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Berber Tent
Interactive Soundscape Generator


Nap TimeWind on a TentDesert WindDeep SleepTea TimeBerber KitchenSlow Food Surprise!

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A Tent in the Sahara

We joined a Saharan Caravan earlier, and now we are privileged to enter the intimacy of a Berber tent, pitched in the middle of the North African desert.

This soundscape is a composite made from various moments of life under a Berber tent. There's that moment, when the wind is too strong and the tent protects you from the sand blowing outside. You have that other moment when the afternoon is too hot to keep walking under a fierce sun and the tent is set up, offering you comfortable space for a nap. And then, you have all these moments when the food is being prepared. Ooohhh— the food! Touch the very last slider at your own risk, your mouth will water immediately! Yes, it is indeed a wonderful tajine that you smell, that slow-cooked savory stew that tastes even better after an exhausting walk day. All these recordings blend harmoniously together, as you will discover browsing the various presets made for you!

Published by Stéphane on October 17th, 2016

User Stories

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  Looking all over for both soothing hollow desolate desert wind ambiance, and tent flaps and cozy tiny kitchen noises. Who knew I could find all 3 in one perfect spot! I love the realness and the quality of sound here. I usually find most white noise apps with desert sounds to seem no different from a polar wind or an air conditioner. And there's a subtle but definite difference! I adore this site.

  I've been using this site for a few month's now. And this is one of my favorite sounds. I often play the sound while reading or doing homework. Keep up the good work myNoise!

  I love these sounds :) They are even more relaxing without the sleeping and cooking noises, makes you feel alone in the desert, waiting for the sand storm to stop. Great!

  The sweet sound of cooking breakfast in a two room apartment with your partner sleeping on the bed in the living room <3

  Well, dinner is served!

  The storm had been going on and on for so long that the only reasonable option was to settle down for the night and wait for the storm to calm down...

  This is just comforting.

  I'm working on a story partially set in the desert and have come back to this sound time and time again to try and step into my characters' shoes.

  For those who actually miss hearing their family members snore in the middle of the night, waking you up. (not me!)

  Really calm and great for day or night. It reminds me of being at some of the sand dunes in Michigan.

  Pro tip: setting the Howling Wind slider to max volume is really effective at masking nearby office conversations.

  Really nice to help me concentrate on my work, until the point where I thought I heard someone snoring... Cute, but I will change sounds before falling asleep myself!

  I've never camped in the desert, but I imagine it to sound something like this. I like listening to this soundscape with Desert Wind on low and "Palm Gardens" (for day camping atmostphere) or "Nocturnal Gardens" (for night camping ambience). Thanks so much for these wonderful sounds!

  I'm a writer working on a story that's heavily inspired by North African/Berber culture. It's such a strange but helpful coincidence to find this! Thanks so much!

  So cozy, warm and comforting. Perfect for fighting those grey, rainy days.

  I'm surprised by how often I keep coming back to this setting. It makes me think I'm at home, finishing up my work for the day while my husband is preparing dinner. The only downside is that I always get hungry...

  This is probably one of my favorite generators on here now. It reminds me of days I'd spend with my grandparents in Syria when I was about 13 - my grandma focused on preparing dinner or cleaning around, my grandfather sporadically dozing off and my eyes fixated on poorly dubbed cartoons for hours at a time. A time I often find myself yearning for. This can stand for the memories - that means a lot.

  I absolutely love this generator! I've always been put at ease by the sounds of wind, sand, tents, and simple cooking, but the snoring really sells it for me. I have a dog who snores just like this and it's incredibly comforting to hear it.

  This warm and comforting generator is my current favorite. Sometimes I imagine I'm on Tatooine working while waiting out a sandstorm.

  This soundscape helped keep my mind calm and focused at work today. My mind tends to jump everywhere and follow every tangential thought that arises. But listening to something like this... it's like the background thoughts just ride in and out of awareness along with the background noise, so I can concentrate on what I'm writing and planning.

  This is a wonderful website!

  This has quickly become one of my favourite generators. Never stayed in a Berber tent before, but it brings back so many camping memories nonetheless.

  This reminds me of long summer days next to my sleeping dad on the couch as my mother made delicious foods. We are Turks, but these sounds feel like home.

  Comforting is definitely the word. You've excelled again :) Maybe this sounds so good because you bring to life the basic human needs of shelter and food. I love the cosiness of hearing the wind rage outside while we're safe inside. And the quiet domestic noises of someone making my dinner are so soothing! (I've heard enough snoring in real life but its domesticity is rather relaxing).

  I work in an office that has constant air conditioning running, therefore making it freezing cold. But this immediately warmed me up and gave on an oddly comforting feeling.