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Palm Garden
Immersive Soundscape Generator


Gentle BreezeEdenOasisEarly MorningCourtyardDesert RiverWater SupplyKasbah Garden Surprise!

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An Oasis of Sound

This sound generator is the first of an upcoming series recorded in South Morocco, in spring 2015. We are in Nkob, the capital village of the Berber Ait Atta tribe, one of Morocco's most ancient ethnic groups, which dates back before Islam entered Morocco in the 7th century.

Nkob's palm garden is an enchanting place to rest for a while. It features a clever irrigation system that waters the date palm grove and the many wheat fields around according to a strict schedule. Nkob inhabitants are allowed to divert the water to their personal grounds only for a couple of hours, twice a week. The schedule runs around the clock and repeats itself in a weekly pattern. Of course, that only makes sense when water is carried by the main river. And, that doesn't happen all year round. Sometimes, it won't even rain for a year or two. Farmers have to go to bed late, or wake up early, when they are allowed to divert the water during the night shift. And, that will be the theme of a future soundscape.

Nkob is located at the gateway to the Sahara. This is your last stop before entering the desert. Enjoy the fresh breeze, the abundance of water, and the singing of the birds while they last!

Behind-the-scene photos are available here.

Published by Stéphane on November 6th, 2015

User Stories

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  I'm another software developer! Enjoy this relaxing sound to distract from other less natural sounds.

  Listening to this and looking at the first behind-the-scene picture, I had the distinct sensation of being actually there. I swear I could almost smell the fragrance of the trees. Wonderful.

  This soundscape reminds me of visits to Arizona, with fountains bubbling in the background.

  Without the sound of water, this generator sounds like a mediterranean forest!

  All of the binaural "environments" are terrific, but this one is something else: it literally makes me forget I'm wearing headphones. Bravo!

  I am very thankful for your work. I am a victim of electronic harassement. This kind of sound machine saves my soul my body and spirit against horrible Remote Neural Monitoring. Thank you so much - I don't have money to travel but your sound machine brings my imagination near.

  That's too funny... I'm a software developer too (as the other reviewer)! I wonder how many of us there are on this site haha. This is a fantastic simulator for relaxing me while working on complicated problems! I get too stressed I imagine the warm sun and a calm breeze. Thank you!

  I find this sounscape good for a state of relaxed alertness. Great for focus. I like it best with Berber Tent + Desert Wind. Thanks so much for these lovely sounds!

  I really like this set up as it reminds me of an area I like to go to that calms me down. Having this on is like being there and feels very calming!

  YAY! The peaceful Palm Gardens triumphs over Grand Theft Auto noises from upstairs.

  myNoise is fantastic for software development. It allows me to concentrate on demanding cognitive tasks when my head would otherwise "not be in the game"!

  You can feel yourself fit in the environment. Make it real instead of making it in your mind without these sounds.

  Jiggled the sliders till the hissing noise in my ears was masked. Very peaceful!

  This inspires a feeling unlike any other. Listening to this really takes you there.

  It's so peaceful.

  Combined with the gentle Tibetan throat singing and the echo of Gregorian voices, this soundscape gives the feeling of a gentle summer breeze kissing your cheek while you absorb all the rays of sunshine and smell of flowers in your little village nestled between to vast mountain ranges. Virtually safe from the dark world beyond.

  Of all the sounds on this wonderful site, this has got to be in my top five. It's one I return to again and again when I need to de-stress. Put together with ambient music set to low level, such as Tibetan Choir, Twilight, or Code Breakers, enhances the experience, too. Please keep up the good work here at myNoise!

  Definitely saving this blend for later! Just enough of all the things I like  water, birds, a touch of wind to make it feel like I'm really outside. Sigh.

  Set in Palm Garden's with the Eden setting combined with comforting cat purr is extremely relaxing. It makes feel like I'm in my own little garden of Eden sitting with my lounging kitty... as if the rest of the world didn't exist.

  I can't say exactly why, but these settings make me picture a very specific scene of sitting in a large library somewhere in the Mediterranean with the windows open, looking out over the gardens as a cool breeze sweeps past on a hot summer's day. I can even feel the heat of the sun and the breeze on my shoulders and smell the old books! I absolutely love this generator, it's one of my favorites.

  Combined with the Canyon drone, I find this to be a blissful and quite spritual experience, with birds, water & flutes - the garden of paradise? With a love of bellydance & middle-eastern music, I can't wait to hear more from the Morrocco project! Thank you!

  I grew up in south Florida, and this takes me straight back to being a little girl playing in the backyard. This was the backdrop to all my adventures, playing in the sand, chasing the dogs, making mudpies. There are many things I don't miss about Florida, but the background noise itself is amazingly soothing.

  The sound of doves remind me of my grandfather's home, where I would wake up to bright sunny mornings laced with the bird's voice. I felt like I was actually there. I love it.

  My latest favorite. Plenty of intermittent sounds to keep me attentive (the doves), blended with enough continuous noise blocking (such as the water and sparrows) to keep me focused. And the photograph of the garden itself is peaceful as well. A nice balance for paper grading and paper writing.


  All sliders to top + 4 * faster Animate

  Helps you block out everything and focus. Great for studying and doing homework.

  This is one of my favorites! It makes me feel like I'm in a park with trees and birds tweeting beautiful songs.

  I get terribly homesick while at university, and the dove sound is just like the wood-pigeons that live in my garden back home. Now, when I am studying I play this in the background, and I can picture myself perfectly at my old desk and almost feel the breeze from the open window next to it. Thank you!

  This is so calming, I've been listening to it all evening! Thanks so much <3

  Finally a good bird gen!


  Desert River - with birds! This setting takes me to another place. My parents had a fountain in their backyard and it drew in a lot of birds, including doves. This reminds me a lot of that. It's very calming but not so much that it makes me sleepy... And it's perfect for drowning out the noises and chatter of the office I work in!

  I work in an environment where streaming music and radios are forbidden and the hallways are full of voices bouncing off of concrete walls. Palm Garden is one of my favorites as it blocks out the loud background noises and over time, seems to quiet down the rest of the hallway workers. It is a refreshing sound for the ears and mind.

  This setting is extremely relaxing. It sounds similar to a breezy fall morning here in Florida, but the birds are subtly different, making it easier to project my mind into another locale. Lovely sounds.

  This is exactly what it sounds like when I'm walking to the bus in the early morning, doves and all! I'll have to come back here in a few years' time, when I've left this country, and relive it through sound.

  Every now and then you can hear a bug buzz by, and I think it just makes the whole experience. It's not often enough to be irritating, but it's not rare enough to distract you. It's simply pleasantly realistic, and I'm still reaching out to swat it away.

  This reminds me a lot of those days when I went to my grandmothers house and all the doves and birds were chirping, and we could only very slightly hear our neighbors pool, but that sound was still there. Very nice generator!

  I love the doves! This sounds almost exactly like my grandma's backyard, which is a really powerful memory to me.

  The one sound I've not found or replicated on your site was the sound of wind through leaves. A little like rain, a bit like waves, not quite either one, even with the addition of wind from the wind generator. I'm so glad you added this one. The bird and trickling water sounds are a bonus. It sounds like summer.

  This generator, combined with Canyon Drone, is superb for studying and writing. Thank you so much for creating this soundscape, Dr. Pigeon!

  My aunt's mother-in-law passed away recently and this reminds me of summer afternoons swimming in her backyard pool with her birds nearby.

  Reminds me my old noisy-birdy garden :)

  One of my new favourites! I work in an open-plan office with traders shouting down the mic's regularly and this helps me focus on my work. Thank you

  Oh! This is exciting! Been waiting for this one for a long time.

  This generator is a pure delight. An oasis in a hot clime is something I've always wanted to visit, and until I get there in my body, these sounds will hold me over just fine :)

  Backyard retreat. Go Pigeon :)