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Home of the Woodpeckers


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Knock! knock!—who's there?

The sounds you hear on this soundscape were recorded in April 2018, during a field recording trip to the Black River Valley in central Sweden. The trip was organized by experienced naturalist Stefan Taylor, who knows the place like no one else. After the Lakeside and its iconic loon calls at night, let's follow Stefan under the forest canopy to discover another iconic sound and a user request that has been around for years: the sound of woodpeckers pecking for food.

Amongst the individual recordings, one may sound a little eerie and hard to describe. These aren't frogs, but the sound of a black grouse lek in the distance. And because its Sweden and you're never far away from inland water, lake birds can occasionally be heard in the distance too.

Check out the pictures from the field recording trip to Sweden. Sampling sessions abroad are only possible because of the generosity of the people making donations to this website.

Published by Stéphane on September 11th, 2018

User Stories

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  Delightful! Two of my favorite sounds in the world - wind in the trees and woodpeckers. I can imagine myself sitting on the porch of a mountain cabin, wrapped in a blanket and reading a book.

  "Black River Forest" is the whole sound universe of the polar forest in spring... And in pair with the Trip of Mind soundscape on the "Ultra" preset... It can magically turn into a kind of wood metaverse!

  This reminds me of Illinois and Wisconsin. I really love this page.

  I love this. It helps me drown out the noise of my house. This mixes well with primeval forest.

  I paired this with the Phantoms from the Ominous soundscape and it feels like I'm far far away from everyone; it's just me and the forest.

  These settings are quiet and breezy, I like listening to the trees.

  Listening to this while working feels like sitting outside in the forest.

  Makes me feel like I'm alive.

  So grateful to have found this site, and now that I have, I don't know how I ever managed without it. My favourites are Rain Sounds and the various Forest Sounds. They calm me down when I am anxious, frustrated, and when I just want to focus on my writing. Many thanks for this site & the fact that it can so easily impact my day and my mood :)

  I love this! It helps me relax when I'm in a stressful mood.

  This is so awesome! I listen to this every day! I just close my eyes and drift away...

  This is really useful when I wake up too late and the morning birds are not singing anymore, to make me believe it is still early and make me feel better.

  I was born in Sweden but I had to move to the United States when I was 14 or 15. Thank you so much for reminding me of what it was like living there!

  Thanks so much. With the onset of winter it's lovely to have as my BG sound while I work. Pax et lux, Bobby

  When wearing headphones, the pecking sound sounds like it is coming from elsewhere...

  I combined this with Osmosis and it feels like I'm far far away from everyone; it's just me and the forest. Works wonders for studying. Thank you sooo much! :D

  These woodpeckers in Sweden don't sound the same as what I am used to living in the Midwest of the United States, but they are just as busy! I like having the background stream and wind playing and hearing the business of the woodpeckers. Their work ethic is contagious!

  I've always loved the way crows sounded. Combined with the stream and the background woodpeckers, I feel like I've found a nice little ruin in the middle of a large forest.

  This sounds just the wooded trail that leads to the Hudson River at Montgomery Place Historic Site in Upstate New York.

  Circumstances have me live in a city I don't like too much, in some areas that have no nature, only neglected trees in filthy streets. Luckily most my days are spent studying in a library of limited charme. I love the Northern Forest, I can forget I'm here and pretend to study under the trees in the park on the other side of town. Each of your soundscapes from nature is beautiful. Thank you <3

  Loving the northern forest. The woodpeckers are my new jam.

  On this bitterly cold February morning, my cat and I are enjoying listening to what spring sounds like.

  This feels like... it's an early Canadian summer morning... and I'm sitting all bundled up on my swing set on the deck, still groggy and trying to wake myself up with a hot coffee... feels like home. I could easily fall asleep to this too. Super comforting.

  We went bird watching in Oregon's Coastal Range in April. I hoped to see/hear woodpeckers. Unfortunately we must have been in the wrong place at the wrong time and not a woodpecker was to be heard. This takes me back to those lush forests and a very enjoyable vacation - but now I have woodpeckers! Thanks Stephane!

  I live in Latvia which isn't all that far from Sweden, and now, in the winter months, this brings back almost tangible memories of a hot summer's day in a pine tree forest. I love the sweet summer forest scent so much and I can feel it now, even if I'm bundled up in bed.

  Although I've never been to Sweden, I grew up in Michigan and to me this sounds like the forests of home.

  This sound is absolutely wonderful, it reminds me so much of relaxing afternoons, exploring the forest as a child. I have trouble really feeling relaxed due to anxiety, but this makes me feel like just lying down, breathing, taking things slow, and maybe going out for a walk to explore the next best forest again.

  I'm from Sweden and let me tell you - this is exactly what Swedish forests sound like! Listening to this is like taking a walk outside my house. The familiar birds made me extra happy. Thank you for making this! It helps me relax and makes me feel calm in stressy situations, and when I'm far away from home it eases my homesickness a little. Thanks!

  Truly wonderful, but what is the sound like someone playing table-tennis/ping-pong? [Note from editor: woodpeckers!]

  Really nice! Also feels like the forests I am used to, growing up in central Sweden.

  I love the immersive sound of this one. It truly captures the feeling of being out in the wilderness.

  Living in NZ, I've never heard a woodpecker or a black grouse. I feel like someone's shared a lovely secret with me. Thanks so much.

  A new favorite! I love the birds, the water and forest sounds, and the tapping of the woodpeckers. Very peaceful.

  Love this new gen. It's a great set of noises.

  I love how expansive the soundscape is--the black grouses in the distance, the pecking up close, then the stream somewhere in between. I spend a lot of time in a room, and this helps me from feeling trapped :) I appreciate the effort taken to chase down these sounds. Thank you!

  Thank you for the forest background to write to this morning! So much better than the nasty drone of the news that's echoing downstairs. <3 LOVE!

  I know the idea of this generator is to highlight the woodpecker, but I like this mix a bit more, focusing on the black grouse, the stream, the forest, some crows, and the spring wind.

  I love this one so much!