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Calm Lake
Canoeing at Dusk with Loons


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Loon calls, at last!

I can't count how many times loon calls have been requested as an addition to this site. For my fellow Europeans, a 'loon' is the American name for what we call a 'diver'. I wasn't aware of their haunting calls until I started to investigate why I was receiving so many requests. Then I realized why there was such a demand. It's an iconic sound, just as wolves' howls are. I gave myself a challenge for 2018, to find a spot where I could record these birds, hopefully not too far from home.

The sounds you hear on this soundscape were recorded in April 2018, during a field recording trip to the Black River Valley in central Sweden. The trip was brilliantly organized by experienced naturalist Stefan Taylor, who knows the place like no one else, and it was open to other field recordists. Stefan led us to the exact lake where we would be able to record loons at night, and he proved to be absolutely correct, though the loons call only once or twice during the night at that time of the year. So, I had to leave my equipment running over a few consecutive nights to pick up the best samples. This soundscape also features sounds recorded while canoeing under a full moon down the Black River, at a late hour; in calm waters, surrounded by frogs and birds that were making noises I had never heard before. That trip offered rare recording opportunities. There will be more sound generators to come on myNoise!

Sampling sessions abroad are only possible because of the generosity of the people making donations to this website. May those contributors be assured of my deepest gratitude! Check out the pictures from the field recording trip to Sweden.

Published by Stéphane on June 20th, 2018

User Stories

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  This brings me back to my grandparents' family cabin in northern MN. In fact, loon calls are such a strong family sound and concept. My grown children are getting sibling tattoos of two loons in honor of their cabin and lake heritage.

  WOW this is a very good relaxing sound. Thank you for making this WEIRD but amazing web.

  This reminds me of the time I went camping in my grandpa's backyard when I was 8, I cold hear a lot of birds! Thank you!

  My students are doing a unit on amphibians. I use the sounds to provide a little ambiance to my classroom while they do their work.

  Thank you so much for this soundscape. It instantly transports me to my childhood at our old cabin and laying on the dock at dusk watching the stars come out. That cabin is gone now and someone else owns the island, but listening to this makes it still feel real. Sometimes it can also engage my scent and touch sense-memories and if I close my eyes it becomes a truly immersive experience.

  This reminds me of a camping trip I did in north Wisconsin. This brings back memories.

  This reminds me of the Boundary Waters in Northern Minnesota. I love the loon sounds! I hope one day we can send you to the Boundary Waters Dr. Pigeon to record the North Woods!

  OK, have I just done 4 hours of solid work... I have!!! Like seriously since when did I do that??!!!! Amazing! I didn't know how much I hated the noise around me when I worked, the tap tap of my keyboard, my brother playing games in the next room, my family talking, dogs, cars. Genuinely helped more than I can say. And it hardly feels like I'm wearing headphones!! Amazing!!

  This reminds me of the time I went canoeing with my friend. There was no one in sight on the calmest of calm lakes, and we were surrounded by nature galore. It was so beautiful that we just couldn't talk and we could hardly even row!! It was just breathtaking. Just sitting there, occasionally rowing to hear the splashing sound (my favorite) and listening to the relaxed sounds of nature calling....

  It makes me feel like a wanderer, sitting alone by a lake and thinking about the existence of life and nature.

  This is precisely what I needed... A little 'springtime camping at the lake' while in the middle of winter.

  First of all, that's AMAZING... I wanted to create a little wind and a sense of strangeness.

  I just realized why the "kiss us" preset is only frogs. I feel stupid.

  This combined with 'Tape Memories' (I'll write a testimonial on that one too so you can have my exact experience (; ) got me focusing on *college-level biology* with only four hours of sleep. Felt like I was studying at a cottage on the lake, listening to relaxing music as I did so.

  I imagine two people out on the lake. There's a lot to say, but for now they'll just let the sounds of nature fill the silence between them.

  I listened to this while writing a (For now, chapter) of my book, along with the wood from a sailboat. It got me in the characters shoes, thank you.

  Real silence isn't silent. <3

  This soundspace was incredible; allowing me to seep into meditation with a relaxed state of mind-will be back!

  Saving these for backups in case I lose the download files. Such a nice relaxing soundscape.

  I love the ambience of it! I paired it with Healing Water and it really helped me take notes for class. A really good experience.

  Perfect sounds for writing about my characters out on the lake at night. This entire website is beautiful.

  I was born in Sweden but unfortly had to move when I was like 8 to America so it is good to hear sound from Sweden.

  This is very lovely. It's nice, and calms me right down.

  I'm from Sweden, born and raised, and this really helps me focus writing my essay while reminding me of what awaits outside here in our gorgeous nature. I'm in love with the insane quality of the audio, I'm glad I donated to your website, I'm all for supporting this amazing project! <3

  I've been longing for a lake soundscape, having spent my childhood in boats and canoes. All we need here are some coots with their gentle beeps and the drone of a small plane somewhere high above and I'd be in my happy place. :)

  Love nature sounds and this one is very unique! Thanks to prepare these beautiful soundscapes.

  Wow! LUV this... so calming and inspiring... and the picture helps to!

  This reminds me when i use to live in Sweden when i was a kid. Thank you for posting this!

  These soundscapes are awesome for keeping our dogs calm when outside noises get them barking, and good for human nerves as well. So multi-layered, this one is particular makes me want to invest in a high quality speaker to appreciate the detail.

  I am loving this with orchestron, both on animation. Great for work focus.

  Wow! What a pleasurable experience... I just feel asleep without even noticing as I was listening to this... Woke up when it ended. Very rarely does one find enough calm and sweetness in a given moment to drift away in these troubled times! I'm contributing. You deserve every form patronage and expression of gratitude as form of reciprocity!

  My usual go-to's for comfort and background noise are crashing waves and thunderstorms, but Calm Lake is truly enchanting!

  Calm Lake paired with In Utero>Aquatic Life makes you feel like you're underwater but also floating on the surface. Very relaxing and a bit eerie.

  I just recently thought to put in a request for loons, and here it is! The call is iconic. My first encounter was in the Adirondacks of New York, and it was unreal! Set under the most prestigious sky on the shore of Cranberry Lake.I only wish this also had the yodeling laugh of the loon as well. Perhaps an outing to the Adirondacks is forecasted in the future!

  A surreal atmosphere.

  Thank you for finding these "loon" or "diver" sounds. If you ever have the chance to visit the US, I highly recommend visiting the Boundary Waters Canoe Area National Wilderness. It is an area of thousands of small lakes, kept as close to wilderness as possible, accessible only by canoe. It's also near the North Shore of Lake Superior, which offers different sounds to sample.

  One of my favourites! Almost like I'm drifting across a lake in a little raft with a big mountain in the distance.

  I'm absolutely in love with this. Amazing!

  Another great sound to work and relax to as always. myNoise has officially become my go-to place for the best sound generators on the Internet.

  Wonderfully soothing and relaxing  transportive.

  Gosh this is beautiful.

  I'm from New England so I can attest to the fact that the plaintive laughter of a loon is simultaneously very calming and haunting. I remember one summer I was camping by a lake in New Hampshire with my dad and at night I looked out at the lake and heard the loons calling and saw the port and starboard lights of a quiet boat drifting along the water. It was very peaceful. This reminds me of that.

  Beautiful, as always! Placed a rain generator with this for white noise and it was perfect. I love loons. Their calls are so haunting. Always thrilled when a new generator pops up. Keep up the hard work. You always have my support ~<3

  Beautiful! I will have a good study session today thanks to this.

  Ahh, from my country. This is absolutely beautiful. Makes me dream of a nature untouched by mankind. I can't start to describe what it makes me feel.

  I love this one and am using it as a background sound for my day.

  This is the iconic sound of summer for any native Minnesotan. Weekend trips up north to the woods were a staple of my childhood. I now go to university abroad, and hearing this noise generator literally brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much!

  Simply beautiful! The recording quality of the loons is nothing short of incredible!