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Sled Dogs
Dog Powered Online Noise Generator


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Get ready, because they are!

With the first in a series of noise generators recorded in Finland during the winter of 2015, we are invited on a dog sled ride in the white wilderness of Lapland. These dogs belong to Tinja Myllykangas, a young woman locally known as The Dog Whisperer. Tinja traded city life to a wilderness hut, living without electricity nor running water in a remote place above the Polar Circle. She shares a relationship with her dogs like best friends, and you can feel that chemistry upon arriving at Siperia Laponica, their home on the side of a lake.

Tinja's dogs sincerely love sled rides. When she arrives with their harnesses, the full pack of 85 dogs — many of which Tinja rescued — begins barking for her attention, each begging to be picked and strapped into the sled. Only a few are selected. The noise the lucky ones make while eagerly awaiting departure is incredible! Their excitement pauses only once the sled begins moving. If the musher — the person who rides the sled — ever chooses to stop the sled later on, dogs will rapidly become impatient again. They always want to keep going, and will soon start barking as if to say, "Let's go! Let's go!"

We have departed. The barking of the dogs left at the camp disappears in the distance, and the world of sound changes. Wrapped in a perfect silence, we can now listen to our glide in the snow and the dogs' breath as they pull our sled. If we keep our ears open, we will hear the musher's breath too. Dog sledding is a physical experience. Uphill, the musher will often run after the sled to help the dogs out. The musher is a team member like the dogs — a part of that incredible, organic machine, that chugs like a steam-powered engine.

Behind-the-scene photos are available here.

Published by Stéphane on February 19th, 2016

User Stories

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  This has taken the top spot as the weirdest yet somehow comforting sound I've ever heard. myNoise keeps on surprising me. I find the strangest sounds that instantly become faves. A few days ago, I found Laundromat, and I was shocked. I have always loved laundromats but didn't really know why. It was the noise. Thanks again, myNoise!

  One of my personal calming noises is the "swish, swish, swish" sound of my cross-country skis. This sound, helps capture that feeling and immediately calms me.

  This captured my imagination. I immediately started looking for the nearest place to go mushing. I watched and read all of the information you provided about this experience. Thanks for surprising me again! I listen (and daydream a little) while I work. I encourage everyone to throw in a few $$ a month to support this vital service!


  ← This sound I made is like the dogs are running through a snowstorm.

  Oh gosh, this is just beyond adorable, it melts my heart! It can also be tweaked into a decent "coyotes howling at night" simulator, something I miss from living in the country. Bless, myNoise, bless bless bless!

  My dog had been asleep, then raised his head and pricked up his ears! Amazing.

  Just some deep breaths with strong wind to calm some nerves.

  I am a blind soundscape lover and while browsing the different presets I feel like browsing the photo album I never could see with my eyes. This site is something beyond my wildest dreams! I also love the iPhone app because that offers access to the sliders for the blind people too.

  Incredibly calm: wind + gliding through the snow atmosphere without dogs.

  So relaxing, I love it <3

  As weird as this is going to sound to some, this might be my "new" favorite! I love the dogs and it's so immersive, especially with the breath and the occasional whimper and the sled team driver too. Amazing. I just wish I could go on the sled ride in Finland. Sigh. This website is worth every donation any one can spare. Seriously. This is incredible. Immersive is the word I keep coming back to.

  This is wonderful on a hot summer day - immediately made my too-warm room feel cooler! In addition, it's a wonderful background sound to keep me focused. Thanks for sharing your adventure, Dr. Pigeon! :)

  This is fabulous! I was kidnapped by a stray Siberian husky decades ago; it's like potato chips, you can't have just one. I mush two or three... or three and a quarter (Max the 16 pound Schipperke joined the team for awhile) dogs mostly on a wheeled rig or bike, just for fun. The dogs love it, they get to run as far and fast as they want, and I can keep up!

  As anyone who has been dog mushing will know, the dogs very rarely bark while running. I think the title of 'approaching the dog yard' or the alike would be more appropriate. With that said, this generator does bring me back to my childhood growing up with sled dogs during feeding time. Happy to see this unique generator. [Note from the editor : the dog barking was indeed recorded right before the 'take off' ;-) ]

  Sending love... BIG love your way for being so benevolent and generous to the world for your build and design of this website. Thank you SO much!

  ← Sounds like the musher lost his dogs... they're running away.

  Wonderful! Sounds like our house. Pizza deliveries are... interesting.

  This has become a new favorite. The sound of the dogs' panting is so cheerful - they just sound like they are having fun and are so full of enthusiasm. That in turn makes me feel cheerful as well. I use this when I need to concentrate and lift my spirits at the same time. Thanks so much Dr. Pigeon! This site has benefited me in so many ways.

  ← Lost on a snowy mountain

  Wow! Pairing Sled Dogs with the Northern Lights generator is amazing! It brings to mind such beautiful imagery, but is also not too distracting to use while working. Thanks!

  This generator tricked my dogs. They're very interested and very confused.

  I've been hoping for a dog-related generator for some time! It's been a dream of mine to go dog sledding. Until I can fulfil that dream, this generator is a beautiful replicate.

  I've been eagerly checking every week for the new recordings from Lapland and I'm so excited they're here! Thank you for building such amazing immersive environments for us all.

  Crying here. This is so beautiful.

  What an incredible, unique generator! I love soundscapes which are at once interesting and relaxing. Thank you for all your hard work.

  This immediately made me smile! Dogs are some of my favorite "people". This generator is filled with their joy and enthusiasm. All of the presets are wonderful. "Lost Musher" made me chuckle - as I have been out in the deep snow and wind, huffing and puffing a few times myself! All in all this is a wonderful generator to lift the spirits and cleanse the soul. Thank you, Dr. Pigeon!