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The myNoise Sampling Sessions' Photo Album
Sand ruined some of my equipment, but it was worth it! I've been hiking through fantastic mineral landscapes and slept under the stars. Desert is dead silent at night - something I didn't expect - but when wind blows, every single object starts to sing wonderfully!

These recordings can be found in Palm GardenNocturnal GardenDesert WindsSaharan CaravanBerber Tent

Sahara (Morocco) • Spring 2015

Draa River Valley
Nkob's Palm Garden
Wheat Fields
The water system floods a piece of land, one piece at a time
They made a beautiful picture, but ruined my audio recording...
Departure. The Draa river in the background.
Crossing the Draa
Sampling the Caravan sound. Three camels were used to carry our water, food and tents for four days.
Our camp. The bigger tent was mine served as a kitchen.
The Sahara. A very silent place...
until the wind blows
Sand makes beautiful pictures, and nice scratches on my recording equipment too.
The Camel Driver Shortcut. (Camels are wise)
The Tourist route. (Tourists are crazy)
There has been a lot of rain, earlier in the season. Sahara won't get any greener than this!
Wind only produces sound when it circumvents an object, such as isolated trees like depicted here.
Sound Effect Session. From left to right: The Camel — Larsen (camel driver) — Stéphane — Youssef (guide)
The same recording session, but from a microphone's persepctive

Thank you!

Sampling sessions abroad are only possible because of the generosity of the people making donations to this website. May those contributors be assured of my deepest gratitude! If you would like to foster the recording of new sounds, please support or keep supporting my work. Stéphane