much this helps me each and every day. Thank you for your amazing and beautiful collection of work!

  This is my favorite one. Still after 3+ years!

  I find that my custom noises makes me feel relaxed and helps me concentrate on my work. I mainly use it for revising as it helps me block out the other noises around me and focus on my work.

  It feels very calm and peaceful.

  it felts like home.

  Definitely one of my favourite generators :) I use this most nights to cover up my fan and other people's snoring and it really helps me fall (and stay) asleep! Also works great with the cars and birds from the suburban generator

  I love storms. I've loved them since I was young. I used to be terrified of storms, and then I became fascinated with them. This noise-gen is exceptionally well-recorded, and if you love the sound of thunder, I guarantee you'll love this too. It's incredibly atmospheric and convincing.

  I live in California, where it hardly ever rains, no exaggeration; this is fantastic! So every so often, I give a $5 pledge instead of buying a cup of coffee, and I hope you will too.

  I love deep sounds, like really deep thunder, but no machine or sound has it the way I enjoy. With the sliders I was able to make it perfect! I love this website for studying, sleeping, and focusing.

  This is a masterpiece. I almost wept when I heard this one. Beautiful! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

  This generator carried me all through university and through my job. Helps me to concentrate in the office. It's so good, I usually forget that it's not raining outside.

  I love it. It relaxes me and helps me focus.

  This is my go-to setting for when I play this as I play music from Halo 3: ODST. It makes me feel like I'm actually in New Mombasa in the middle of a thunderstorm! This generator really gives me ODST vibes and I love it! Stay amazing!

  I'm absolutely obsessed with this! Perfect to accompany music-whether you want lonely/sad vibes or comfortable isolation, the thunder feels real and the site is interesting and easy to learn to use.

  This sound is nice and relaxing to hear while going school. It just makes my day when all is light. Brings back the nice feelings!

  This plus the 60Hz white noise generator is doing wonders for blocking out the construction sounds at my workplace! The jackhammer sound just becomes part of the background rumbling.

  I love this. It keeps me nostalgic,relaxed and focused. Thank you for this generator <3

  I pair Rain and thunder with 88 Keys and place my speaker next to a window at nights. The sounds transform the ambiance of the room and it helps me to focus on my thoughts and write. Because the rain is so well done I can't even notice that the sound is coming out of speakers, not the outside.

  This generator is so great for studying! I always pair it with some soft music and then it's so relaxing and helps me focus. Thanks myNoise!

  Pure (audio) beauty! A deep, comforting space - like a composed piece of music! Thank you!

  This is sooooo relaxing! After about half an hour (or however long you need) of this setting turn down the thunder a little and the only rain up... So good! ;)

  I'm instantly transported to a world where your surroundings can be changed instantly, here, power is at your fingertips. I love this.

  This helps me study. Thank you!

  Thank you for creating this noise generator. I am affected by mood swings and sometimes the feeling of anxiety and depression was so overwhelming that I couldn’t work. The sounds of rain and thunder calmed me down and helped me focus.

  I think I found the perfect configuration to simulate a deep, stormy night. I throw this on in the background whilst I work, and I find my concentration improves twofold. This is truly wonderful audio capturing.

  This is beautiful. I love it.

  I love playing jazz music when it's rainy outside. Now that there is no rain, this setting makes it perfect to simulate that feeling in my mind.

  Adding this to Distant Prayers of Gregorian Chants - is the ultimate concentration sounds for me.

  My favourite one with the thunder sound slightly louder.

  This makes me so calm and relaxed!

  This has been one of the best sites ever for me. I need this to relax in a world of inconsiderate neighbours who are horrible pet owners and allow their animals to disturb the peace of others with constant barking. Dealing with the death of my mom and Covid-19 and many other factors like not being able to get rest all piled up on me. You saved my life literally. Thank you!

  I've always liked the sound of rain and it's really good for relaxing, especially with the occasional thunder to make you really want to stay comfy inside. This is one myNoise that I can listen to for weeks without ever getting tired of it.

  For hot dry days when the grass is turning yellow and you stay in front of the fan all day.

  I am often not able to fall asleep, and often wake during the night, feeling unsettled. I've always found thunderstorms beautiful and comforting, so I decided to try letting yours play over my speakers (for proper sound) one night, and it helped me sleep properly. I use it every night now.

  I've been listening to this as I write my novel for Camp NaNoWriMo 2020, and so far I've found it to be wonderfully helpful. It's really help me feel like I'm right there with my characters and get into their head space. I play this while I write with my themed playlist for this novel quietly in the background and it's just the perfect atmosphere for me to right this book in!

  This goes wonderful with some lo-fi, especially when you have a lot on your mind.

  When you love the rain but you live in the middle east country that barely has any.

  This is very soothing. I have been using myNoise for more than a year. Helps me study for long hours and with my tinnitus too.

  This moved me to tears. I have very precious memories of childhood summer holidays with my grandparents in rural France. Thank you for taking me back there again.

  I overall love myNoise! It's free and it's calming. I like using it while I'm studing! It helps me focus and makes studing more fun.

  Gorgeous. Helps me fall asleep after a long day.

  I really enjoy the mix of wildlife and thunder I can create. The thunder is really soothing!

  I love it. Great crickets.

  Mom would get us kids out of bed when a storm approached at night so we could listen/watch the wonder and beauty of the storm with a cup of cocoa. I feel energized, relaxed & very happy hearing these sounds of our Earth, grateful that they have not changed. I feel her own forces will prevail over our ignorances, and life will endure.

  This helps me fall asleep, and also deal with anxiety. It's bliss.

  This is my favorite generator by far. When I was a kid I would sit on the porch with my dad and grandma and listen to the storm come in. The thunder in this generator is perfect.

  Good for falling asleep

  Absolutely wonderful! Great rumbling thunder and sharp cracks. I created animation to help simulate the approaching thunder, the rain w/ thunder, and the thunder leaving.

  In conjunction with some other sounds, this one has helped me a lot with my tinnitus, lately. It's one of the best to mask it. It was a very nice addition.

  Feels like I'm sitting under my tree in the front yard at 11 am right before a heavy storm, so calming.

  Been studying to this for literally hours now.. It just gives me so much focus and helps me not stray away from what I am supposed to do. It relaxed me a bunch as well, and the best part is, that I don't really notice the sound until I take off my headphones! It just becomes a natural noise of the environment I am in!

  Absolute perfection, as usual. Thanks for taking me to France. Have not been there since 1998.

  My fave rain/thunder noise so far!

  For ambient sound I always look for approaching storms... This so far is my favorite.

  This is perfect for cold winter nights! Listening to the thunder with the sounds of crickets and such makes me imagine it really is a nice, warm summer night.

  This is the sound my ears have been wanting for a long time! Beautiful deep chest-rumbling thunder and sharp, near cracks that manage to not be ear-shattering. The sound of rain hitting the ground and leaves is gorgeous, and there's the perfect amount of insect and animal noise to really immerse you in the environment. A wonderful soundscape, thank you so much!

  This is an immediate favorite: I came from Lyon, and spent many years spending my weekends in the "Monts du Beaujolais" for hikes, and even sometimes camping in the forest. This generator brought me years back in time.