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Take It Easy
Motivational Electronic Sequences


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mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range Set→[ LowHigh ]←Set

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G #A #BC #D #EF #
Speed ÷2Speed x2Reset

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Softroom Studio Sequencer Therapy

He was slow to pull the trigger, but he finally did! Introducing my friend Paul Nagle, a leading figure in the UK electronic music scene. Paul and I first met in 2003 when he helped me programming the V-Synth, at the time I worked for Roland Corporation Japan. Paul's lifestyle might be a source of inspiration for all of us: his ritual morning walks with Jasper, his dog, his admiration for the simple creatures, like the frogs in his pond, or his pet rabbit Bob. Everyone should spend time with a free-range rabbit! Follow Paul's activity on Twitter.

Paul has, over the years, released many new age, chill-out and electronic albums. Paul's sequences are one of a kind, almost living fractal entities, forever repeating, but never quite the same. How they interleave with each other is fascinating. Animation set to moderate speed on this sound generator will reveal them to you in the most interesting ways.

Paul writes: These tracks arose as a form of 'sequencer therapy' in which the many parts of my 'Softroom' studio are synchronised. The patterns often run for many hours even while I'm doing something else. Audible through the whole house — I have an understanding wife — they begin to fade into the subconsciousness as they loop, allowing me to concentrate on other things: writing, household chores or playing other synthesizers that might later join the throng. It's like having an ambient robot orchestra engaged in an evolving ritual. Periodically I return to the raw notes, perhaps to change a single pitch, remove a note, add an element of probability, introduce a new loop or impose a rule-based pattern to spawn further variations. The sequences never truly end, are never considered complete or final. I should add a note of thanks to Colin Fraser at Sequentix who listened and began incorporating my ideas into their sequencers, machines I'd be lost without.

Paul Nagle is also a writer. His novels are available on Amazon Kindle.

Published by Stéphane on February 29th, 2016

User Stories

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  This is so awesome, calming, and mind-focusing! I use this track and in another tab play "Mermaids Calling." The epicness of this soundtrack and the quiet singing in "Mermaids Calling" make a perfect backdrop to block out all noise. Don't stop making these; I couldn't live without them!

  If there was a Nobel Prize for sound engineering and commitment to bringing the best noise to the world, then I believe Dr. Ir. S. Pigeon would AND should win that Nobel Prize. My dear Doctor, you are a total superstar!

  I usually listen to ambient tracks and background music on YouTube, however I've been coming here much more frequently for the free flowing, gorgeously styled and uninterrupted ambient and musical tracks that this site provides. I feel so happy knowing that when I'm in the midst of a deep focus, no blaring ads will interrupt me and take me out of it-- and of course, the quality is just astounding!

  I think I might die if myNoise shut down. Living without it is simply impossible, and I pity all those who have not yet discovered this therapeutic, useful, calming, and incredibly distracting website. :) THANK YOU!

  Wonderful. ;)

  OK Stéphane, you have a sense of mischievous humour! Presets 8 options, Animation Parameters 16+ options, Tape Speed Control. Lots more. Are you teasing ADHD people like me? Don't you know we will go through every variety of every option, and it will take at least 3 days... Then we will forget what we want as preferences... And of course, doing all this will help us focus :) xx Aargh !! :) :)

  WoW !! Calibration... !! What a *huge * difference calibration makes... :) Yay x

  I just found this app. By chance looking for some music to play in the background while I crocheted... And it's the bomb! It has so many wonder choices for all types of moods you face throughout the day. I can't wait to recommend it to my friends and family members. Trust me when I say it's "The Bomb"!

  This one is great for those days when I need a little push to get a challenging task done (with ADHD, the barrier to action can be great). It's motivating, and helps to get the problem-solving gears in my head moving.

  I've been having a hard time concentrating on learning to code while at work and having this playing in the background has become essential to help me focus even a little bit. Like others, it seems I've conditioned myself to only be able to concentrate when this is playing. Thank you for making my learning process more bearable.

  I've tried several and I keep coming back to this again and again. I'm 65 with ADHD and this really works for me. I can focus and concentrate so much better and get work done so much faster. I'm amazed how much I can get done when I'm listening to this. It's like time stands still. Love it.

  I am working on a really brain-wrecking paper, and like a Pavlovian dog, I am dependent on this playing in the background. I think I'll need to credit as a contributor to my paper for the work it's doing. Nothing else I tried works as well. White noise gets too boring, music I like is too interesting, silence is too distracting. But this tells my brain, "focus, but also relax."

  Very great sound that helps me focussing on the task at hand without loosing me in the imagination of real landscapes. Able to finish tasks with way more ease using it! Name and background image a bit too much NSFW in my case, I find myself hiding it when I am at the office or sharing my screen. A simpler title like "electronic focus" would be better IMO.

  This sound is very tribal, reminds me of some ancient religious ritual. The throbbing bass is my favorite.

  This one is incredible for concentration and tinnitus relief!

  Just like this here. Perfect

  At a slower tape speed and with Rhythm muted, this generator helps me stay both attentive and also calm.

  Very unique! Feels like something out of the show, "Rick and Morty". Personally, I would like to see more sounds with a sci-fi feel like this on myNoise. 10/10, very calming.

  Although it felt like procrastination, I created a concoction of Take It Easy, Deep Chant, Impulse Noise and Aural Scan. To this, I add a metronome timer using the Be Focused app (1 tick per second). Playing all of these together really helps challenge my severe executive dysfunction (for now anyway!) and has silenced my tinnitus. It might be nightmare noise to some (most??), but I love it!

  This is perfection, better than all the 'focus' playlists on Youtube! And it's so much fun to listen to and play with!

  This is great. Would love to see more stuff like this.

  I started to write a book and I couldn't focus so I hopped onto this. From that moment on, I was transfixed by ethereal noises/sounds.

  I have the full license of the app, its something I never regret having bougth! It helps me in so many ways! Thank you very much.

  I think that I have ADHD. This is a very helpful website. Thank you so much!!!

  I think I have Inattentive ADHD and this is awesome. It calms me down cause I have anxiety. Thank you so much!

  Oh my goodness. I had the hardest time with getting focused, until I found this. God does answer prayers!

  I'm about to become an 8th grader. Everything is stressfull due to my and my parents' worries. This really helped me focus onto my study session.

  Makes you feel like grooving among melodic mushrooms.

  This transports me into the universe of Mirror's Edge.

  When I realized I could leave my stressful (and honestly impossible) employment situation, I found this. This generator is the perfect soundtrack of a sense of freedom and growing excitement. Possibilities unfold before me, as my skills and talents create fractals and blooms to illuminate new paths of thought and purpose. My energy is free to explore; and it promises adventures.

  Ok, so I wanted to try something new today to help me focus. I was doing computer based art so I needed something invigorating, but something that would help me focus on this. I was catching up with your blog post and saw this mentioned. Gave it a go, and I absoloutly love it. Thanks for helping us out with this and get well soon xx

  This helps me to focus so much, even more than the Tropical Rain Generator.

  Hold on, you’ve got to hold on. & take it eee-eaaassayyy yeah.

  This feels like I'm in a action movie and creating the plan to do the "big thing" with my allies. So awesome and helps me focusing since I love listening to music but music with words ditracts me while I study.

  It was during Covid-19 when I heard this track. I would be doing homework, late at night, watching the stream of an old friend of mine animate segments for their new animated short. While we both worked, this particular track would be playing in the background. I'll never forget those nights, and sometimes... Just sometimes... I'd see myself working away while watching those streams... Thanks, Bec.

  I discovered this soundtrack last week. I was looking for something to help me focus on my work; I need to be efficient as my caseload is heavy and I was running late in redaction. What a nice soundtrack to focus on paper work! I was pleased and I marked it in my favorites :)

  It feels like I'm walking in a crystal cove, filled with bright fungi and other small, eye-catching gimmicks lying around.

  This paired with Now Loading gives me incredible clarity of thought! Thank You Dr. P!

  I love the beat, the sequence and pitch of this noise! It brings me energy and helps me focus!

  This sounds so good.

  This is so catchy I literally don't know why.

  I love the creativity - entrainment - beauty - and healing qualities . Have a relaxation YouTube channel and would love if these tracks could be used for this kind of use . [Editor note : unfortunately, they cannot]

  ← Movie Danger Scene

  F# → Speed ÷2 (x3 times) → :D

  I have a really HARD time focusing. THIS HELPS SO MUCH.

  This is so well made. I can't express how good only a single looping track sounds. Listening to it almost everyday!

  I'm an engineering student with ADHD. My body seems to reject ADHD medications and I've tried a lot. I'm not sure why hearing this suddenly puts me into focus mode, but it is the only thing that reliably does every single time. I also pair it with the white noise speech blocker, and I've never been more productive. Thank you so so so much for making this. Definitely donating when I can!

  This is nice if you have some big ideas to think over.

  So good! I absolutely love the steady rhythm and how it's endless but never exactly repeating! Amazing! If you like this, The Pilgrim is also like this.

  So good!!! Too good...

  I laughed when I saw there was a category for ADHD students. Nice that they put those all in one easy to find place. I turned up all the sliders with more bouncy, disruptive sounds and set that as my homepage so it starts playing as soon as I go to work on homework. When I get stressed out, I turn down the disruptive noises and turn up the softer background sounds.

  Animated 1-7-8 is ideal during my call center work.

  Nice to chill out to.

  This generator is my study buddy.

  This sound really helps with staying focused and blocking out certain background noises while trying to study or work on an assignment.

  One of my favourite machines. I mostly use it on the app (which I DO wish had more support), as it helps me relax enough to fall asleep. Nice for an ADHD-addled brain, to have some varied patterns like this to distract you from overthinking long enough to actually fall asleep, AND soft enough to not wake you up again when you do!

  Sounds like a cool backing track. Good to focus on work.

  1,2,3,4,6,8 is nice for focus. 100% would recommend! med-student here!

  This is perfect for focusing!

  I find listening to the tinnitus neuromodulator without anything else in the background to be boring, so I put on this as well.

  This noise machine is perfect for studying and helped me immensely while working on my art history thesis! It keeps me motivated and focused, especially when just letting the sliders animate on their own - there's so much room for variations. Bonus that it makes me feel cool while I sift through archives looking for info on Victorian artists.

  Works somewhat well as both a noise blocker and helps with schoolwork at the same time.

  Works absolute wonders for the spy thriller I'm writing, especially with focusing and setting the mood! Another wonderful soundscape, as usual.

  Put it in the G tonality and it will remind you some soundtracks of Assassin's Creed Origins. I can see pyramids!

  This is so motivational. I play this song whenever I am working and helps me to concentrate and helps me to work better. Was always waiting for such a song that helps me score good marks drastically.

  Deep Brain Tickle and Driving Reverberant Kick Drum Momentum with Soaring Peaks and Bright Translucent Tweaks to keep synapses firing... Locked into this setup to give long duration writing a very stable companion... Thank you Dr!

  This helps me concentrate.

  Animated and love it. I'm following someone into a secure building. It's 1989. I suspect this person has committed a crime and I'm getting to the bottom of it. Finally the person leads me into a dark office and logs into a computer. A call is recieved and the suspect quickly rushes out of the office. I anxiously creep over to the computer; my eyes widen as I view the secure data left on the screen

  Wow. I love this.

  I feel like I'm alone in space. It sounds like lime green or chartreuse and a deep violet blue slowly mixing together.

  I love this so much. I personally combine it with their "Distant Thunder" noise with some tinkering around the slider options. This one is more effective than those 'study music' you'll see on YouTube, it's not too distracting but also not too boring. I love the variations on the tones as well. It keeps me motivated on a week with 15 lessons to study and answer.

  ← This is the best noise generator on this website. Specifically, this noise that I set.

  Extremely soothing & useful while doing boring work. Makes the process a whole lot less tedious without being distracting. Reminds me of Subnautica, btw.

  Great to use in a noisy office or household environment. Masks speech quite well and distorts the rest, so that my brain is not trying to identify words. That helps a lot in focusing on a task. And of course that Mass Effect vibe :)

  This sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi techy cyberpunk movie. The internet spy protagonist's ready to take down the system, and I love everything about it!

  I can't help but smile when I hear this. Sounds like outer space.

  Trippin! (do it with slider animation, makes it even better!)

  My favourite setting... Thanks Paul, I owe you my good grades.

  Wow. Just wow.

  I love this noise for when I'm working, I put it on animate and it's like a custom electronic playlist that never ends. So perfect!

  This just... MMM... feels great. Love it. This alone, and this setting, is wonderful. Speaking of things that are wonderful, I hope you have a wonderful time listening to this!

  It sounds like something out of a show or a movie. Someone ready to hack into someones computer or hack into a secret website. I love it.

  This is probably my favourite setting to work to.

  This + Atomic City Gen w/out radio = Great song for studying

  My favorite! <3

  Feeling like I'm in space, no sounds and nothing to interact with. I fall into a deep void of space while listening to the sweet sound of the abyss... The feeling of being lost, and being all alone. Ah this setting is so good. I can't thank you enough! It's just the best! :D

  I call this one "take it slow" ;)

  I love "Take It Easy". It helps me focus and you can make your own music!

  This is so far my favourite tune here. Combined with some kind of natural white noise (rain/water etc) it helps me greatly to block the noises and focus. I can run it all day :)

  I swear, this one is magic. If you're a writer, or just in need of inspiration, set it to the fastest, deepest animation setting (or Wobbler on the app) and watch your words fly.

  This is great for blocking out the world and just chilling, it's especially great, I've noticed for trying to rage less while playing video games.

  This is so motivating, keeps my energy up and my focus tight for hours at work. Put the sliders on shuffle and just go. I especially like to pair it with Distant Thunder for some extra punch.

  For a long time I was playing around with the settings and I found I loved this particular setting for blocking out my little brother. Perfect for focusing in a noisy environment!

  I'm a writer and this sequence helps me to get into that perfect flow state. I love it!

  For me, studying is best with interesting and complex sounds, and mesmerizing but not too repetitive rhythms. This is a good mix.

  I leave this on default settings, and turn on Extreme Slider Animation. This has been an amazing tool for studying :)

  This helps me in solving mysterious problems.

  This sequence, particularly the rhythm and continuo, puts me in a state of deep focus that I've found hard to replicate with other noises/songs. A huge thank you to the creator, Paul Nagle!

  So calming and magical! Thanks Paul!

  This energizes me.

  Rainbows melting smileys at me all night.

  Brings me to the mindset of exploring the back alleys of a vibrant high tech sci-fi city to find a place to work on my newest secret project, searching for old robot parts along the way.

  I'm in the perfect environment, and I found the perfect noise.

  This helps me to focus so much! It's really calming. I love the glass beads!

  After some tweaking, I found that I like to set this on and just work.

  Deep focus.

  Played this along with Unreal Ocean. It's nice to have something in the background to block out the rest of the world. Can listen for hours.

  This helps me focus at maths a lot!

  Something about this particular mix just works well for me personally. It really puts me in the mood to crank out work.

  The splashes of dreamy soundscapes accented by a slight, deep-toned beat is just the right vibe for productive coding. Thank you Paul Nagle!

  This really helps me concentrate on my school work.

  In my room there's no noise. I often struggle with focusing on getting stuff done, but this has motivated me for the past 4 months (and I won't stop). Good job!

  Wonderful for helping me concentrate at work. It sounds like and endless loop of classic Froese/Franke/Baumann Tangerine Dream.

  Man, this generator really keeps me going. Turn on "Make it fast" and I run through this lecture slides in the speed of light. Thanks!

  Legitimately interesting, helps me concentrate on my calculus.

  Reminds me of the video game Spore.

  I love this sound. It reminds me of my favorite video games. It's really helpful to listen to something that reminds me of something I love while I'm working on something that isn't so fun.

  Truly incredible, borderline revolutionary even, in its communicated feeling-tone. Whenever I listen to uplifting tracks such as this, I imagine in my mind that I am a member of a Family of Light, sent to Earth to help raise the consciousness of humanity at this time of great change and grave danger... Gnothi seauton!

  Gosh I really didn't expect to find a generator that was as perfect as this, even after using this site for the last two years. Sticking this on animate with snapshots of the first three presets keeps it fresh and always changing up with lovely little quirks and it's so much more relaxing than I expected, but I can concentrate and get stuff done even as I'm chilled out with this on all day.

  Really relaxing. Put this on at the end of a long or hectic day, thank me later.

  The low thumping and the high beeps really help me focus on my homework! It keeps me calm and able to concentrate with the help of my meds.

  Combine with the rhythm section and guqin of Cinematic East and all but the top three sliders of Slow Motion for a wonderfully active atmosphere.

  Try this with Telecaster Licks. The extra layer of electric guitar only complements the psychedelic vibes of Take It Easy's sequences. You won't regret it.

  Take It Easy (specifically the animated Make it Easy) + Slow Motion has been my constant study companion these last few days - it's truly helped me focus and get in the mood for solving problems. Had a particularly monster session today and I've never felt so productive! I personally find it hard to study in complete silence, so having Take It Easy fills the void without being distracting. :)

  I love this! Really helps me concentrate on my teacher job. Now I can achieve my goals AND relax while blocking the ambiant noises.

  Lots of good low sounds to block out coworkers and keep me calmly motivated.

  The perfect soundtrack for programming!

  This + Circular Breeze at Chinese Breeze. LOVE it.

  I can listen to this for hours. This site has been a part of my everyday for years, thank you, Stephane!

  Soft hearts, beating as one. Electricity tingling at touch... I fell in love with this setting.

  This one turned out to be very useful for use at work: I turn on the animation and it somehow keeps me alert yet composed and concentrated. It also showed me the beautiful works of Master Paul Nagle, which are indeed admirable!

  The different beats and background lull helps me keep the rhythm of reading or writing.

  ← I absolutely adore this mix.

  The bass on this is INSANE. I love it.

  This really helps me focus, when doing my homework! I have a very inconsiderately loud family, and when I put this on, I'm able to kick back, and focus on what I need to do!

  I am using this ambient generator in a noisy office to help block unwanted distractions. I am also going to try this as a mask for my tinnitus in a quiet environment.

  This is soft, mellow, and atmospheric while also having an energy to it. It really helps me get in the zone at work.

  OMG, just made this mix and sat down to study. I thought I'd need 3 hours to finish an essay but thanks to this I finished it almost twice as early. Spent the spare time meditating to this same noise and instantly felt upbeat. <3

  I have synesthesia and this is hands-down the most colorful, magical sound mix to experience! The Tinkler sound in particular are like little shards of glass dancing all around with the slower, deeper colors of thrang in the background :)

  This setting is magical.

  I love this mixed with the electric guitar mashup on heaviness. It really helps me to relax.

  Turning off the leftmost five sliders and the rightmost one leaves you with a pretty cool ambient sort of thing. Sure, it may not have any therapeutical effects, but it does sound cool.

  Can't say what this noise is, but it helps me so much! It's a mix between music, sound, and awesome!

  This is my absolute favourite for studying. Writing essays and research reports or even just reading through lecture content. I would be lost without this bringing me into focus on the days where my brain doesn't want to cooperate with my goals. (The fact that it reminds me vaguely of Mass Effect probably activates positive vibes in me too)

  This is the generator I keep coming back to. Always gets me in the zone. Makes hours of tedious work feel like minutes.

  One of my favorite generators. Sounds like just floating away into the unknown.

  I've been using myNoise for ages but for some reason I'd never tried this generator, and it's quickly becoming my favourite. This setting helps me focus and keeps my brain working at a good pace, just what I needed. It's like one of these motivational jogging music, only way less aggressive, the kind you can gently ease into.

  I'm really loving this generator. I just happened to stumble across it while searching for something new to listen to. It's a fantastic backdrop while I write sci-fi stories.

  Love this noise! I combine it with Aotearoa, Irish Coast, or Ice World and I can focus for hours!

  Combined with the vocals of In The Sky, this already wonderful instrumental is transformed into a truly enlightening experience.

  One of my favourites to work to; keeps me interested, inspired, and kind of makes me feel like a hacker completing a top-secret mission rather than a tired person writing an endless dissertation. Combined with Thunder and Rain, it really feels like you're holed up in a cabin somewhere. Love it!

  There are so many great soundscapes on this site which I really enjoy while I meditate. Apart from the obvious ones for this purpose, like the singing bowls and Tibetan chants, there is Take It Easy and all the nature sounds that are reproduced. The small amount of money it costs gives you a lot in return.

  I just finished Mirror's Edge -- late, I know -- and this reminds me so much of the "Ambient" versions of the level tracks.

  It's really cool to mix and match on this generator because it's so varied. Fits so many moods for me.

  This is an incredible generator. Great sounds. Awesome when you REALLY need to work as fast as you can. and the presets gives you different options of speed and moods. It's just perfection.

  Like that epic scene in a sci-fi movie where the tech genius cracks the code. Love it. Totally puts me in the mood to write more!

  When I begin to work I listen to "Take it easy" and switch to "Make it easy" and "Make it Fast" etc. as I'm getting more focused. This way I'm gradually boosting my productivity by the faster moving sound pattern.

  This is my first time trying the musical soundscapes on here: I usually just enjoy the nature ones. This is amazing! A rythm can get you so focused when working.

  As an EDM producer, I love the musical generators on this site. I often listen to Take It Easy for hours at a time.

  This makes me think of the Loderunner 2 soundtrack. Which I loved. I had this one on all day and I do love it.

  Turned on these settings while taking a walk - I felt so in tune with the world. All my senses were heightened, but in a very pleasant way. The wind on my skin, the drink in my hand, even the cars passing by felt amazing.

  This generator makes me super productive! Great for homework. Thank you!

  If inspiration was a noise, this is what it would sound like.

  Thanks to Paul, I could play this all day.

  I ADORE this soundscape <3 It sounds nice when paired with the Cave Water generator too.

  Wow. This really helps my anxiety.

  This one is really amazing, none of the noises have really stood out to me before, but I think I have a new favorite.

  This is one of my favorites. I like it so much, I save it for when I'm done with my responsibilities for the day so that I associate it with relaxing and fun. It makes great use of the animate option.

  I love this. It sounds like the opening to a Shpongle / early Afro Celt Sound System collaboration project.

  I made a relaxing electronic beat. Music helps me relax and focus on my task(s) at hand, and this is astounding.

  This is so cool! I find it relaxing especially since it reminds me of mid-late 90's synth, especially the music from Final Fantasy VII.

  Sounds like a combonation between Kraftwerk and Pink Floyd (on fastest animate)

  I have ADHD and anxiety, and this calms and focuses me more than any other sound I have tried. I'm hoping for more like this for when I get bored / too acclimated to this one :)

  Nothing makes working on overwhelmingly large and complex writing projects more palatable than this motivational electronic sequence. The constant progressions are invigorating. The sounds soothing. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful work.

  Just combined this with Distant Thunder... you know those ASMR chills? Holy holy would not stop. Now this is fun :)

  I love how creative you can get with this generator. What a relaxing way to take a break. Make music!

  This generator combined with Anamnesis on animate is eerie, yet somehow relaxing in spite of it.

  I am jamming out at work! This is so enjoyable to listen to, and not as distracting as when I've tried to put my Spotify on at work. It's just enough that I'm not bored, sitting in silence, but not too much that I can't concentrate.

  I feel like I'm listening to something off the Mass Effect One soundtrack, it's amazing!

  By far the most fun sound generator to put on animate!

  This has quickly become one of my favorite generators. Looking forward to seeing how it affects my essays!

  Weeeiiiiiirrrrd weirdness. Love it. A pleasant alternative to natural noises for writting... Heureusement que vous tes l, Docteur Pigeon.

  A very pleasant experience! The sound is abstract enough to blend into the background, yet has enough texture and structure for my brain to recognize it as music. Both pleasant and helpful when I need to focus.

  I just keep coming back to this... I've done three assignments so far listening to this! The Make it Easy preset keeps me so concentrated. Absolutely fantastic.

  This particular setting sounds like something inspired by the Minecraft soundtrack - lonely, yet motivating, so as to keep you going through your solo journey.

  This is exactly what I needed today as I'm super irritable and feeling on edge. I played Take It Easy with Gregorian Voices and the combination of the two is soothing and takes some of my harsh feelings away. Thank you so much for this website-it makes working in a place that forbids radios/music easier to handle on rough days like today.

  Sounds nice mixed like this. Kind of like its building to the next something... Helps while working.

  This is what I imagine a band of cool little frogs and newts would play if they were into new age/electronic music.

  Man, is this what it's like to do drugs because this is awesome?

  This generator is absolutely FANTASTIC paired with the impulse noise generator, both set to animate. Gives me goosebumps in the best way. Not enough to be distracting from what you're doing, but enough energy to make you want to power through whatever you're working on. And yet, it's calming at the same time... this is just what I needed! Thanks for another great sound!

  A great generator to put on while you work on something else... if you don't find yourself closing your eyes and getting lost in the sound.

  This one is absolutely amazing! Combine it with Healing Trees, Calm Ocean, and set all three to animate and you're in for a truly relaxing experience, unlike any other. This is also a great pairing with In Utero.

  A lovely gentle sound but enough to tingle the ears and keep the mind frisky and awake. Great for evenings, especially outside on a warm summer one, I think! Reminds me a lot of the Deus Ex games too, especially Human Revolution. Great stuff! I love nearly every song that manifests from twiddling with the sliders anyway but I like this especially :)

  A nice little mix: Take it Easy (On Animate)Osmosis (normal settings) andWhite rain (volume -2 or -3 clicks). Enjoy!

  This is wonderful. Thank you! :)

  I like to put this generator on Animate, then combine it with the "brown" setting of Stardust with the 4 rightmost faders turned off. With this setup, my laptop has become a starship cockpit, with me at the helm, navigating the void...

  I was instantly hooked and fine tuned the sliders to get just the right timbre then had it playing all evening. Thank you for creating this one!

  There's just enough going on to make it interesting, but not too much; not jarring or complicated. It's a treat for the mind, keeping it awake and alert while gently washing it in soothing noise.

  You slowly open your eyes and see that you are sitting in a dark forest, illuminated only by the soft neon tones of the curious flora and... fauna? You feel sentience all around you. They are acknowledging you, newcomer, with calm curiosity. They continue their dance and song unabated. As you close your eyes, you overhear their melodic, wordless exchange. It washes through you. The Otherworld.

  This puts me into a trance. I can work for hours with this and its absolutely brilliant.

  It almost sounds like the Steven Universe background music! It's amazing!

  It takes a few minutes for me to get into the right headspace, but I find it great for refocussing while letting it animate and slowly evolve itself.

  Oh my! It does sound like a casual anime! uwah~ Lets go on a search for totoro senpai!

  Sounds like anime.

  I use this while I study and do schoolwork from home. It really helps me focus and has a calming effect.

  I love just setting this up with another tab playing the same settings set to animate at 4 times slower than default. It makes me think of The Grid from Tron.

  Agreed! This one works amazingly for working through long and boring projects. It really makes a great background track!

  I often use the myNoise soundscapes at work, and this one has become my new favorite for keeping motivated. It's upbeat and fast-paced without anything stressful lurking underneath. Perfect for powering through projects!

  I dont know why but there is something special about this.

  I've always been a fan of sounds with a lot of reverb to them. As a result I often work with Trance or House style music on, but the lyrics and bridges can get distracting. This setting has just enough variety of sounds to keep my mind from wandering, but with enough of a pattern that it fades into the background still. Add in the virtual Laundromat and it's like I'm alone in the house!

  That setting is a slow drifting beat, without the nervous "throng". Like it this way, and all the other settings, too ;)

  I have many favorites on and this is definitely one of them! :)

  I suggested an ambient music mixer last year, it seems my wish has come true!

  Perfect mix of sequencer textures! Fits great with Ice Drone and Telecaster Licks for a classic Berlin-School spacemusic sound.

  This one hits the sweet spot! A real mind massage, perky yet unobtrusive. Puts me in the bubble & keeps me there. Love it! Thank you!

  This has helped me focus and crank out projects for my college classes. As a person with ADD, either an atmosphere with too little noise, too much noise, or anything in between distracts me so badly that I'm borderline useless. When I listen to this, I feel a certain sense of responsibility and it is considerably easier to force myself to ignore the outside word. This was an experiment gone well.

  This setting combined with the traffic noise and the low sliders from Industrial Revolution makes me feel like some kind of cyberpunk protagonist while I'm working in my lab late at night -- engaging enough to keep me focused and the perfect balance between energizing and chill.

  Everything in life follows this pattern... listen to this and then a rain generator... trust me.

  Mass Effect meets Mirror's Edge... Love it! I've combined it with Northern Lights. Now it feels like I'm in those games! :D

  My ears tingle with delicious delight; I've never had this feeling before! Combine with a very low setting on Tropical Rain for the best sound+feeling ever.

  "Make It Easy" preset with some ambient noise added in. Incredibly relaxing without making me feel sleepy. It eases my stress and helps me focus on my work.

  You never know - something may happen today. And if anything does, by golly, I'll be ready for it!

  ← 2am Martini. A slow deep bass with a psychedelic aftertaste.

  My new favourite background at - and there are so many great ones to choose from!

  When I have this on Animate without the wapt or tinkler on, it makes me feel like I'm walking to my doom with my back straight and head held high like a bad ass.

  It's amazing how much this fades into the background. I love the peaceful space-like atmosphere.

  Maybe I've just been scanned into Tron's world. I'm captured in a bubble of protection and am floating.

  Wow, this one is just gorgeous. Relaxing, and reminds me a little of the summer days I spent listening to my Dad's CDs back in the late 90s. Also could definitely see this layering really well with one of the underwater or cave water generators.

  Generators like this are some of the really unique things you can't find anywhere else on the internet.

  The "Free Runner" setting reminds me soooooo much of the game Mirror's Edge. Ironic. Another great noise generator <3

  This one has easily made it to my favourite list, but just a word of warning, don't listen to this for the last half an hour before work. You will be late.

  This reminds me of Mass Effect! Awesome!! Perfect way to relax at work

  Nice and versatile! Can be an urgent driving beat, or a "Sit back and revel in the majesty" mix. I'm looking forward to it's contributions to my Super Generators!

  Simply brilliant. Fun for hours on end starting here. Mix and match.

  I love this one. So good for studying.

  This is so sick. It reminds me of the Blue Man Group! Love it!

  This one makes me feel like I'm playing some sort of post-apocaliptic game. It's amazing.

  I really like it! The picture in the background is great too. Keep up your amazing work! This site is very useful for me!

  Accidentally opened this tab over a Zen Garden magic generator, and NOT sorry about the result at all 0.0

  This is great for getting a little bit a "chill noise" with the bass/synth combination, while still having a mentally energizing feeling from the light tinkling sounds and occasional loud, higher frequency noises.

  This is really lovely! Energizing and relaxing at the same time! I can only hope myNoise has more psychedelic sounds in store for us.

  Mellow if primarily set to low sliders, energizing if set to high! I love this!!! I honestly hope for more generators like this!

  Perfect mix for reading long articles. Love the photography for this generator too.

  I was waiting for this kind of sound in your library. Wow thanks to Paul for allowing this to happen. Great, now time to enjoy this!