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Black River • Sweden
The myNoise Sampling Sessions' Photo Album
I can't count how many times loon calls have been requested as an addition to this site. I wasn't aware of their haunting calls until I started to investigate why I was receiving so many requests. Then I realized why there was such a demand. It's an iconic sound, just as wolves' howls are. I gave myself a challenge for 2018, to find a spot where I could record these birds, hopefully not too far from home.

Discover Lake LifeNorthern ForestLively Lake

Black River (Sweden) • Spring 2018

Unreal skies, at dawn and dusk
Canoeing at dawn (4AM) for bird chorus
...and at night (12PM) chasing frogs
Quiet waters produce increadibly long reverberation times
The lake where loons rest for the night
The same lake
The loon lake again where I spent most of my time
One of the recording setups left overnight facing the lake
Recording forest sounds. Can you spot the recorder?
The forest is slowly recovering from Sweden's largest wildfire in 2014
Another stealth recording setup, set to capture frogs and loon calls
This time of the year, the Black River looks like a lake because of the thaw
Getting up with the group at 3AM to record dawn choruses
Engineers love symmetry!
Black River at dusk

Thank you!

Sampling sessions abroad are only possible because of the generosity of the people making donations to this website. May those contributors be assured of my deepest gratitude! If you would like to foster the recording of new sounds, please support or keep supporting my work. Stéphane