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Quebec • Canada
The myNoise Sampling Sessions' Photo Album
Taking a trip to Montreal to see my daughter became the perfect opportunity to reconnect with the great outdoors. I enjoyed spending several days in neighboring Regional parks, where I "drop-cached" a few recorders during my hikes.

Discover these sounds in Forêt Ouareau, Woodland Echoes, Thawing Forest and Montréal.

Quebec • Canada • Spring 2022

The starting point of this sampling session was a visit to my daughter Celia, currently studying in Montreal.
To my astonishment, May's landscape was still painted with snow.
I had hoped to discover frozen lakes creating enchanting noises as they defrosted, but disappointingly, they remained silent.
My rustic hideaway, next to the Forêt Ouareau Regional Park
The modern nature lover: seeking solitude in the wilderness, but with an eye on the WiFi signal :D
Immersing oneself in sound recording is akin to entering a state of meditation.
Recording the noise of the Ouareau river.
In the Ouareau River, lively sections give way... calmer stretches. This particular section of the river gave me with enchanting watery notes.
And then there are times when the river song is reduced to the faintest of murmurs.
My drop recording setup acts as my ears in the wilderness, listening for over 24 hours. Can you spot the microphones?
Here you can, easily! My trusted pair of AT3031s.
A duo of NT1As, famed for their whisper-quiet performance. These large, fluffy caps dramatically reduce the intrusion of wind noises in the recordings.
The quiet home of beavers, who unfortunately remained absent from sight and sound during my stay :(

Thank you!

Sampling sessions abroad are only possible because of the generosity of the people making donations to this website. May those contributors be assured of my deepest gratitude! If you would like to foster the recording of new sounds, please support or keep supporting my work. Stéphane