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White Rain
Frequency-Shaped Rain Noise Generator


Brown  •  Pink  •  White  •  Grey  •  Infra  •  Ultra •  Around 60Hz  •  125Hz  •  250Hz  •  500Hz  •  1kHz  •  2kHz  •  4kHz  •  8kHz  •  Speech Blocker •  Gentle Rain Surprise!

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mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
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White Noise + Rain = White Rain Noise ?

For the engineer, white noise is a signal that contains all frequencies in equal proportion, or, in other words, a signal whose spectrum is flat. For the mathematician, white noise is a signal made of uncorrelated samples, exactly like numbers output by a random number generator. Assuming that both engineers and mathematicians are right, we conclude that, when a source behaves like a random process, its sound should resemble white noise.

This is exactly what happens with rain. Every drop can be considered as an independent, uncorrelated, sound source. A gentle rain, made of sparse drops, will generate a pitter-patter sound, where you will still be able to hear each drop's distinctive sound. By increasing the rate and the number of drops, a heavier rain starts behaving as a huge random process, and its sound turns white.

Our white rain sound recording is totally natural: no synthetic white noise has been superimposed here. Yet, it sounds close to white noise. Not all rain sounds are white though, mostly because of the environment in which the rain falls alters the color of the sound too. Our recording has been performed in the silence of the night, in a huge space - namely the Harau Valley in Sumatra - and in the absence of any wind, as to produce the most even noise one can get.

This sound offers the exact same spectrum as white noise, and can be used in the same applications in the mind, such as noise blocking or tinnitus relief. If white noise ever sounded too synthetic for your ears, give our white rain noise a try.

Published by Stéphane on February 18th, 2014

User Stories

Write your own here. Click the blue bulletsto load associated settings.

  My headphones will turn off if no audio is being played, so this website really helps when I'm doing school or working with audio for a video game I'm working on. It's much better than YouTube.

  Sounds surreal.

  The sound of rain in a lush jungle aboard a rocket ship — a natural space, seemingly empty and infinite, with reality bleeding through the limits of the fantasy.

  Better than YouTube! I think myNoise is the best option when it comes to "background sound"! I've been using it because of my Bluetooth headphones that disconnect when no sound is being played. Sometimes they disconnect in the most annoying scenarios, but with this generator, I get a pleasant noise in the background with no issues anymore. YouTube takes too much, and this generator doesn't!

  Happy New Year, Stéphane! I have just donated again, and you all should too if you benefit from the work he shares here. I've said it before, but this site has literally saved my career. Noise-canceling headphones plus speech blocker rain have enabled me, someone with pretty severe ADHD, to do my dream job in an open-plan office and not go crazy or burn out. For another year. I am SO thankful.

  Man, I've been so stressed and have poor focus, so I blocked YouTube and deleted Spotify. I had to find a site that could play rain sounds without distracting me, and myNoise just saved the day. Thank you for offering a free site that helps many focus. God bless, and thank you once again!

  I've been listening to White Rain for quite some time, which has helped me a lot to maintain focus. A few months ago, I combined it with Piano Escape and it got even better!

  I was revising for my A-levels when I discovered this gem, and now I can't revise without it. It has helped me so much and changed my life forever. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  Ahhhhhhhhh!!! This is the feeling I get when my mind is on overdrive and I just need to get away from it for a while. Whether it is to read over some contract or work on the next strategy, I love this. Thank you!

  Goosebumps. The low frequencies quiet the mind while the higher ones soothe it. Thank you.

  Makes it easier to pay attention while practicing in class :) Thank you so much!!!

  I am currently at school. Outside, the sun is shining, but I have shut the blinds and turned this on full. When I take my headphones off, I can hear people's noisy chatter, but it feels bare. So I shove my headphones back on and lose myself in a heavy autumn/winter rainstorm. Bliss. Thanks so much <3

  It helps me focus on school work when the other people talking around me. Thank you for the help. <3 <3 <3

  i suffer from adhd and have a hard time learning but this app helps me focus and stay on task I love this app and I hope you do too.

  Helps me deal with tinnitus spikes. You are a legend!

  So greatful. Lots of love <3

  Speech Blocker noises are the best. I don't have a work friendly environment at my house, so I use this to block the noise. Helps 'almost' every time.

  Paired this with Strings Above and now I'm safe and snug in a contemplative bubble while I perform my little tasks in a shared office. Many thanks for this website and this generator.

  Good for blocking out the 60 Hz and 240 Hz hum from electronics and AC in the office <3

  I absolutely love this white noise, I study Early Years Education, and this helps me whenever I need to focus to study (I usually take days to learn 1 unit, but thanks to this I finish in a few hours) , and let me recommend you to put some Lofi in the background if you need to study :D

  This was the quickest math homework ever. Just, yk, I ALWAYS need to watch YouTube, sing songs, and because of that my math homework could be like an hour when fr it's 40 minutes. THIS is what I needed all my life!!

  Hello, myNoise users! I want to recommend this as one of the best white noise generators ever! I use it while I practice my quadrobics (I'm a therian) and it really helps me drown out my thoughts. 10/10! Love it!

  I have ADHD and leave my window open for circulation and it helps block out all noise! It's really hard for me to concentrate but I've been using this website for years and it's been incredible the whole time. I love how you can customize each level, it really helps to be able to make this noise your own. Thank you!

  Two of my favorite sounds combined, white noise and rain sounds. Perfection.

  This is my favorite configuration. It is soft and gentle, but still noticeable. I use it for sleep. I love this site so much! I've used it every night since I've found it, even away from home, and slept like a baby each time. Love your site, Stépane! <3

  Red rain setting is still a favorite: perfect for drowning out background noises while listening to podcasts. Have a good day and take breaks, y'all :)

  Hi, my name is Cyrus. I live in a house that turns off my internet frequently. I just like the website and think it deserves more love. Thanks.

  The White Rain is my favorite generator on this site - it really helps block out office noise.

  A more radical configuration than I normally make. There is a lot of detail in the gens---yes, this one too---that you will never find unless you investigate each slider. A bit of playing led here---I call it Wuthering Heights. Signed, A Lifelong MyNoise Fan

  This generator shields my mind from the noise of others and first allowed me to function in a social environment. I have found that other generators, like Café Restaurant, hone my mind competitively, but no other generator is quite as solitary, vacant, and serene as this one. I come back to contemplate. Signed, A Lifelong MyNoise Fan.

  Awesome site! I'am a user for quite a while now, and it is hard to work without my White Rain configuration. I wish I could donate more and more often.

  I've been using this one to focus at work, even if others are talking. Life can be hard, but smart usage of tools like this one help get people through it. Thank you so much, Dr. Pigeon. Not just for creating this website, but also for making it so easily accessible for people in any country and walk of life.

  This has to be the best website I've found this year! The fact that it's available on desktop is so underrated because being on my phone is a guaranteed distraction. It's also fun to see how other people enjoy these sounds and the little stories about everyone! Thank you so much!

  I am very thankful that this website is usable for free because my mom and step dad won't allow me to but white noise. And I'm also glad that is offline once you have the browser on. It honestly is just fun to try other peoples settings for the noise too. And once again.... Thanks!

  My personal favorite settings. Try them out! Perfect for sleep.

  I got tinnitus at a very young age as a result of playing drums, and unfortunately, it continues to torment me to this day. A constantly nagging, anxiety-inducing intrusion inside my head, which cannot be muffled even by covering my ears. Every single day is a struggle to come to terms with this everlasting condition, but listening to white rain helps alleviate my frustrations. Thank you.

  A very slight but very beautiful change to the default settings... Like standing in a cave, hearing the rain fall in a windswept valley... Also blocks speech.

  I haven't found a single noise generator with as diverse of sound options and as granular of controls as this one. Ever since I discovered it I've slept like a baby every night.

  Rafting in a hurricane (also erases the human voice).

  I've been using this site since my tinnitus worsened in early 2021, and I honestly think I'd have gone crazy without it.

  I tell everyone I know about this site! I've tried videos and Spotify clips of white noise, but those are never long enough, and they tend to have noticeable hiccups where the audio loops, or else some repeating blip that completely throws off my focus. I like to combine the speech blocker with white rain or white noise, sometimes Irish Coast or even Medieval Library.

  For me, artificial sounding white noise was always a big problem. It sounded too fake and sterile to me, and didn't provide a real sense of comfort at night. Meanwhile, typical meditation CDs and streaming tracks would get repetitive, and the fact that I kept noticing the patterns would take me out of the experience. myNoise solves both of these problems wonderfully. Thank you so much.

  Hey I am the one who had the top comment for at least a while and maybe I still do! I just wanna add onto it because I really like this website/app. Another thing I love about it is how you can use the blue dots on the other comments to use their settings. And how you change change the settings of the sliders. And once again... Thanks!

  I love this website/app because my parents would have always turned off my YouTube so I couldn't use white noise until I found this and now that I know about it I will always use it. I love how we can chose the way we make it! Thanks!

  I love horror books. I read horror books before sleeping EVERY night. The problem is the books have pictures and they are horror books, so the pictures have scenes that look a lot like the scene in Star Wars where Jabba the Hutt throws Luke Skywalker into the pit with uglyhead. I get nightmares for weeks, but thankfully this website comes in and saves me! This website SOLVES YOUR PROBLEMS!

  As a Muslim, this site has really been helpful since I personally omit myself from listening to music due to my religion, but we are permitted to listen to natural sounds, & this really helps me relax, plus the features to modify the sounds are really useful so I can enjoy the sounds at a frequency I like!! :)

  Something to drown out the loudness of the world :)

  I have ASD and I've been using this site for about 3-4 years now, and it's helped me relax and fall asleep every night since. I wouldn't be able to fall asleep without it. Thank you Dr. Pigeon for your beautiful soundscapes!

  Nobody asked, I delivered: here's a red rain setting.

  This is all well and good, and I see almost all the colors, but does it have a red rain setting?

  Nothing has helped me focus throughout university more than myNoise and white rain is my personal favourite. Combined with waltz or other calm music, it is a godsend. Love from Canada.

  I had a lot of overdue tasks I needed to do, I was feeling overwhelmed and procrastinated a lot. Hearing this with some ambient lo-fi music made me focus and feel way better. Thanks.

  I listened to this with lots of stuff to do and magically I finished 90% of it. Thank you SO much. you.

  Well, I use this normally for sleep (because of lots of noises at my household), studying or maybe just chilling. Nice!

  College applications are piling on, and having this has been the focus I need to get my work done. Thank you, Sir Pigeon!

  Its great, I would recommend rain noise but this one hits the spot.

  A very beautiful sound is perfect for both relaxation and focus. I really liked it. I recommend it to everyone!

  An absolute lifesaver. I worked in an open-concept office where there was nonstop chatter on all sides. I have a lot of trouble focusing on a task when others are talking, wether I want to hear what they're saying or not. Now, I work from home but live in an urban environment where I can often hear neighbors and traffic. The 'speech blocker' with a few personalized modifications works wonders.

  Soothing, without the higher frequencies

  Last week Succoth began. This is a festival where the orthodox Jewish community builds temporary shelters outside of their homes and celebrate in them for a week. Having just moved in to a building facing their backyards, I was unprepared for all enthusiastic singing and talking and yelling. I put on Speech Blocker and woke up the next morning refreshed!

  Soothes me to the core. Reminds me of the times when me and my best friends sailed across the Pacific, I miss them dearly. Thank you Stéphane for making this purgatory a bit more relaxing.

  When I was younger, I could sleep through any amount of noise. As I got older, every noise wakes me up to the point where I was hardly sleeping at all. I've been playing "White Rain" and "Distant Thunder" every night at considerable volume, and my sleep has improved so much. Thank you!

  Mr. Pigeon, what a fella! He's probably changed thousands of lives, from a few minutes of comfort and relaxation, to providing hugely valuable help to all my homies with tinnitus, ADHD and more!

  I have been using this specific generator for years, it is the only thing I can always count on to put me to sleep. I always recommend it. Thank you so much for every single one of these generators, and especially this one!

  This generator has helped me through my ADHD issues at university, and now at work, years and years later. Nothing else helps me focus better while drowning out outside noise.

  I needed this to get me through unbearable and overwhelming days to help me feel centered. This was very helpful when I was having the hardest time at work while my husband is fighting disease. Sometimes there is just too much noise out there that it is impossible to get your thoughts in order. I am also happy this is shared free, so thank you so much!

  God bless Sir Pigeon, if it wasn't for him, it would be really hard for me to study and focus. I'm using this website for years and I think it has a great contribution to the fact that I won university exam and got in engineering department. Now he's helping me get through the finals, can't thank him enough! I use White Rain Noise to deep focus and I expended my focus range up to one hour.

  Sometimes I have anxiety attacks, it'll often make me think of a heart attack due to some chest pain or something bad like that, which makes me panic, I'll often listen to some ASMR or soothing noises, white noise all that and try and sit with my eyes closed, focus on something else This website is amazing, and gives me another spot to try and calm myself.

  White rain is by far the best for focus. I find the other stuff too distracting.

  I don't even remember how I came across this site, but I just glad I did. I use it every day, especially at work to focus and filter out the unwanted noises (mostly people talking). Lately my favorite is White Rain. I don’t know exactly why but it has the perfect amount of rain noise and white noise that works for me.

  If I'm in a place where I need to focus/study/read something and I can't do it because of background chatter, I use White Rain for cutting most of it. After a while, you stop getting distracted and getting even a bit relaxed due to the rain sounds. It's my "go to" "background noise".

  Been using lots of your background sounds. I do have a preference for distant thunder and Irish coast, but I will also used white rain when needing a total neutral sound and some others on a less regular basis. I have ASD and a possible ADHD ( never fully investigated for the last ) and they really help to lower my anxiety and find my focus.

  I use this on the brown noise setting every day behind music, it really helps me focus on my studies :)

  Man, your app has single handedly treated my T and H over the years. I'm so grateful for you!

  Mr. Pigeon: is it a bird? is it a man? No, it's a legend. Low concentration geeks shall talk about your labour of love for ages. Keep on spreading the word, guys!

  This isn't a custom noise, a geeky rant about the incomparable engine behind these sounds (spoiler alert: the sounds never loop because of thousands of permutations of recordings), or even a celebration of this brief, unique, and vast archive of Earth's organic sounds, closest to the Golden Record (actually, it seems like an earth-emulator!). It is thanks, Dr. Pigeon—for the passion beneath it.

  Apparently I have donating to this site for a whopping 8 years now (times flies !!) and it has brought me endless relaxation, joy and improved sleep for even longer than that. I use a multitude of the generators but White Rain is by far the most recurring one, getting use every single night when I go to bed. Stephane, take good care of yourself, and thank you for these beautiful sounds, every day.

  Bro, I've been really stressed with work for the past week, and this really helped. Thank you so much. :))

  I love this website, it helps me to focus while I code.

  I've used this every night since paying for it. Just hit 'shuffle' a couple of times to have endless variety. Little tip, you can bookmark the page to save the exact setup you've made.

  I love this website it helps me focus while studying and I can even play music while listening to it thank you for making this :)

  This page is awesome. I have been using this for years. It helps me to focus more than music or anything else. It is perfect to isolate external noise without the distraction of music. Kudos!

  New favorite; really helps to block the noise from the tv.

  i'm doing university classes from home and this generator has saved me so many times when my parents are talking/when I'm working in a loud environment. Love it!

  Very helpful, thanks for this, I use it daily :)

  I remember coming across this website while in undergrad years ago and it became a staple to my environment every time I needed to focus and keep distractions out. I graduated about 4 years ago and have since started my doctoral schooling. Guess what? this is STILL my staple. White rain + speech filter = I'm an a whole other world focused and on task. Thank you

  This is my new "go to" sound when I want to get into a deep focus. I used another user's preset and then increased some of the higher frequencies. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do

  The perfect setting to drown out background noise when I'm trying to study!

  What would I do without the white rain - I am soo hocked on it when I want to do some deep work :-) It would be lovely if you could also add 45min as a timer choice for that is my usual interval I work in. Thanks a lot, Kerstin [Stephane to Kerstin : you can use the time display as entry field : type 45]

  This is my favourite generator on here to remove distractions. The combination of white noise and gentle rain with some slow and subtle variations added so it doesn't get too static is perfect as a backdrop, and I often combine it with instrumental music to let me focus. It's one of the ways I deal with my ADHD and autism. I've donated twice to the site and will do so again.

  Great for concentration and blocking external noise. Thanks.


  ← this sounds like a very windy rain, it helps me study and block my noisy family. We work from home, and we're unschooled, so this really helps!

  i love it, the best for studying. I love u my noise!

  The only website I've found that's easy to use with many options to cater to my studying/writing needs! Thank you for helping me listen to Frankenstein the night before it was due, you're a lifesaver!

  Best generator on the internet!

  myNoise helps me to better manage my tinnitus. I can adjust the sounds to exactly match what I need to mask the ringing in my ears. I often have this app running on my cell phone so it plays through my hearing aids. I don't know what I'd do without it.

  This is an amazing setting for when you study. Pair it with the distant thunder generator, and all outside noise is blocked off. Amazing for focusing, and, if you have ADHD like me, really helps with bouts of sensory overload.

  Hi From Brazil! Best generator ever!

  The low deep noise really blocks out the sounds of my upstairs neighbours walking around at night (I play the white noise through a subwoofer).

  I work nights, and this blocks the sound of the city and my roommates.

  This is my favorite for getting things done!

  There are more reasons than stars in the viewable universe why myNoise is better than any other website on the internet.

  I layer the White Rain noise on speechblocker setting with Distant Thunder (thunder turned up) for a natural and relaxing speech blocker. I use this and other noises on this site for 8-10 hours every day. I am autistic and noise-sensitive, this noise is amazing for staying calm and blocking outside noises.

  There are only a few things in this world that are brilliant and still accessible to everybody, without being littered with ads. The first being libraries, and now this wonderful resource. When I'm able to get a job between the student life, I hope to support this website in any way I can. I've been using this since first year, which was during the height of the pandemic. I'm deeply grateful...!

  ← this setting is super calming and helps me with focus. I hope you enjoy listening to it :)

  I love this generator :) It makes me feel warm and cozy and helped me calm down in a noisy environment.

  Delightful sleep noise. Incredibly calming--really nothing else like it <333

  Simply awesome! My english teacher recommended me this website and I CAN’T STOP USING IT! I use this sound whenever I'm doing things I need to concentrate at, for example, making a test, Or, just something simple! Like a cup of tea. I have never been this relaxed before! God bless the owner of, he has made an awesome piece of art!

  Playing this one at the same time as the white noise generator helps me capture the sound of being underwater at the beach, which is my favorite sound in the world.

  This is my favourite setting for me to focus on my work. I play some lofi music in the background quietly so that it helps me ease into the mindset when I'm feeling demotivated

  This generator really helps handle my migraines while I wait for the meds to kick in. The pain is still there, but with the white rain sounds I can let myself be distracted – and it doesn't make the pain worse, like normal music or human voice sounds, either :)

  As a first year student, who suffers from ADHD and also studies from home, myNoise has helped me a lot, and is my most reliable go to source for background noise for studying and in general, thank you! P.S. I especially recommend White Rain and Thunder & Rain.

  This is absolutely delightful and really helps me concentrate while working on projects when there are other people in the room. Absolute lifesaver!

  Thank you for this service. I use the White Rain sound combined with some classical music on my headphones so I don't have to listen to my f****** neighbours making noise all day. I have surrendered on having silence on my own home ever. This makes me less miserable.

  This the best rain generator fall relaxing me enough for deep sleep.

  I love setting this generator to min-max and just letting it run. There's a special quality to white rain that makes it incredibly soothing. This has been a great tool whenever I have to write a paper or whenever I need to prep for public speaking. This also pairs well with other generators (my favorite paring is White Rain + Distant Thunder + Anamnesis + Osmosis). Thank you Stéphane!

  If your room is too quiet: this + Old Tape Memories = AWESOME

  One of the things I loved when I was a child that I still do today was the sound of the rain pouring as I played COD all day haha. Can't tell the rain to pour by command, but this does come pleasantly close.

  Oh this is delightful. I love tinkering. When I get antsy, I tinker with whatever gets my attention. If it's White Rain...well, it will lull me to sleep and help me let go of my grip on my compulsive nature. Yeah. Found this setting and my brain is totally checking out now. Thank you. Zzzzzz.

  Perfect for when I'm reading and want background noise!

  Just started listening, and its already great! The noise masks other sounds while being relaxing and is great if you have siblings.

  Thank you for providing this service. I work in a very noisy office and I find it hard to concentrate on my work. Your site saved my professional life. Thank you!

  I absolutely love myNoise, and the "white rain" sound in particular! I am a PhD student with ADHD and chronic anxiety/PTSD--safe to say, before I found myNoise I was struggling to focus on my work and stay calm through my day. "White Rain," among other sounds really helps me complete everything I need to, and keep my anxiety low too! This whole site has been such a lifesaver, its almost miraculous.

  So helpful for homework! The complex noise masks much better than regular white noise. Makes sharing a room with a sibling much easier.

  Whenever I feel sensory overload, or just need something to calm me down, I always use this website with some peaceful music. It really helps me focus and get my work done, with the wonderful addition of blocking out the outside world.

  This rain generator really helps me every time I cannot concentrate in my office environment. As a plus, as someone who come from Sumatra, this sound reminds my hometown so well.

  Amazing to use with a subwoofer to block out any outside noise including upstairs neighbors footsteps.

  This was really relaxing for my studies. I always come back to this site for its rain noises.

  A beautiful symphony of pattering rain that makes me feel as though I'm really outside, dancing in the downpour.

  I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD. myNoise, and especially this generator, have been vital in my worklfow for years. The white rain sound appeases my anxiety and helps me focus on the tasks at hand. It was one of the many factors that made me able to write my PhD despite of my trouble. Thank you, soooo much.

  I have horrible noisy neighbors who play loud music a lot. The bass goes through our walls despite new insulation and windows (we're in a separate house with an 8 foot brick wall and small sideyard between). I get anxiety attacks from this and noise cancelling headphones and these settings let me block out the bass enough to calm down. Sounds like a hurricane outside but I can still hear my tv.

  It helped me with my final exams!

  My favorite rain noise on myNoise. Works well with my meditations.

  This is a very useful website, thank you so much for developing it and letting it be free!

  During covid-19 lockdown, I have used this setting to block the sounds of my flat mates working out, talking or cooking while I am attending lectures.

  This is the best rain noise for me. Absolutely beautiful, and I like to combine it with other soundscapes from this page to pretend it's raining wherever I want it ro rain. For writing my fantasy story, I am combining it with the one called "Sad Minstrel", and it is perfect for focus.

  This setting makes my study sessions more productive with my ADHD!

  I have frequent severe low roaring tinnitus as a result of Otosclerosis. This generator set to the "Brown" calibrated preset is literally life changing for me. Within seconds, it masks the roar and I am able to relax, read, or sleep. It was this amazing generator that motivated me to donate and become a Patron of Stephane and his incredible work!

  This blocks out a lot of sound so I can go to sleep.

  Thank you. This makes me very focused. I have ADHD and I was having a sensory overload and this helped a lot.

  I am marking papers at home and the "White Rain" function helps block out distracting noises while creating a pleasing ambiance. Suddenly I am marking papers in Sumatra instead of in my noisy home!

  Extremely annoying things going on at work, one after the other. Engage sanity preservation mode! (*Turns on White Rain Noise*)

  Thank you so much! This really helps me focus, even with other noises around me, and it's a very calming sound.

  Really helps to mask my tinnitus.

  Whenever I feel my anxiety getting bad (which is often) I put this on and the blank background always calms me down! It's also wonderful for blocking out my noisy upstairs neighbors stomping around all hours of the night.

  I have ADHD and my family is very annoying. Thank you so much for this escape.

  Excellent mix of White Noise and Rain! It helps me when I study. Thanks, Dr. Pigeon!

  I LOVE this so much. It helps me focus and I feel so much more productive.

  Thank you so much. This noise generator really helps me block out my noisy neighbour shouting, blasting music and what sounds like running and jumping at two am.

  I love this! I've discovered myNoise recently and I just love it, it helps me focus on what I'm doing and it helps to block external noises. Thank you.

  After months of use of the site, I feel I would be lost without it. This is not the most interesting of the generators, but I can always rely on it to help me focus. It is so very helpful to me. Thank you so much for what you do.

  Helps to block out my loud family when doing online classes. Thank you so much!

  I really like this one, it helps me focus on my school work! Thank you, to whoever made this :)

  I have ADHD and sometimes I get really irritated by super small sounds of like people talking and stuff when I'm trying to study. Music with words is too distracting, and lofi hip hop is too irritating. This works like a charm!

  Pair with Examination Time and taa daa!!! A state of super focus! Loved it.

  I love how this helps me focus my thoughts as well as let them wander in a controlled fashion! Specifically when I need a 10-20 minute meditation break.

  This is the best way to concentrate on anything like meditation, study. And even if you are trying to have a peace sleep you may hear these white noises using your headphones. I love these noises. it helps me to focus on my work. Really it's good way to focus more.

  My go to when I need to concentrate. I love it.

  This is a nice alternative to standard Speech Blocker. I use the white rain with the speech blocker settings, but had to slide up the low treble and treble freq to make the rain sound right. Great site.

  This noise really helps me deal with the amount of noise near and in my house, I also love playing this with other songs <3

  Speech Blocker with some extra kick. Super nice for preventing distraction when studying with ADHD in loud environments with little kids yelling.

  I live with a group of friends and little private space to relax. Bathtime is one of the only chances to have some privacy. Recently I've discovered that it's not bathing itself that helps me unwind but the sound of running water. I hold my breath and put my head under the surface to hear that sound from beneath. If you put the sliders at 125Hz, it makes that exact underwater noise. Ohmygod.

  The people whose yard is closest to my bedroom like to have backyard nighttime get togethers with music long after my bedtime. This noise set to speech blocker + headphones makes it possible for me to sleep anyway. Also great for drowning out the other neighbors' incessantly barking dogs and the construction noises riling them up whenever I need to focus on my dictation homework.

  Love this so much with 88 Keys. I'm ready for a quiet nap despite the construction noise across the street. I'm so glad I found

  I like to use this with classical music if I need to drown out noise.

  Love this for when I'm practicing drawing, it doesn't distract me like videos or a podcast but it keeps the background chatter out of my head and helps me focus.

  Absolutely adore the White Rain recording. Thank you.

  Family visiting for the holidays and playing Christmas music nonstop. Thanks to this site, I can get my homework done!

  I use this website all the time to help me focus. It is very relaxing and does not sound like an obvious loop. Thanks soooo much for offering it!

  I think this noise is very successful. Because I always listen when I study math or physıcs.

  This website is PERFECT for sleep, studying and homework. Very recommended!

  I use the speech blocker setting with lofi hip hop radio/instrumental music and it blocks out all external noise! Such a life saver!

  I've used this so many times to get me in the zone while studying or doing homework and it works 90% of the time. Honestly, this entire website is a blessing and I don't know what I would do without it.

  I actually wanted to thank you for the "masking" series that you have on Spotify, but this noise generator is similar. I live in a small apartment with my boyfriend, who is an avid gamer, and this has helped me so many times. The apartment is literally just one big room save for the bathroom, but the masking series drowns out the talking and clicking in the background and helps me concentrate.

  My neighbor keeps playing very loud music, and with this, I can study! :)

  I wouldn't be able to function without White Rain some days. I have a boss that plays obnoxious talk radio daily and refuses to lower the volume. Playing this soundscape is the only way I can get relief from the anxiety-inducing noise pollution he emits and get work done in semi-peace.

  Love White Rain! I use it to help me sleep in peace. It is incredibly soothing and helps me fall asleep quickly.

  I never thought something like this could have so much diversity. This is a new art form. I use it in the office, even when no one is around. It's also a great noise blocker for some of my loud office workers. Thank you!

  I work in a cubicle farm, and I use the speech blocker setting. Someone could be standing right next to me and I can't hear them talking! It makes it much easier to concentrate.

  This setting absolutely melts my brain, at least at near midnight. I love the balance of rain/noise in this generator.

  This is absolutely fantastic for me - has made focussing on work so much easier within a noisy shared office. Thank you so much.

  I like to listen to this while I write essays for school. It helps me think clearer and calm my nerves.

  I personally love a nice moderate treble with a deep, rumbly bass, and almost no high frequency. It sounds a bit like a slow, dark storm like the ones I used to get back home. Helps me get to sleep every night and doesn't annoy me when I wake up in the mornings.

  Helps me sleep much better than a fan and also helps keep my dogs calm during fireworks!

  The speech blocker is perfect to use in a busy environment 100/100

  My tastes definitely aren't common, but I find that turning up the higher sliders is very comforting.

  Wow... white rain adjusted with this preset. With animation mode at shuffle. Just kick back and listen. The sounds get so real you may even open your eyes to see if it isn't really raining outside.

  Great for coding in a noisy office.

  I have some really great neighbours that won’t stop moving their chairs and other stuff at any moment in the morning and during the night. Since I tried everything with them and can't afford to move as I'm a student living with my family, I put this sound at 46 volume and OH THANKS ! I can work no problem and sleep!

  This one is the one that helps me study the most.

  This is the ambience to use with Binaural for sleep.

  Best way to get some rest after many long days.

  White Rain set to "speech blocker" and calibrated is perfect for erasing the normal conversation of two people in the next room. Unfortunately, they still haven't come up with a sound that blocks out the drunken screams of undergraduate theater students.

  Speech blocker settings is perfect for when I need to study, especially since I can get easily distracted by other random noises <3

  I've tried so many white noise apps and sites, this site is by far the best I've used. It's particularly good for drowning out snoring due to its deep bass, and being able to adjust the levels means you can filter down sounds that might stimulate your mind like for me, trebley or raindroppy sounds.

  Not gonna lie, this is great with Black Hole and Twin Black Lodges both on timeless and this one on gentle rain.

  Helps me sleep when I'm tossing and turning in bed, good stuff.

  Comforting and a great alternative to the songs I usually would listen to, which are full of lyrics to distract me from what I'm doing (revising for GCSE's). Would recommend.

  My favourite website for studying background music!

  Helps me sleep when my mind is too active to rest. Deep bass and light trickling trebles really do the trick.

  Such a nice and peaceful way to unwind after a long, rigid day.

  Brilliantly when you're trying to work with a noisy building site just down the road:DThx v much

  I love this. It really helps me focus and calm down if I'm ever feeling anxious.

  I love this generator. It helps me to focus and to reduce outside noise. It also sounds so natrual! Here are my settings. Hopefully you like them too!

  As someone who suffers from severe depression and anxiety issues, staying calm is a difficult task. This helps me feel serene and relaxed, and sends my mind to happier places.

  This is without a doubt the best noise-screen I have found (and I have tried a lot). Did not realize that making a donation was even an option, but well worth it!

  It sets me indoors as the rain pours from the sky, threatening to thumder but never does. A day for doing nothing and feeling fine with that.

  A very loud bass is very calming to me, I hope this will calm others down as well!

  This is very similar to the sound of the rain in my hometown. It takes me back to my childhood.

  I absolutely love the white rain simulator. I just found it today and it is helping me to stay focused so I can stay on top of my school workload!

  I find it really hard to focus, but this helps a lot while I'm studying for the exams. Here's my Hearing Curve, see if it matches with yours! ;-)

  The way this cancels out noise is amazing. It just works. I know that this is a setting, but meh, in case you're too lazy to turn each slider higher, here you go. :3

  I have anxiety and PTSD and it gets really hard to focus with all the loud noise in my head at times, especially when studying or late at night. This helps SO much it's not funny, I've been doing so much better nowadays thanks to the sound of heavy rain blocking out my bad thoughts.

  Wow, I saw Dr. Jan "Honza" Cernocky's review and thought, "I know that name!". He is quite a distinguished professor of speech acoustics, and a fan of Dr. Pigeon's site! Well, it is a great site, worthy of accolades from the top down!

  This one is a bit of a louder variation for when you're around the house and you wanna hear it a bit everywhere. Good for constant background noise. <3

  This one is perfect. I leave it on pretty much constantly.

  myNoise is the reason I will be graduating college. It is the only thing which reliably helps my brain to focus.

  The exact sound I hear whenever it's raining here while I'm inside the house, I love it! Now I feel sleepy, haha.

  As someone who loves the rain... this has helped me to sleep more times than I can count.

  Perfect for any hangover or headache in general. 10/10

  An awesome website! Greetings from Brno, reference given by Honza Cernocky :)

  This is remarkably good at blocking voice in an open plan office, in conjunction with my noise cancelling headphones and the 'speech blocker' pre-set. I just have to crank it up a little to handle the more vocal of my colleagues though ;-)

  I discovered a mix of noise generators that perfectly capture my favorite childhood experience: a summer storm has knocked the power out, and you're sitting on the deck watching the rain because it's too hot inside. Combine White Rain, Distant Thunder, and Desert Wind. Love it!

  I have a really hard time staying focused while studying, so studying for 25 minutes with this in the background is really nice. It also makes the room feel a little less empty. I highly recommend using this, there are so many benefits.

  I suffer from auditory hallucinations pretty often. Recently tried the White Rain generator since I heard having white noise can help, and also because I've loved the sound of rain since I was a kid. It's helping a lot; one of the few things that's helping me stay sane. It's greatly appreciated. No other rain generator site has done a better job at natural 'white rain' than this one for me.

  I have adhd and insomnia, and this helps me stay focused when studying & it helps me fall asleep. Very soothing <3

  This is actually great for combatting headaches. I have to experiment with frequencies but if you find the right one it feels like it 'hits' the headache and is sort of massaging it away. Thank White Rain for helping me to work even when I'm headachey and tired!

  Takes my mind off the many, many thoughts I have on a day-to-day basis. Thanks <3

  This sound makes me feel like I'm home. It's easiest to work on writing my essays when I'm home. Thanks so much to whoever created it.

  Oh my... The brown rain setting is just... so perfect. I'm nearly crying as I write this.

  Love it! Helps to cut through all the fog in my brain when I'm revising, to keep me awake and focused. After a while, it just blends into the background and I hardly notice it's there, beautiful <3

  I had a horrible night of sleep and my anxiety just sky-rocketed. The White Rain sound with the personal calibration feature helped me A LOT to survive through the day and as a great sound blocker when you don't want to hear the stressful sound of people yelling in the office. Thank you Dr. Pigeon.

  I have PTSD and am helped every night by this website. It is interesting how different levels of noise put me in different states of mind. Thank you.

  This sound reminds me so much of when I'm laying in bed at night in the summer and listen to the rain after the worst of the storm has passed. That always helps me relax enough to fall asleep, so when I discovered this website, I adjusted the sliders to make it just like that rain. Now I honestly cannot study or write without this in the background. Thank you so much for the wonderful site! <3

  I'm suffering from Tinitus, and myNoise is just saving me every night when I try to sleep and sometimes during the days if the noise is too strong. It covers the inner noise and let me forget my problem for some time. I've bought some of the noises on the phone application and now I've donated for the online site, because it is the only way for me to say "thank you".

  Great for sleeping. Helps with my anxiety condition which can make it very hard to sleep. Thanks myNoise ;)

  Best website ever. I love that you're able to adjust the sound! Rain is the only sound that helps me concentrate. Thank you for this!

  Always struggled on focusing on my essays, but this is the first thing that had really worked! Love it!

  This one sounds like your inside somewhere but you have a window or door open. its distant but you still hear the rain. But not as in a muted way.

  Haha this one adds a 2nd-order low pass filter to the sound, making it more distant and gentle.

  Really helps me study and drown out my distracting thoughts.

  This is the perfect combination of rain and white noise (well, I use the brown rain settings, but you know what I mean). I've been playing this every night while I sleep and it's helped me fall asleep faster and sleep deeper. It drowns out the sounds of outside traffic and the activity within my own house but isn't distracting. I love this website, and I love this noise generator.

  This is by far my favorite background noise to have on when I'm trying to do my work. It gives me a calming noise to listen to so I won't procrastinate.

  I work 40 hours a week or more at a cubicled office job. Usually I listen to music or podcasts to tune everything out, but when I really need to focus, I use this noise. I always felt the sound of rain was very soothing. After calibrating my hearing curve and setting it to animate at 2x speed, I find it much easier to get my work done.

  This really helps me calm down when I write, and it lets me concentrate on my homework. Thanks!

  I got ADHD and can't focus if I hear a single noise, but this white rain helps me so much. I think without it, I would've drop University already. Thank you so much !

  I have a lot of schoolwork to do, and it leaves me stressed. I also have General Anxiety Disorder and Depression, which leads me to often having difficulty focusing, not even bothering to do the work I have to do, or in some cases, having panic attacks. Today I was panicking severely, and this managed to calm me down to try and study. Thank you. -Tea

  White Rain paired with Aeternitas sends shivers down my spine!

  I am an author, and White Rain is a perfect choice to drown out the sounds of a busy household, relaxing me and helping the words to flow. Bliss.

  This is perfect for me whenever I feel homesick. The noise reminds me of sitting in my room, watching lazily as the rain taps the window and hums against the roof. It brings me comfort and an instant memory when I feel lost, so I thank you mynoise for bringing us more than just sounds.

  This site was invaluable in getting my book written. I originally used it to block out the sound of other people around me when writing but pretty quickly it became an essential part of the writing process  just putting my headphones on and bringing up White Rain got me into the writing 'zone'. I'll be using it for my next book, too.

  This generator is amazing. I close my eyes and it almost feels like I'm getting wet. I imagine being in a pine forest with water dropping off of the needles. And now I can almost smell the pine... Incredible.

  This is an awesome site. Finally I found a tool to generate rain without thunder, as on most tools there is very loud thunder that disturbs me. Thanks a lot for this implementation!

  Set slightly steeper than brown, this noise set is a huge help for my anxiety when paired with Distant Thunder. This site in general is really important for me.

  I have minor tinnitus, moments of headaches and frustration, sleeping issues added on, but all that is cured with resting my head and listening to the rain you've provided. Thank you.

  I've suffered through chronic migraines since I was a young boy. I expected this to just help lull me to sleep but it actually helps reduce the pain.

  Just handed my dissertation for my final year at university. Who ever made this, thanks! I wouldn't have gotten halfway to where I am now without this. I'm not sure you know of all the impact this program made on people, nor how many people it helped. <3 dev

  I love listening to this while I draw, it calms me down and it helps with my art block! Rain is my fav <3

  I absolutely LOVE As an author, writer's block is a serious issue, and this website can almost instantaneously help relieve it. Rain On A Tent, White Rain, and other rain/water-related generators help to write sad scenes, the Atmosphere generators basically help to write whatever theme (fight, happy, sad, etc.) goes with the scene, and Stardust is my go-to for any occasion.

  Earlier, I was so hurt, angry, and stressed that I felt like I was going to vomit, so I came here to relax, like I always do. Someone else suggested that I play music on top of this, and I decided to play a very calm, water-themed music track from a video game I'm fond of. They work extremely well together, and this is calming me down greatly. Kudos to the creators of this sound; it's magnificent.

  I suffer from adult ADHD and on atomoxetine medication for more than 6 months by now. It's quite draining to the emotions and thats where this site has done wonders to me. White rain helps me keep attention while working, regulates my breath patterns and I don't even notice listening to any sound. Cave chimes shush the inner blabber and that's gold for meditating. Big love to the developer.

  I would have never have got my class work done without this (-:

  I always understood sound emotionally through music, but discovering myNoise taught me I could experience it physically as well. The tension in my head is relieved and even my thoughts seem to clear up. I can almost imagine the fresh scent of damp grass and the coolness of the air. My ears, even when they seem tired of all sounds feel relief. Thank you for lulling me to sleep, White Rain.

  I have autism and noises really disturb me to the point where I panic and can't concentrate at all. My ears are constantly ringing and I can't make it stop. This noise really helps me calm down, I always listen to this to relax and focus on things :)

  I love using this to sleep. I usually get woken up by noises but now I don't! Thanks, this is no ordinary noise loop!

  Hi! You got me through writing my thesis in a never-quiet-enough library this past year. I just donated to say thanks :)

  This has helped a bunch with meditation, sleeping and staying calm and focused on the tedious work that I have to get through every day, and even while focusing on my hobbies. Can't wait for the Android version of White Rain, but until then, I use an mp3 of 8 hours recorded from my computer to help me sleep and keep from waking up from outside noise. This is no ordinary rain sound loop.

  As someone who moved to a place where it only drizzles three times a year, all your rain noises are the best. I used rainymood for a while until I started to pick out the loops, but this website has such awesome customisation abilities. Thank you x1000!

  White rain really helps me concentrate on late night studying and daily school work. Thanks!

  Inside a building during a rainstorm

  Listening to this leads to dreamless sleep. It helps to ease stress.

  This is going to save my college career

  Covers up the annoying AC outside my window so I can concentrate! Love it

  I combine this with the train noise while I'm at work to block out the office noise. I don't know why it's so relaxing and helps me to concentrate so much, but it does. Thank you, Dr. Pigeon!

  I have autism, and I am extremely sensitive to sounds. This blocks out all the horrible people who make painful noise. A+

  I work right beside a server room, the low frequency of the brown rain really helps cancels out the noise, and help me concentrate.Thanks for making my life so much better.

  This is quite possibly one of the greatest things I have ever come across. I struggle with ADHD, and, after finding this, am completely comfortable doing work. Thank you so much!

  I love, love, love the grey rain preset. It's just a very effective, gentle noise-blocker.

  The absolute best for recovering from a panic attack, or even just a feeling of agitation and anxiety. I've only known about myNoise for a month, but now I'm not sure what I'd do without it!

  Thank you so, so much for this! I have been suffering from tinnitus for six months now and today, on my birthday, it was quite annoying and almost driving me insane. I don't even know why I googled 'white noise' but I'm glad I did. I am so grateful for this website and for the first time in weeks I can truly relax thanks to the noise of White Rain. I downloaded the app immediately! Thank you! <3

  This sound right here is the best for concentrating on work. I wouldn't recommend it if you need noise blocking though!

  I work as a web developer in a noisy office and find peoples conversations very distracting when I am trying to concentrate on writing code. However I find the brown rain is extremely effective at cancelling them out, without being distracting to me. John, web developer.

  Thank you so much for creating this treasure of sound for us. I am using it for my therapy practice and also at home in various ways. Today I am enjoying the White Rain. Also, your site is lovely to use and look at as well. Thank You!

  I'm writing a book, and I don't like to write in silence. But I also can't concentrate with songs, so I listen to this. It's great! Every time I want I can hear a thunderstorm or a much softer rain, I love it! Thanks from Argentina!

  This noise is so perfect for me: I start to think it's gently raining outside. Especially with the increased higher tones.

  One word : PERFECTION.

  This one sounds like you're inside a building - it goes great with the caf noise :)

  I'm a little in love with this sound. Have already recommended it to many.

  I love the sound of rain but can't listen to the Rain Noise generator because the sound of individual drops of water makes my jaw and ears itch (I react oddly to 'plink'-type sounds) and breaks my concentration. This is absolutely heavenly, obviously rain without individual droplets.

  I find White Rain an excellent way to surpass distractions. I love to set the EQ according to surrounding noises in order to override e. g. my neighbour's subwoofer or high pitch hoover. Fight the Noise with Noise! L:o)L It is way better than listening to loud music as it doesn't hurt your ears. Thanks a lot for this website, great idea and great engineering. Maciek, web designer

  Real good to help chill out. Distresses, and helps to focus when you gotta work.

  I love this white rain. It is so soothing, helps with my anxiety and I can turn the bass way up to drown out everything else and concentrate on my work. Thank you so much for this website!

  I'm feeling quite anxious and have a headache but I'm trying to get back up on my feet and clean up my room - this soundscape is keeping me grounded and making me able to actually do it. For some reason it works a lot better (less painful on my headache) turning the speakers backwards so they face away from me.

  I have major sensory issues, and I have this playing at my house to drown out cars, birds, and just bumps and general noise from my family, and it's helped me be calmer and more able to function at home. Thank you so so very much for this incredible site.

  I'm a student and have anxiety problems and a really passively noisy roommate who whistles near-constantly. This almost completely drowns him out, and is very soothing. I can finally concentrate on work when I'm at home. Thank you so much for this.

  Sometimes when I'm feeling particularly anxious and can't relax, I try to calm down by listening to rainy sounds online but often unless it's just right it can actually make things worse. This generator is great and being able to adjust, reduce and mute the bass tones is an absolute blessing.

  I just noticed the timer. YES!!! I don't know how I'd never noticed that before. This will make going to sleep at night that much easier. Thank you!

  Really nice! Great for concentrating on homework!

  I'm currently in therapy for anxiety with possiblile psychotic symptoms. My therapists finds it peculiar that I can't simply 'don't listen' to speech I hear, be it real people or a transmission, I follow even when I'm not interested and/or busy. My family still refuses to give up on their TV marathons in the evening, Brown Rain is the first thing that finally makes the dialogues incomprehensible.

  This is just amazing: noise cancelling headphones + white rain + The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd. So peaceful, which is a really nice change from crazy, stressful, everyday life. <3

  Took another listeners suggestion and listened to this and music at the same time. This is amazing!

  I had a horrible case of Tinnitus. It was really really bad. Last week, I downloaded a generic rain sound and have been doing great with it. But with finding the right octave, I think I can totally defeat the tinnitus by retraining my brain to not produce it. I think this site is just what I need!

  I know my noise isn't the actual rain noise anymore but just the continues 'thunderboom' -ish base sound is very relaxing and helps me concentrate as someone who is VERY easily distracted.

  Thank you! This is the best thing for if I want to block out any other noise while I'm trying to study! It's really relaxing as well.

  I love this, it sounds like a nice thunderstorm without having to get wet. Helps me focus. And when I'm playing games, and don't get angry. Like, AT ALL. :) Love it

  This is SO relaxing after a hard day's work... It lulls me right off to sleep and calms me down a lot.

  Makes studying a little less stressful :)

  Finally, a customizable rain noise generator that actually approximates pure noise! Time to go to sleep. I usethe brown noise setting, but I like to vary it up a little bit.

  This is the perfect blend of bass and treble to mask everything and let me get work done. Thanks for this great tool and the productivity it ensures!

  This is so soothing. It helps me sleep and relax every night. I love this site and this sound.

  I have moderate hearing loss in both ears, plus tinnitus consisting of a different set of multiple frequencies each ear. It has been maddening at times, adding to that the noise of neighbor dogs barking, all adding up to many years of sleep deprivation and associated health problems. Calibrated White Rain is masking all of that and probably more than necessary for quality sleep.

  Thank you so much for this! All the noise in my office has caused fairly severe headaches, and this is by far the best solution I've found to help me focus and avoid all the sound that normally drives me crazy.

  Living in Australia, hardly ever get heavy showers. Even when they do come, they don't stay for very long. Unfortunately, they're my favourite kind of rain, and I've always loved hearing it thundering on the roof above me. Now, the rain can stay for as long as I want, and animating it makes it feel more realistic.

  I have Tinnitus and it has been causing me anxiety and frustration, I love the "softness" of the violet sound which I am using to habituate to the noise in my head, beautiful, THANK YOU! :)

  This rain generator is absolutely heavenly. When I listen to it I can feel my stress and anxiety melt away. It's also great for background noise while working or for layering with music. A++

  Whenever I'm feeling upset or sad, this rain generator helps me calm down and blocks out noises from my parents watching TV and stuff. It's great for when I have to do homework. I like to lower the highest frequency and raise the lower frequencies so it won't hurt my ears.

  This with the Rumble Only preset on Rain noise makes the perfect wintry rain without the fear of actual thunder and lightning. Soooo relaxing!

  The storm is lost behind you, and it's suddenly the sound of driving on newly paved roads. You can almost feel the tires spinning outside while someone takes you far into the night.

  Very imaginative work. I like a lot the Rain noise, but this is even better to focus and relax. Great work, Stephane!

  First and foremost - there is this: GRATITUDE. I live in Palm Springs, CA, and have a very stressful life at present. Having tried various other rain generators on the web, I was disappointed. White Rain, however, allowed me to dial in what sounds like 'real' rain, and this has made my sleep much better. I'm so thankful for this site, and for the effect it has had on my daily life.

  This is just amazing. When I listen to this and it helps me write, draw, and study.

  This and the traffic noise sounds like being in a car during a rainstorm. It's so soothing; I really love it.

  This setting, along with some relaxing music, makes me feel incredibly at ease. It reminds me of falling asleep when there's a storm out, just without the thunder. It's odd, but it's soothing.

  Perfect for when I need to sleep, helps drown out the busyness of my thoughts.

  This is such a perfect noise machine for me --my personal curve cranked up a bit. There's just a little hint of thunder and I sometimes get the impression that there's a car driving on wet asphault just outside my window. Very soothing and nostalgic.

  Now this rain noise is the sound of English rain. This is what our days sound like, city and countryside, so if you're English and homesick, this page is the place to go!

  What I call perfect at any rate. That nice, consistent white noise of rain with just a little looming thunder overhead. I love this.

  ← Inside during a rain storm.

  It sounds like I'm outside getting wet with some cold light rain. Very calming.

  Thank you for going through so much trouble to source your sounds. I have been looking for a rain noise free of synthetic sounds, but that resembles white noise. Thanks to you, now I have it!

  This is a really strange generator, in the best way! The normal rain generator is bubbly and relaxing, but this rain is a totally different beast; windy, cold, and heavy.

  The white rain sound helps me focus on my work; that is, at least until I fall asleep! Like a summer day, when the blistering heat is broken by a steady downpour, and the coolness of the rain feels so good--this is relaxation...