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Pebble Beach
Frequency-Shaped Noise Generator


Brown  •  Pink  •  White  •  Grey  •  Infra  •  Ultra •  Around 60Hz  •  125Hz  •  250Hz  •  500Hz  •  1kHz  •  2kHz  •  4kHz  •  8kHz  •  Speech Blocker •  Distant ShoreTranquilityClose to the WaterRainy ShoreUnderwater Surprise!

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Stone Lullabies

The soothing sound of pebble beaches has a unique charm that many find relaxing. The gentle clatter of small stones, moved by the waves, creates a sound pattern that's like nature's own melody. This auditory experience can transport you to a place of calm, even if you're miles away from the nearest shore.

At myNoise, we face an interesting challenge. Our goal is not just to provide a wide range of natural sounds but to do so in a way that lets you customize them according to your preference. Sounds are recorded and edited to behave like an equalizer, with the bass sounds on the left and the high frequencies on the right. This way, you have full control over the sound experience. After all, what's comforting and ideal for one person might not be the same for another.

Published by Stéphane on March 12th, 2018

User Stories

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  I've used this site at many different times of my life for many different reasons, and I don't know what I would do without it. This is one of my all-time favorites, and I can almost feel the stress melting away as I listen. Thank you! <3

  Thank you, thank you, thank you! You help me survive my open space office and my cube neighbor who speaks very loud!

  Super bassy waves crashing on the beach.

  Thank you for saving me from my neighbor's talk radio habit. This setting is perfect. <3

  I'm from Brazil, and I really love this website... Thanks for this!

  I put this on 60 Hz and I am off to sleep!

  Love from Ohio!

  Best website ever. Literally love at first listen!

  Stéphane, I have no words to explain how grateful I am for these peaceful sounds. This is literally what got me through middle school. Thank you to those who made this possible!

  I am diagnosed with ADHD. My doctor and therapist recommended this website, and now I recommend it to others. 100% the best website to listen to peaceful sounds.

  I can't explain the magic of these noises. Whether it's finding peace within myself or focusing on medical school, this website has it all. A noise for every challenge life throws at us.

  This track helps me to center myself, to regulate my emotions.

  I love these sounds! Easy to do homework all the time, reminds me of happy beach times, and I recommend all noises on this app!

  This helps me work on my computer while battling bipolar depression.

  Reminds me of my trip to Gaspe Quebec with my partner. This sound makes me want to go back again.

  One of my all-time favorites. My go-to, especially just weeks before the bar exam.

  I used to live near a pebble beach and this track takes me right back there. Also nice to help block out household noise when I am working from home. Thank you!

  Helped me focus on my homework. Thanks!!

  This is just so relaxing. I listen to it when I'm doing my homework, and it helps block out the busy sounds of home. Thank you!

  This just pulled me out of a really dark space, mentally. It reminds me of the beaches where I grew up and how much I love listening to the pebbles roll as the waves pulled and pushed them around. It's very calming to be brought back to that place of security. Thank you.

  This helps me block my noisy neighbor who blats music at full volume.

  I have a bunch of noisy coworkers at a sometimes stressful job. I love being able to block that out for a bit with some beautiful and soothing ocean and rain sounds.

  I used myNoise for studying for many years- whenever I needed to really focus on reading or working. But now that I've had a baby, he falls asleep to rain noise every nap and bedtime! This website is fantastic for the whole family, thank you Stéphane!

  I love the ocean sound. It relax me and give me peace.

  I was recently diagnosed with a panic disorder and it feels like it took over my life by so much. But I remembered I had this website stored in my bookmarks, I had donated to their services a long time ago because I was amazed at how good their content was. And now I'm back here again, coming back for the rain noises that at first I used to help me get through restless nights, I'm in control again

  Thank you so much for this! I'm grading papers and needed to block out sounds - this is perfect for that as an alternative for background music. Since I'm worried that the tone of a song may subconsciously change my mood and therefore, my grading, this was a perfect neutral option.

  Amazing. I wish I could bring this peaceful feeling everywhere I go.

  I love hearing peaceful ocean sounds.

  It is really calming and relaxing. It really helps me with my work. Thank you for creating this.

  Perfect when I am homesick, it brings me back to a better place.

  Wish I could hear seagulls from this!

  Reminds me of my trip to the beach I had around six years ago. I was so happy then. Thanks for the memories.

  Beautiful. This generator takes me to the ocean. The peaceful sounds on this site keep me sane, because silence is deafening.

  These are so lovely!! Thank you, Dr. Pigeon, for this wonderful website! <3

  This is an excellent complement for the electronic & ambient soundscapes. Azure Trails, Sleeping Dragon, Slow Vibes? Add Pebble Beach to add breath to the music.

  I'm using it to help study German, it helps mute my mind which is going crazy.

  This is for when I want to drown everything including my own thoughts.

  Wow! Thank you so much for this. This has really been awesome for getting my work done, especially acting as a speech blocker in class. Dr. Pigeon (who created this) you are so talented! And thank you for making most of this site and the resources on it free- it means the world.

  I love hearing the sound of ocean waves breaking on the coast. I'm not so fond of the heat, but my family loves sitting on the beach during the day. I sit back in the condo with the doors and windows open to enjoy the ocean sounds. Pebble Beach and the Tranquility-version bring back memories of the sound I love to hear.

  I really love this noise because it reminds me to my summer field practice in hydrobiology at the Baltic sea.

  Even though I can't feel the waves on me, it still feels so magical being able to hear it. I have a trip to a lot of beach areas in December and I just cannot wait for it. This helps me feel better about being stuck in a landlocked state! If I had some money, I'd definitely make some donations, but I'm not at that point yet. Thank you for this website!

  I've listened to this sound before but recently my family went on a trip to the beach and I could not join them because I could not get time off work. Their photos plus this soundscape helped me feel closer to them.

  Sitting on a beach in Florida on a windy day & the tide is coming in so I'm in the foam to my elbows each wave. 25 minutes of this with headphones & I'm in a good head space.

  Transports me right back to my memories. I've been missing the beach since I was last there (luckily I have plans to go this summer!), so hearing the sounds of crashing waves so similar (albeit without the bustle of people) feels like I'm being transported there for a moment. I can almost taste the salt in the air.

  This helps me focus :)

  I will always come back here! Whenever anxiety makes me feel I won't be able to finish my stuff, this is where I come! I listen to myNoise since before entering college! Now I am finishing it and have to say a HUGE THANKS to Dr. Pigeon for all the effort put into this wonderful project!! I love it all <3

  Hearing the ocean from distance :) Thank you for that, it gives me the concentration I need while coding!

  Oh this is lovely, the lows are superb.

  I have my beach set to a blend of brown noise and speech blocking. (Training session is going on downstairs and I need to work.) This is so immersive I keep expecting the waves to come rolling in all around me at any moment.

  This really helps me while I am studying math. During the past year, I have somewhat fallen behind on my studies and this helps me stay on track. Thank you so much!

  This has been really soothing lately, as I've been in and working through a major depressive episode. It helps me imagine being by the water on a nice day and everything being okay again.

  This reminds me of Washington State where I grew up. Nearly none of the beaches have sand and are just pebbles so for my whole childhood, this is what a beach sounded like.

  This noise is great! Whenever I go to the beach, I dig a hole and lay in it. This is almost exactly what it sounds like. I slightly modified gray noise. You can hear the low rumble of the ocean and wind and, faintly, the crashing of the waves on the beach, as if distant. They just sound far away. The noise in the middle is muted, and you can hardly hear it (namely, voices). Try it at the beach!

  I really love this! It helps heal my soul. It is perfect for just wanting a calming background and it helps me focus.

  You have kept me from going insane as my landlord has been making renovations downstairs for two months and drilling in my floor 10h a day during a pandemic. This one in particular helps block the drilling and just makes me much calmer despite the anxiety inducing environment.

  I want to thank you for this calming masterpiece. I am currently going through a depressive episode and these sounds really help me to calm down and focus on my work. If I close my eyes, I imagine myself sitting at Praia do Ribeiro do Cavalo in Portugal, after my solo hike in Sesimbra. These sounds remind me of a time where my mind felt lighter and the world seemed brighter.

  To get the same effect, I need to drive 5h NW or the city and sit at Log Dump Beach, on the North Bruce Peninsula (Ontario, Canada). myNoise, you NAILED IT with this soundscape. My $5/month is well work it. Thanks, eh.

  Can really impersonate the ocean.

  Wonderful. Thank you. This reminds me to my holiday in Bali. A beach near Amed where I was laying in the sea at sunrise hearing the stones underneath move back and forth for the first time. What a trip. Now I can revisit it any time. Wow!

  Reminds me of the trip I took to San Diego, C.A., before the pandemic hit the U.S. Thank you <3

  Reminds me of when I went to such a beach in Monterey, California, US.

  This... is... Heavenly!!! I just learned to Calibrate to my hearing curve and I have never been so happy! This is a life-changing website.

  I've stumbled upon this quite randomly, searching for something that would help me relax and concentrate when I'm working. This "noise" brought back so many good memories from my childhood, I just kinda sat here for a couple hours and listened to it with my eyes closed. It reminds me of how meaningful all my memories are, and how important it was for me to give myself a break, relax and remember.

  This reminds me when I used to climb on the rocks near a beach. Those were good times.

  Love the sound of the waves, this is so relaxing.

  This is so relaxing! Helps me focus during my homework. Also helps me sleep, I love it so much!

  Oh my gosh, I love this noise. It's so satisfying it feels like my ears are moving in a circular motion!

  A gentle, beach with far-away larger waves. Very calming, and kind of tricks my mind to make me feel cooler in the summer.

  Pebble Beach is my go-to noise for almost all occasions! It is soothing, it drowns out many environmental noises and I can imagine being on my favourite Greek beach. I have extremely sensitive hearing and live in a noisy environment, so myNoise is a true lifesaver for me! <3

  Thank you so much for your work - sharing a space while having to study this is a lifesaver. Plus I love the ocean and am probably not going to see, smell or feel it this year... thanks to you I can at least hear it and be soothed by its rhythm.

  I work for a medical facility and I work very hard; sometimes, no matter how much I want to sleep, I can't even if I'm so tired I'm almost sick. So I have a collection of links now to these wonderful, wonderful soundscapes, and this is the newest that will put me out and let me rest. I grew up by the Gulf of Mexico; even though the shore's different, the boom of the waves is the same. Thanks.

  During chemo, there is always a ton of people in each pod and it gets pretty loud. This works pretty well, with some music played atop it to to block out all of that out for a while.

  Best noise generator website EVER!

  Listening to this and some goth love ballads truly helps me focus on my writing. Here's the playlist I'm listening to if you want to try it:

  Since we are all at home right now I have to work on the same table as my brother. This really helped me block him out!

  Really good for blocking out the sound of my family when I'm working, also super relaxing when I put down a bit.

  Since everyone is at home, I think we all miss beach days. When I first listened to this, I felt like I was actually at the beach! It was surreal, thank you.

  Studying wihile your neigbour plays loud music is hard, especially now that we can't leave our houses; this is helping a lot.

  Great for cancelling out background noise!

  This is really nice to create a sound I love: the feeling of being underwater as it rains.

  This Pebble Beach atmosphere combined with a LoFi music playlist in Spotify is my perfect background for my daily work as a programmer in a noisy office. I can get in the Zone quickly and stay relaxed and focused for a long time. Thanks a lot!

  I’ve been listening to rain noise lately while I sleep, and I wanted to switch things up. This was perfect! So soothing.

  I chose the underwater preset on the infra setting, and I love it so much. It makes me feel like I am floating underneath the ocean.

  My roommate and I came to an agreement over playing sounds at night to potentially help us both sleep, and after an hour of searching around and playing with the controls we decided on this. So far this has really helped me to feel more relaxed at night and my roommate doesn't mind either, she says that it helps her mind to settle down.

  I love this noise generator! I have always been most content at the ocean, but I live in the Midwest. This generator helps me feel at ease when I am stressed out!

  I combine this with Distant Thunder, and From India. Gives you that feeling of being on a beach in Goa. Amazing escape from my mundane day job.

  This on 'Distant Shore' setting, combined with 'Intertidal' (bass only) is the closest I've heard to the sound of a surf beach. A very relaxing reminder of summer days and nights.

  Thanks again Doc. Your soundscapes have changed my entire life. Know that I have done my part in donating to your operation! I bought the full set of soundscapes and have told all my friends and family about myNoise!

  This is one of my favorites on here! I love to use it at work with Meadow Land softly behind it, it's perfect for my tinnitus and mood overall :)

  I remember being on a beach near Seattle while on vacation with my family. The sound of waves rattling the tiny pebbles and draining between them was so beautiful, and being from Colorado it was such a different and distinct sound. I'm glad to have the chance to re-create it here.

  There is nothing better to emulate the sounds of the surf when I want to block out my tinnitus and distractions so I can work, and when I add "A Bird's Paradise" and calibrate it for only certain bird calls, it's just like being at the beach - it sounds like waves and seagulls, and takes me back to where I grew up in Hawaii. I close my eyes and imagine the sun on my face, and I'm home.

  One of my favourite sounds on this site, especially with the speech blocker frequencies! I like pairing this with Mermaids Calling and buckling down for several hours of studying.

  Every night I have turned on myNoise on my phone and gone to sleep to the sound of waves, or rain, or distant thunder. This one, pebble beach, hits just the perfect balance of calm.

  I love this! It really helps me concentrate while drawing.

  I can see the shoreline with this setting... Waves crashing on the beach forming a thick bubbly foam at the edge of the water.

  Feels like I'm really at the seaside!

  I set this on Speech Blocker and turn on my own personal configuration of 88 Keys,and it crates the perfect atmosphere for brain simulation as well as relaxation that works wonders for writing.

  I love listening to this while playing Of Monsters And Men in the background. The ocean waves fit so well, and it drowns out background noise without overwhelming me, thank you.

  This reminds me so much of the shore near Tilamook Oregon. There is a stretch of beach next to Maxwell Point that looks out at Three Arch Rocks. There are hundreds of round black rocks on the sand and as each wave comes in they roll and tumble over each other with a wonderful clacking sound. Listening to this, I can close my eyes and feel like I'm there. Thanks Dr. Pigeon. :)

  I love this thing! Help me relax and concentrate.

  Preparing for a beach weekend that might get rained out with Pebble Beach (set on noise canceling for working while ADHD) and Ferryboat (with motor turned off) for seagulls and flavor!

  This is so soothing :] I especially love the lower-pitched sounds.

  I applied my calibration curve to Pebble Beach; immediately beautiful and relaxing. Then I paired it with Enya's "Orinoco Flow" on Spotify. Incredible! I'm sailing near with Rob Dickins at the wheel...

  A song kept playing in my head while listening to this...and when I figured out what it was I found they do indeed complement each other: Sixth Stop from Spirited Away.

  Great for blocking outside noises and workplace chatter. It really helps me forget everything around me, relax and focus on what I'm doing.

  This is one of my favorites. Alone and for adding to a super generator. <3

  A nice alternative to Thunderstorm and other water noises. The deep bass rumble of the surf and the "sizzle" as the waves recede from the pebbles is a nice combo.

  I love the Distant Shore setting. It's so soothing.

  This generator brought me right back to my honeymoon in Hawaii. The first time I heard the waves pulling back over the rock beaches, I thought I was in heaven--something about the sound just enveloped me and made me feel like I was in another world. Finding this sound generator today took me totally by surprise, and I am so grateful to you for choosing to create it.

  Pair with Sleeping Dragon in C, extreme mode, 2x speed.

  Another favorite in the water/beach category! Perfectly soothing and varied for mindfulness sessions.

  Calibrating this to my hearing curve reminds me of my last night in Lima. I was having dinner with new travel friends on an outdoor patio on the cliff overlooking the ocean. The some of the rocks just offshore are much bigger than pebbles, but the force of the waves caused them to bang into one another, creating a distant booming noise. It's a special memory of a wonderful trip to Peru.

  Wonderful ... default animation and slow the tape speed down one notch, see how long your eyes stay open.

  Love this one! So incredibly relaxing.

  Reminds me of my trip to a beach in Mexico ten years ago. The way I edited it (click the heart) makes me think of that beach at night.

  I'm glad to be writing one of the first testimonies for this, and I knew I had to just seconds after it loaded up because I knew that this had to be my new favourite generator. I can close my eyes, relax, and imagine all the prettiest stones around me as the shimmering beach rolls over them, leaving them glistening as it falls back again. Wonderful generator! <3

  We used to go to Turkey on holiday with my family when I was little, and this sounds just like the pebble beaches we went to! Wonderfully nostalgic. I think I still have a collection of the prettiest stones I found there...