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Kyoto Area • Japan
The myNoise Sampling Sessions' Photo Album
A sampling session around Kyoto, recording traditional sounds from Japan. I was mainly interested in recording atmosphere around shrines and temples. Not many pictures were taken, as I often attended religious ceremonies and wanted to keep as respectful as possible.

Discover these sounds in Japanese HeritageBuddhist Ceremony

Kyoto Area (Japan) • Spring 2017

Wind in a bamboo forest. A beloved classic.
Recording a simple ceremony in a little shrine along Kyoto's green hicking path. Spot the microphone...
Spring Celebration at Fushimi Inari Shrine
I spent a couple of days performing recordings at the Gyokuzo Temple, around Mt. Shigi, home of the Shingon sect.
Votive tablets, rattling like a woodchime when the wind blows.
Water pavillon, use for purification.

Thank you!

Sampling sessions abroad are only possible because of the generosity of the people making donations to this website. May those contributors be assured of my deepest gratitude! If you would like to foster the recording of new sounds, please support or keep supporting my work. Stéphane