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Voltage Bytes
Sampled Analog Sequences
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Animation Parameters

mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range Set→[ LowHigh ]←Set

Tape Speed Control

G #A #BC #D #EF #
Speed ÷2Speed x2Reset

iEQ • Calibration


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Keyboard Shortcuts

Visualizer • White • PiNk • Brown • J↓↑KHelp

Sampled Analog

In composing this electronic music generator, my primary tool was the iconic Roland Juno-6 synthesizer. Instead of composing straight from the keyboard, I took a different approach. I designed and recorded a variety of short sounds, which I then used as digital samples to construct the sequences you're hearing. This method resulted in a fusion of classic synthesizer tones and modern recording techniques, giving the composition a distinct, contemporary edge.

With a donation of 30 or more to the myNoise project, you can enjoy all the sound samples I've captured from my vintage Juno-6. If your account is eligible, these samples will be available in the 'Gifts for you' section under your control panel. The collection is vast, with over 100 samples such as kicks, hats, noises, synths, and various synthetic percussions. They are all in 44.1kHz/16-bit .wav format and their total size is 12 MB. Enjoy!
Published by Stéphane on April 29th, 2024

User Stories

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  I nearly cried when I heard this page. This feels like the exact ADHD noise (not just the preset, all of it) with all of the shuffling and rhythms and constant blipping and moving in and out. A distillation of the types of noise and music I love the most, but without knowing why. Thank you.

  Really cool sound generator. I enjoy this, especially being in a mental facility, and this has helped me a lot.

  If you set the tape speed control (donation feature) to f# it almost sounds like Terraria. I love all of the sound generators on here, especially when I need to focus.

  Yes! After Take It Easy, we get this delicious chillout/focus gem. Amazing! I use this to calm my mind from the fear of the blank page. Just get into it, get the work done... or take a nap. Either works :)

  Funky and energetic yet soothing. I LOVE Stephane's creativity. But only a few generators fit the parameters my highly distractable brain requires to settle down and do good deep work. White Rain (speech blocker) plus Take it Easy is my default but this one is working the same magic! I am SO grateful. I love my job, but it's cognitively demanding. I don't think I could sustain it without myNoise.

  My custom noise really helped me and calmed me down when I needed.

  My mind loves the soothing pad while my head automaticlly moves to the rythm ;}

  These rhythms keep my brain focused, which makes it good study noise and background ambiance. It's kind of like a gentle electronic rainstorm with headphones on. Try turning on the visualizer with V for an even cooler experience!

  If you pair this with server centers, it makes you feel like you are on a sneaky late-night hacking mission in some big-shot jerk's company server room. Seize the leverage, baby!

  Bleep bloop bloink I love this noise so much. It helps me when I need to focus on my computer science work and makes me feel like I'm in a fun and calm cyberpunk video game! Thanks for the sounds.

  The feeling of these blips and pulses is like a gentle rain on my brain and so relaxing.

  This is a propellant, aurally-interesting beat to have going under my work. Keeps my brain active without distracting from what I need to accomplish!