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The myNoise Sampling Sessions' Photo Album
Chasing ice cold noises above the Artic Circle, during the polar night! With the help of a local women, Tinja, and her husband Alex, I experienced Lapland's real life for a week, living without running water nor electricity, only by candle light, and the warmth of a log fire. Sled dogs were our means of transport in the great all-white wilderness.

These recordings can be found in Sled DogsArctic Wolves • Polar Expedition

Lapland (Finland) • Winter 2015

Tinja's place, on a lake side. There I stayed for a week without running water, nor electricity.
The lake side...
... and the 'no electricity side'
December 21st, shortest day of the year. Sun remains below the horizon but lightens the sky, for 4 hours a day
When you see this, you don't miss the sunshine anymore!
My frozen finger tip still remembers taking (too many) pictures. Temperature was -26°C.
A poor and lonesome cowboy...
...and his gun microphone
Recoding very quiet sounds often requires leaving the recording equipement behind...
...because you don't want to hear me breathing in the background, seriously.
The Chief of Operations
Tinja preparing her dogs
Tinja checking if I was still on my sled (I saw the snow up close a couple of times)
Full speed ahead!
Waiting, as Tinja's sled opens a way in the snow
Team Leaders
Mission accomplished. It's about 2PM
Back home. Tea time, in the middle of the night afternoon. And yet another sound for myNoise

Thank you!

Sampling sessions abroad are only possible because of the generosity of the people making donations to this website. May those contributors be assured of my deepest gratitude! If you would like to foster the recording of new sounds, please support or keep supporting my work. Stéphane