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Ardennes • Belgium
The myNoise Sampling Sessions' Photo Album
The Forest of Ardennes is a region of extensive woods, rough terrain and rolling hills in Belgium and Luxembourg. This sampling session aimed at evaluating the sonic potential of an area that is located just two hours drive away from home, but suffers from a lot of noise pollution. This session has let to some good recording, though many were ruined by distant aircrafts passing by - up to 15 planes per hour!

Discover these sounds in Ardennes ForestFull Moon Forest

Ardennes (Belgium) • Spring 2019

Close up of a typical Belgian forest landcape
The Wild Boar's Bathtub
Same spot as above: microphone's perspective. Fostex DR-100MKIII + AT-3031 (XY)
Fostex DR-100MKIII + BP-4025 (XY) + Rycote Blimp
Fostex DR-100MKIII + AT-3032 + MKH30 (MS) + Rycote Blimp
The area is rich of varied landscapes, each featuring its own signature sound
A bever's work (mic and recorder hanging in the tree behind)
The bever spot
Recording the sound of a brook
Capturing the delicate sound of trickling water

Thank you!

Sampling sessions abroad are only possible because of the generosity of the people making donations to this website. May those contributors be assured of my deepest gratitude! If you would like to foster the recording of new sounds, please support or keep supporting my work. Stéphane