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Procedural Generative Soundscape


Distant ShoreNaturally SyntheticAlien SafariQuiet NightNight Chorus Surprise!

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Nature, resynthesized.

YouTube recommendations can be quite surprising! Recently, I stumbled upon a video titled How To Sound Design Ecosystems. It's concept struck me as brilliant: replicating the sounds of natural ecosystems through synthesized sounds! As a field recordist for myNoise, I regularly capture the beauty of natural environments. As a sound designer, I have a passion for creating electronic soundscapes using plethora of synthesizers. However, I never thought of bridging both like Amfi Volia did, recreating the sounds of complete ecosystem through synthesis. I do have captured nature sounds that do sound as they were synthesized though, like these.

Amfi Volia, the creator of the video, is a young talented sound designer and musician. The care for details put in his work is impressive. So, instead of trying to recreate what he did, I contacted him to see if we could make a myNoise generator based on his work, and he kindly agreed!

Here we are, with the myNoise version of Amfi Volia's Biota, the alien rainforest. Compared to the original, this version has a slightly wider frequency range, both low and high, and includes a couple of new sounds, like the equivalent of a frog chorus, named croakos in our imaginary world.

If you struggle with high-pitched tinnitus, you might find these synthetic sounds particularly helpful. They can mask the sound of tinnitus more effectively than natural soundscapes. The reason is that tinnitus often has a somewhat synthetic quality, which blend in nicely. Try listening to this soundscape a low level: while it might not completely mask your tinnitus, pretend it to be charming enhancement to your auditory experience. Picture a whimsical little creature, the "tinnitrix," singing alongside its friends—the crokaos, scritters, and zirds. You can discover all of these delightful sounds and imaginary creatures through the slider names!

Big thanks to Amfi Volia for the inspiration, and the hard work that went into producing the original audio material that served to create this generator.

Published by Stéphane on October 30th, 2024

User Stories

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  Reminds me of a prehistoric jungle! Filled with the clicks and groans of dinosaurs and the croaks of ancient amphibians. The leaves of extinct trees softly blowing in the wind. There is danger in the air, but here you are safe.

  I was watching Amfi Volia's video on water synthesis and thought to myself, why don't I make something EXACTLY like you have here and then I stumbled upon this. Xenobiota is one of my all-time favorite finds on the internet.

  Xenobiota Quiet Night and Night Chorus are by far the best soundscapes I've come across for masking my tinnitus, even without headphones. I'm able to read and focus in an otherwise quiet room without the blaring hiss that normally plagues me. Not to mention that I LOVE the sounds of this imaginary rainforest. Thank you for the work that you do!

  I have been listening to this nonstop for the past week or so, and I fell in love with it. It inspired me to finally work on my speculative evolution project again. It accompanied me while I played video games, did homework, and talked with friends - this truly is a work of art.

  Amfi Volia's water video brought me here. I touched a few sliders, had goosebumps and tears in my eyes. This feels absolutely magnificent. It's been a week since I started to suffer from tinnitus, and this just soothes me like nothing else. Hairdryer sounds, White Noise are my go-to, but this just made the list. Thank you for your amazing work; it touches the soul. Dear nature, synths, and humans.

  Sounds even cooler with the new wide sound - very immersive.

  I like the Alien Frogs :)

  Shoutout to Amfivolia.

  Wow, this is great! There is something so eerie, yet calming about this one. I feel like I am camping under the stars on an alien planet like in Avatar!

  It reminds me of the game Rain World! I can perfectly imagine stuff like this being used in the game! So cool!

  Oh, my - this is just lovely! Calming and soothing, with a this-is-not-quite-natural feel. Love it!

  Stéphane, you hit it out of the park/extraterrestrial biome with this! You can truly experience an entire alien rainforest world by varying the sliders.

  When I first turned this on, I found it as alien as you might imagine. Very relaxing though! I still think it needs a very low bassy call, something like an elk call to tie it all together, but very impressive!

  I love heavy bass sounds; I find it very relaxing and helps me sleep. I'm forever checking out the bass sounds whenever I find a new soundscape on myNoise. I think I'll try this one for sleeping tonight!

  I loaded this one up originally just out of curiosity and found myself thinking about twenty minutes later that I could barely hear my tinnitus. This is possibly the best masker for my particular ear noises that I've found yet. Thank you!

  Xenobiota, slower tape speed control. Animated Primeval Forest, slower tape speed control. Animated Dungeon RPG, slower tape speed control. Animated I'm in a strange, prehistoric, out of this world landscape. Nothing human lies here. The old fears are lurking around and inside me. Odd animals are growling. Birds are singing a distorted song. Something is creeping near me. On me? Primal fear...

  Wonderful concept and execution: I've been listening almost exclusively to this soundscape since its release! The skritters sounds were admittedly a bit grating to my hearing, so I'll pretend some willing croakos helpfully chomped on those skritters when I turned the relevant slider down... :)

  Wow! 'Quiet Night' is an excellent work! Хорошая работа, as we say in Russia! Welcome from Saint Petersburg!

  I love this! It somehow manages to be weirdly soothing while also sounding like a prehistoric landscape. Is that a rumbling dinosaur call I hear off in the distance? Enjoying it with Tin Roof Rain for the full explorer-in-an-impossible-jungle experience!

  Some of the other tinnitus relief soundscapes I've tried have been too grating to sleep with, but WOW is this one perfect! I'm falling in love with the sound of those synthesized crickets - high-pitched but gentle and pleasant at the same time.

  Incredible work! I was very much looking forward to this one!

  Somehow "machined nature" generators like Unreal Ocean or Unreal Wind often fit me better than the real thing because it usually worsens my tinnitus. In this generator, I feel a pleasant steady flow, and although tinnitus gets louder, it also changes into a flat tone, which is a good thing. I especially love the Neblow and Sub Safari sliders for relaxation. My newest favorite!

  I'm liking these frogs. I might hang out here for a while.

  I've rarely met an artist who constantly keeps coming up with new ideas and refreshed creativity like you do. This beautiful soundscape simply proves it once more.