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Madeira • Portugal
The myNoise Sampling Sessions' Photo Album
Located in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, Madeira is probably the closest place from home where one can spot dolphins in the wild. The island is famous for its levadas, those channels created to carry water for irrigation of agricultural fields.

Discover these sounds in LevadasSubaquatic DreamsPeninsulaDolphins Colony

Madeira (Portugal) • Spring 2019

A levada takes it source deep in the mountains!
The mountains are located in the center of the island.
Different waterfalls have been recorded to create 'sources' for our levada soundscape.
The birth of a levada.
The levada at the beginning of its journey.
The same levada now bigger, with a little footpath on its side
Still growing...
Tunnels dug by the man centuries ago!
Another levada. Spot the recorder...
Recording the sound of crashing waves. Follow the cables... spot the waves.
Recording coastal sounds for the Peninsula soundscape
And now, at sea!
Asking for confirmation... Are these dolphin sounds?
Yes they are!
The happy sound designer! With Filipe - the owner of H2OMadeira - who arranged a special clearance for this sampling session.
The clearance allowed us to approach the colony and stop the boat engine to perform clean underwater recordings.

Thank you!

Sampling sessions abroad are only possible because of the generosity of the people making donations to this website. May those contributors be assured of my deepest gratitude! If you would like to foster the recording of new sounds, please support or keep supporting my work. Stéphane