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The myNoise Sampling Sessions' Photo Album
Slovenia was my first sampling session trip abroad, entirely dedicated to the recording of original sounds for myNoise. This happened in Spring 2014, when myNoise just turned one! The theme of this trip was 'Fresh Water'.

Listen to these recordings in Cave WaterDark WaterHealing WaterCrystal StreamSpring Walk and Contemplation Cave

Slovenia • Spring 2014

Turquoise water, from metled mountain snow
There it is, white noise!
Ice cold
Healing water!
Where the birds live
The Right Spot
Sound Source
Honey, I shrunk the waterfall!
When blue turns into white (noise)
Sampling the underground, 100ft below the surface
A pair of AT3031 mounted on Rhode shock-mounts
Navigating with my best assistant : my son Rémy
Mission Accomplished. With Gasper, our guide (white helmet = big boss)

Thank you!

Sampling sessions abroad are only possible because of the generosity of the people making donations to this website. May those contributors be assured of my deepest gratitude! If you would like to foster the recording of new sounds, please support or keep supporting my work. Stéphane