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Morning Forest
Natural Noise Generator


Background WindDistant CreekForest StreamThe SourceMorning HowlsQuietudeMorning Veil Surprise!

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Taking a Breath

It's a long time since I've been on a sampling session in the wild, recording fresh sounds for myNoise. Blame it on the special situation we are currently facing with the Covid pandemic. Although I took advantage of being confined in the studio to produce more musical soundscapes, I gradually started to miss working on the sounds of nature. I know these are a favorite of many of you, too.

So I listened to past recordings and found some gems that were never published. I particularly enjoyed these recordings, made during the first days of spring, early in the morning. The session started at 5AM, when the tawny owls would soon be going to bed, and with the other birds slowly waking up. It ended at around 9AM, with titmice singing vividly. Winter is over. The mornings are still cold, very cold. But they all know it won't be so for much longer. Deliverance is near, and the good days will soon return!

Discover how the same forest sounds at night, a little further from the creek, with Moonlight Forest.

Published by Stéphane on December 7th, 2020

User Stories

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  The best website and app for work. I am more focused and not stressed at all when listening to your sounds!

  It is my forest during working hours. Thank you!

  Amazing, helpful, and fun! Thank you so much for this! I have a hard time concentrating, and this helps me zero in and focus. This is also calming because I have OCD and other anxiety. Thanks so much, I hope you keep doing this.

  It's like the opening scene of THE REVENANT...Waterways in an unspoiled land.

  Perfect backgound sounds of nature for my lonely home office working days, thank you!

  This sound makes me feel so safe. Thank you to the creator of this website!

  This is really a nice sound. It makes me feel like I'm cared for and that I'm loved.

  This is so overwhelming beautiful. When I close my eyes, I'm in the middle of it, experience nothing but calmness and gratitude.

  This is by far one of the best generators on here.

  I love how this sounds with Healing Water. It is so calming.

  I love this soundscape. It is calming, focusing, and perfectly drowns out my husband's calls when we are both working from home.

  Wow! Been using this website for over 6 years of different university degrees, all the way from bachelors to masters. I am definiately a 'flavour of the day' person in the sense that I become obsessed with different soundscapes throughout the year. Recently discovered this one... Awesome for an open plan office space! Coupled with my Sony noise cancelling headphones I'm a productivity machine :)

  This is so beautiful! This is how I imagine forests in heaven to sound. Peaceful, and full to the brim with life of all kinds. Makes me feel like I'm really there, and relaxes me while doing several hours worth of homework.

  I really like just listening to this in the background, it's really satisfying and helps to calm me down.

  Oh. My. Gosh! This pairs well with "In The Sky"! I feel like I'm walking through a peaceful forest, and being guided by angels...

  Works well when dealing with a lot of homework.

  It's really calming and peaceful.

  Makes me feel less stressed and able to focus but is also great in the background.

  This is like my sound environment in southern Finland in the spring. I wonder where this is recorded?

  Very cool. Works really well with Primeval Forest.

  Sitting outside Morning Forest meshes with the natural sounds around me while deadening the occasional traffic noise. Lovely.

  Using this noise makes me feel like I'm lying in a peat bog slowly decomposing to the gentle sounds of the wind in the trees and the birds overhead 10/10

  This is one of my all-time favourite generators. It reminds me of the times I used to listen to the forest just a few metres away from house. I've been using this generator and Primeval Forest for over a year when practicing piano - I highly recommend!

  Beautiful. I plan to use a recording of this for my next long-haul flight across the Pacific.

  Lovely, sends a shiver down my back and makes me feel joy and comfort.

  Wonderful as always. I enjoy pairing other water generators as well! It is surely an amazing all-day company for doing stuff!

  This is what reminds me of hikes with my family back home in the Shenandoahs. I miss it dearly and having this puts me at so much ease and I'm able to focus on my work. As a grad student missing home, thank you :)

  I work nights so I usually wake up around 5 PM, so this is a great way for me to simulate the morning feeling even as the sun sets.

  I love this. These settings transport to a calm woodland on spring morning. I can visualise the low sun, streaming through the trees onto the woodland floor. The woodpigeon's call is a beautiful point of reference that pops in occasionally. This really relaxes me. Thank you so much for your amazing website.

  Wow! I'm so glad I checked for new noises today! This one hit the spot! Morning Forest is an instant go to for me now!

  Recreation of how I imagine the forests of my childhood.

  I'm up pretty early, and this was JUST what I needed! Birds combined with water and water mixed in with calming tone of the forest... Amazing...

  If I could bottle the sound of this week's nature walk here in New England, this would be it down to the last detail. It's heartening to be transported back into the fresh air and clean, lively sounds even when I'm trapped inside grading final papers.

  I feel like I'm back in the Pacific Northwest. I used to ride my horse through the forest often. Listening to the birds chirp and the wind blowing through the trees, along with my horse's footfalls along the first floor. I miss that so much. Thank you, Stephane.

  It sounds exactly like home. That one specific spot in the forest here, now I can be there, even when I can't go outside. Thank you.

  Slowed this down twice, and it was so peaceful, and calming. It reminded me of my childhood, of infuriatingly hot summer mornings and having breakfast on the terrace. Thank you for the reminder of better times!

  Great for boosting your productivity.

  So beautiful I can just get lost in this!

  This is an instant classic. Perfectly organic and real-world. Peace in aural form. Thank you!

  Trying to do some late night studying and getting sleepy. This sounds wakes me up and keeps me calm at the same time. Perfect!

  Idk if it's my headphones or something, but I literally turned my head to see if there was a bird near me! Very convincing!

  So incredibly relaxing! I feel like I am actually sitting on a rocking chair in a log cabin, in a forest at 6 AM. Beautiful job!

  Love this one. Was looking for a recording that was mainly birds, reminding me of sitting on my deck in those early hours, when the world is just starting to wake up.

  This generator naturally and unconsciously makes my breath deeper. It brings me to the perfect bliss of a bright spring morning, a place that my daily worries just can't reach. A more than welcome bowl of freshness!

  I traveled through Norway a few summers ago and found a little campsite in Jotunheim and setup camp right near a river. The snow melt waters raced past us and bounded over and between the rocks.

  Sounds involving wind are always my favourite and this sounds just like a forest at dusk on a windy day.

  Oh my gosh, love that this has a speech blocker setting! And the fact that it's nearly from the same spot as Moonlit Forest (one of my absolute favorites) is so awesome! Thanks for another great gen.

  Such peaceful sounds! I suffer from tinnitus and this noise truly lifts my spirit in the morning!

  River with birds. So calming!

  This setting is so perfect <3

  This is lovely! I can feel the forest around me but it is not overpowering, I love this particularly because the forest is apart of who I am. Thanks for the beauty of myNoise!

  I love Morning Forest! - MF