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The myNoise Sampling Sessions' Photo Album
When I arrived, the whale watching activity had stopped for a while because of the very bad weather conditions. When weather cleared up a bit, the swell was still too high to spot the whales visually and to navigate comfortably. What an experience! The initial theme for this session was 'Singing Whales', and the fallback plan was 'Sea, Wind & Rain'

These recordings appear in UnderwaterEn RouteIrish Coast

Ireland • Fall 2014

Nearby Baltimore
View from from a windy cliff
Capturing the sound of the iodine wind
Capturing Ocean (sound) Waves
View from the same recording spot as above
Evening recording, when the wind calmed down
Close enough?
Yep, close enough!
Probably the best job in the world...
... as evidenced by a happy face.
Sound Fishing
Ireland's conservative speed limits.
From that distance, sea sounded like constant Pink Noise
Sampling the sound of an inland loch
Louch Hyne Scenery on a typical Irish Sunny Day
Clear Island. Yep. This is what they refer as _clear_ in Ireland.

On Sea

Whale Spotting Day
Checking the sound of my underwater microphones
The Irish Coast from sea perspective
Swell was up to 2m high sometimes
Returning to the calmer inner waters
Hey, we have a new friend (following us)

Thank you!

Sampling sessions abroad are only possible because of the generosity of the people making donations to this website. May those contributors be assured of my deepest gratitude! If you would like to foster the recording of new sounds, please support or keep supporting my work. Stéphane