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Acoustic Experience
Magic Generator Series
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Discover our Magic Generator Series... for Patrons Only.

You may have been amazed by a couple of myNoise sound generators before, but these ones will quite literally surprise you, always! Our Magic series is a bonus for the people who support this website. Every time the page loads, stems are blindly drawn from our large pool of high quality audio recordings, creating an ambience that is unique to this moment. Enjoy your lucky draw - now - as this particular combination will probably never happen again!

User Stories

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•  It's an absolute delight to listen to this generator. I wanted acoustic sounds that wouldn't distract me. I've been focused for hours with my lucky combination, which included Aeolian Universe, Singing Bowls, Three Friends of Winter, Chapel Voices, Telecaster Licks and Temple Bells, among other sounds. I readily recommend you become a patron, this site gives us so much. Thank you, Stephane!

•  Acoustic experience + Rainy days = sheer power of magic generators, try it out!

•  Magical and far away! I love that I never know what to expect when I try Magic Generators!

•  This generator mixed with Irish Coast is simply magical!

•  Every time I return - I find something new and exotic - don't know how Stephane finds the time to commit to this, but I'm truly grateful that he does. A rare treat on this big, busy, overwhelming 'web'. Sublime.

• I'm an IT guy. Openspace office is a harsh place sometimes due to people discussing, laughing, arguing around you without any respect to your attempts to set yourself into 'streaming mode'. These noises/sounds/soundscapes help me to get the job done! I increase my performance, so donating $5 is not a question for me - yes, of course: I just have no need to work overtime! From Russia with love.

• MyNoise, quite literally, has changed my life for the better. From someone who has trouble focusing, trouble sleeping, trouble getting out of bed in the morning, and trouble dealing with the sounds of the world around her, I cannot thank you enough for places where I can be still. You have no idea what you have given me. Thank you.

• I donate every month, even if it's just $5 because I'm always using this site. The free content is beyond generous and amazing, but the benefit of the magic generators just throws it over the edge. Plus the credits for custom files... I've saved a couple of my favorite mixes from the magic generators when you turn it on and... magic happens. Makes me feel so lucky to find one I have to save!

• I donated to support our favourite pigeon since I had been using the site for a while now. I didn't know that there were any benefits at all before donating, but man am I glad I found these generators. They give a greater set of noises more easily and have allowed me to create a sound that I have just instantly fell in love with. Worth donating? Absolutely.

• Out of all of the Magic Generators, this is my favorite. I had a really amazing sound set the other day and I regret not saving it and buying it. I might get something good like it again in the future.

• WOW! myNoise was casually mentioned on some podcast and it is more amazing than I could have hoped. The generators help me to completely focus while also having enough variation that I do not get bored with the sound. Would I donate $10 to use this, yes and my next donation will likely be more! What a great tool, I am glad it exists!

• One of the things that I really appreciate about this website is its attention to and respect for different musical cultures, and this generator is a beautiful way to feel how much harmony may be found in diversity. Thank you so much!

• This morning, the mix that was generated for me was so good that I've been listening to it on Animate all day as I work at my laptop. In fact, whenever I take a break, it's hard for me to put the generator on mute and walk away from my desk.

• This generator is so fantastic! It's perfect for when I want music that is non-distracting so I can focus in my noisy workplace.

• I feel like I have been transported to a magical place with different sorts of music. I am blind and I simply love it.

• These really do seem magical. I've gotten sliders that, by themselves, I don't don't like listening to. Some even give me headaches such as the very low, deep sounds. But when combined, they sound amazing and perfect together. I find myself listening to them for a while. Magic is the perfect word for these generators.

• I can't believe how naturally the Tibetan, Winter, Canyon, Bagpipes blend into my Stratocaster + Electro + Rain underlayer and how beautiful gentle surprises the combination produces. What a gift! My only regret is that now I can't close this tab, ever!

• I live in a suite in a converted house and the walls are quite thin. myNoise helps me to create a "sound barrier" between my neighbours and I. Plus, I find it soothing and relaxing.

• I have truly never heard such a soothing collection of sounds. I was poised to show my support after listening to a few of the generators and quite frankly I'm blown away. When I come home from work I can sit in a nice comfy seat, close my eyes and place myself at that beautiful stream, lake or river, go to the ocean! The benefits are endless!

• Thank you so much for this generator. I spent my first night in my new house last night and everything made a noise (I didn't know refrigerators could be so loud) but listening to this made it easy to sleep.

• I was thrilled to discover this generator, it's almost exactly like the set up that I normally have, but now I don't have spend time and creating it myself. This is such a great combination for calming studying, thank you so much!

• All I can think when I'm listening to this is "Ahhhh, yes." It's like my soul has arrived at a place it's longed to be for an eternity.

• I love this generator. I don't know what to expect each time I load it up, and it's always a pleasant surprise. I only wish there was a function that allowed you to see what generators were used in case you would want to recreate it. Answer : slowly hover your mouse across the various sliders.

• I love this! To me, is a compendium of interactive compositions. The magic generators take it to another level by creating unique musical pieces in the moment which live and breathe and seem to have an expression and soul of their own. Thank you so much for this and all of the generators. You are doing great things!

• What a wonderful mess of gentle sounds. I wish there were a way to identify the stems--I think I can pick out Mr. Rhodes (my favorite) and Code Breaker (my other favourite), but the rest are a mystery. A pleasant mystery. I'm really enjoying this both as a soothing mask for background noise and an aesthetically lovely experience in its own right. Dev here: hoover your mouse over the sliders, and you will see the stem names...

• I really like this one. It's calming yet intriguing.

• I am intrigued by the meeting point of order and randomness. I look for it in all departments of life; it is why I love solitaire card games so much. That meeting point is what I mean by the word Magic. This "Acoustic Experience" is the sound of randomness and order; it is the sound of Magic. I love it!

• I love music, and tend to find that it inspires me when I work, but a distinct melody can make it hard for me to concentrate. This Magic Generator is like a trip to a museum of world music, complete with sound samples from across the world! I can just focus on this, sit at my PC, and write technical documents all day, not losing concentration or being distracted by things people link to me.