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The Return of Migratory Birds

The sounds you hear on this soundscape were recorded in April 2018 during a field recording trip to the Black River Valley in central Sweden. The trip was brilliantly organized by naturalist Stefan Taylor who knows the place like no one else. The soundscape also concludes the set of generators that have spawn from this productive sampling session: you may remember our earlier canoe trip on a Calm Lake and that one day in the life of a Northern Forest. With Lively Lake, we are heading back to the lake side with lots of water birds! And because its Sweden and you're never far away from woods, forest birds can occasionally be heard in the distance too. Pictures from that recording session are available here.

Sampling sessions abroad are only possible because of the generosity of the people making donations to this website. May those contributors be assured of my deepest gratitude!

Published by Stéphane on May 6th, 2019

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  This gives me some serious nostalgia, I used to live in a large house by a lake in Sweden as a kid before moving into an apartment and later another country. I never realized just how much I missed these sounds, thank you so much for bringing them to me.

  This is my personal favorite. The mixture of birds, wind and water makes for a completely relaxing experience. I love putting the slider on and feeling like I'm walking by the lake through the woods.

  Simply amazing. My cat loves this one as much as I do.

  It never ceases to amaze me that myNoise is such a relaxing and comforting site. Wow!