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88 Keys
Acoustic Pianoscape


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An Acoustic Piano At Last...

As a pianist with an instrument at home, it took me years to release a dedicated acoustic piano soundscape on myNoise. Why? Because myNoise custom audio engine is an intriguing creature, difficult to master when crafting musical soundscapes. Imagine creating harmony when the 10 stems—the sliders above—are out of sync. Overcoming this challenge takes time, but once your ear adjusts to the delicate chaos and inherent randomness of myNoise, the result is astonishing—endless, unique combinations.

Another hurdle lies in the sound itself. Blending numerous sources demands each stem provide space for the others. We've employed various techniques in time, frequency, stereo field, and even instrument timbre. For instance, this soundscape features not one but two pianos: my grand piano in Belgium and a US-based piano, graciously provided by our friend Torley. Separated by 5,000 miles, these pianos effortlessly create sonic room for each other. ;-)

Published by Stéphane on October 20th, 2017

User Stories

Write your own here. Click the blue bulletsto load associated settings.

  I love to listen to this in school. Thank you for making this.

  I love to pair this with a tuned-down forest sounds. It is amazing <3

  I could cry. This is so beautiful. Calm, serene, and beautiful. <3

  I could cry, this is so beautiful. Calm, serene, and beautiful. <3

  Hello there! This really helps my ADD and ADHD brain stay on task! :)

  Pairing this with RPG elements - the one with Fire Dance - is perfect. Thank you.

  I'm a student that once was an academic achiever. I lost a lot as I continue to get more and more distracted. I am now slowly bringing my grades back up to what they were back then, thanks to a combo of both White Noise and 88 Keys. I don't have any money to pay, and it really saddens me that I can't support this. I'm so thankful that I discovered this site before I lose my opportunities.

  I am a student, so this makes me feel calm and helps me do my math even when it is really hard. I love 88 keys!

  With the right settings I have (plus balanced with a custom hearing curve), it makes it sound like I’m traveling through the back alley of an abandoned city in a post-apocalyptic setting, knowing that I’ll never meet another human being ever again, and I start to slowly cry myself to sleep. 10/10 makes me feel so melancholic and somber and nostalgic for some reason.

  I love this soundscape, and I use it to calm down every day when I get home. It is a good noise to play quietly in the background to stay relaxed. I have changed around the settings a little, but it is perfect!

  This generator and these slider settings have been my go-to for years now. I live in something of a suburban wasteland that often leaves me feeling crowded and overstimulated, but somehow this generator makes it a little easier to recall the calmest moments of my life, spent in a secluded region of Northwestern Pennsylvania. This is what stargazing in winter sounds like.

  This is calming and beautiful noise that is the most comforting thing. Its almost like I'm listing to it in person. Thank you for all your hard work of doing this alone, these are beautiful sounds

  I have ADHD and slight autism, and it's normally hard to focus, but this helps. I love that it is free.

  There is just so much to express I cannot put it all in words. Though there's one thing I can say straight: thank you.

  As a musician myself, I like the entire thing and also find some of the soundscapes particularly impressive. That definitely took some time and effort to create, eventually for it to be published and available to everyone who wants it, so thank you for that.

  It's pretty easy to do i-Ready this way, plus it's calming so it helps me think better, I think this website should have more attention because it's awesome! - Ethan, Student

  I am an audio engineer and I cannot stand hearing loops when I sleep. I can't express how happy I am that I found this. Some of the hardest times of my life are now, this is a grace. I have always been a fan of the YouTube channel, but finding this has been... Genuinely a light in my life. Thank you. My jaw dropped when I turned on the Mono and Deep Piano.

  Self-improvement is hard. It can make you feel worse to be more aware of the things you want to change, but it's a process. I hope I can slowly keep improving and become the person I want to be.

  I'm neurodivergent with ADHD. Life and work are hard some days, and I just want to run away. However, I found your site and found some balance (ish). I appreciate you and this site oodles!

  Sometimes I really just need to let myself cry, but it's very hard for me to do so due to trauma reasons. This mix is the right amount of "here-but-not" that helps me feel simultaneously alone/quiet enough and safe enough to truly let it out.

  As you feel your soul be lifted in to peace, in to the quiet air. You now truly know the meaning of life.

  This is my favourite background noise for focus, bar none. The randomness of the notes keeps them from being distracting the way "real" music can be, while keeping my ears happily occupied and blocking sounds from the office around me. Beautifully put together.

  This is an awesome generator. Unique and interesting every time. 1000/10.

  I found that when this is combined with Primeval Forest, the combo is super chill.

  This mix is just so relaxing. I helps me sleep so much. 1000/10

  The only ambient which works. Not too heavy, not too meaningless. 10000/10

  So nice for sleep! Love it!

  I love using this to fill the silence I usually experience working in an office building at night. However, to my delight and horror, I have also found this pairs nicely with The Fireplace or any of the rain noise generators in a way that knocks me out pretty quick - the opposite of what I want when I'm at work, but perfect for when I get home!

  This particular piano mix just makes my time in front of my laptop much better. I love this site. I am a student. I don't have money, I don't have any cards, I am sorry for not being able to contribute. But I really love you man. Thank you very much. Hope I get to contribute soon. Not lying, it is worth more than that. Take care..

  I love 88 keys, it is so beautiful and soothing, so if I ever had to rate it out of 5, it would score a 1,000,000! It is super nice to listen to. As well, just beautiful music!

  I don't know why, but I feel so far away from myself when I play this. Like I am watching every decision I make from outside my own body.

  Makes me feel inspiration.

  Such soothing sounds. I use this heavily while working on my creative writing. Simply beautiful.

  This is sooo soothing! I sometimes have this playing in the background for hours at work…

  Brilliant! I usually cant focus on my math class but with this, I can even keep my concentration on an entire 4-hour study session!! 10/10

  99 Keys is powerful! I just woke up, realizing it was still playing on my headphones. I was writing, and this not only matched the story's scene atmosphere, but it also relaxed me enough to send me to sleep.

  It makes me feel like I'm in a relationship with someone who is with me one a date and this feeling never goes away. Instead it grows deeply and intensive with time.

  This is truly calming, it gives me a sense of solitude even in the midst of people. I am able to really focus with this soundtrack. Masterfully done!


  With reversed keys a little higher and ultra bass all the way up this gives serious hyrule field vibes.

  This paired with Cave Water on 'sound blocker' is an excellent sound blocker for me! I like the gentle, random melody. Thanks Dr. Stéphane, for your hard work to put this together AND make it sound great!

  I pair this with Autumn Walk, and I use it for studying. It works wonders and I get so much done.

  When you close your eyes you just drift away go inside your head and feel safe, free, happy, Its a place you can go to get away and let all the memory’s and fears drift away, just disappear . I love this app it makes me feel happy.

  Perfect calming audio for stargazing! <3

  This is so much better than Youtube soundtracks! It doesn't distract me like other music or noise!

  I am a pianist myself, so I greatly appreciate this music. It is nice to be able to hear some music that is not played by me. It helps me focus and calm down better than any other music. Thank you for this installment!

  A melody that is truly from the inner peace. With rain in the background, it is a beautiful, soft melody.

  Helps me focus while doing homework. It is also so relaxing. Thanks so much. You did an amazing job.

  I liked this because it is calming and it does not distract me. It is like a background noise that helps me think. I would definitely recommend to anyone that is having trouble concentrating or working. You don't have to go by the headings. This website is amazingly helpful and I encourage others to use it.

  Just discovered this track. Now not only do I have a perfect background musical track that calms and enters, but I can also imagine you in Belgium, sitting at your grand piano. Somehow, it adds to the sanctity of the atmosphere I am surrounded by. Mille mercis.

  I'm alone in my Room with my Cat. This how I spend my time. Listen Music and Survive. Stay Strong out there. We are Many.

  Have been feeling down while working on a business report. Can't seem to focus in anything and have been overwhelmed by all the pending tasks I have to do. This site made me feel at ease and stopped my overthinking. Thank you so much for this. This is a life saver.

  As a long time audio post person in Hollywood, who has to do audio layering all the time, I can attest that Mr Pigeon's work is stellar, and forward thinking. Really great programming and sound design. I need to hire you here in Los Angeles!

  I love this and how you can calibrate it to give it that pop that its just missing because of a pair of bad earbuds.

  It feels very relaxing and helps me with my sleep. It feels soft and makes me sleepy.

  Makes me sad in a good way. I feel like I'm longing for something unknown.

  Pairing this with Tin Roof Rain and Inspirational Morning really rocks, it´s so soothing, and very interesting when you turn on the bass mono note. If you want something extra fun, open the 88 keys window twice and let them play at the same time!

  Perfect to play in noise cancelling head phones to block distractions and aid concentration.

  This is really relaxing and beautiful.

  It’s so relaxed for me. I love it.

  myNoise helps me relax after long hours of gaming, it helps me recover my energy.

  I am a developer and this generator helps me focus on my work and not drift away.

  Perfect for reading the book of Lamentations <3

  I enjoy this noise maker a lot. it really helps me concentrate.

  You walk along the dark street, the rain covering the tears sliding down your face. You've lost everything. Friends. Family. It seems like everyone has turned against you. You slip on your coal black headphones and sigh. The music envelops you, and you can see the sun peeking softly behind the clouds. It soothes you as you continue to walk your lonely journey. At least you'll always have music.

  Great for concentration.

  Another one of my favorite settings. I love your guys' ambience! God Bless! <3

  Very nice for reading and writing. I'm trying to get through the first Keeper of the Lost Cities book and this sets the mood nicely. Thank you so much! <3

  It's as if something is approching, or you're in a memory, or you wander alone. Maybe you simply sit and relax with the wonders of nature <3

  Amazing for writing my fic!

  This setting reminds me of Johan Liebert, the antagonist from Naoki Urasawa's "Monster". Its somber and melancholic sound helps get a glimpse of how much suffering and loneliness he was feeling along the story. I truly love it.

  This feels like somewhere I like, a place where I should live. It is focusable for me.

  I have always had trouble sleeping and nothing could ever really help me, then I found 88 Keys, which helped me to fall asleep. Thank you myNoise, for you are a tremendous help to me!

  When I listen to this song and close my eyes, I am taken to a whole new world, my happy place.

  Wow, with the settings I can make it almost sound like the intro to No Quarter by Led Zeppelin.

  Whoever made this, thank you.

  Only the most gorgeous. I especially loved how reversed keys and effects were added!

  Very helpful while studying, I've managed to improve my concentration considerably.

  I get chronic migraines of an unknown cause and any medication I take my body soon becomes accustomed to. I stumbled across myNoise once and this piece especially helped alleviate my symptoms and I would happily regard this as the best kind of music therapy. A thousand thank yous for helping to heal me.

  Pairing this with "Distant Thunder" is indescribably beautiful. By far my favorite setting. It's like a peaceful, rainy day, filled with books and cups of coffee. Thank you myNoise for this.

  This sounds eerie, as if I was stuck in the past or something.

  This mix I made makes me think of stargazing whilst thinking about the world. It's simply ethereal.

  It sounds like it should be in a video game, I'm imagining Spore.

  This is exactly what I need to keep focused on my work.

  Absolutely ethereal music. The general tone of it, especially at the settings Ii have it on, makes it phenomenal for writing or reading scenes with a darker/more somber atmosphere. At the same time, it's very relaxing! I feel like I could fall asleep to this.

  I love the noises at myNoise so much. They block out annoying, distracting sounds so well!

  Stressed before my exams - this soundtrack as low volume background music (with slider animation) along with a rain sound really helps concentration and relaxation for me. Incredible how it's randomised but still sounds great, too. My thanks to the developers :)

  Something's on the horizon. I have no clue why but hearing this while doing my schoolwork in a busy room just calms me straight to the nerves. It's perfectly calm with a slight theme of darkness approaching? If that makes sense? Probably not but the heavy bass and reversed sounds just get me all kinds of relaxed.

  Thoughtful piano playing in a lightly furnished room. Great for getting lost in projects (if it's not played too loudly). --Jesse P.

  This is a modified version of the Tranquil preset that I really like. It reminds me of ambient video game soundscapes, especially C418's contributions to the Minecraft soundtrack. I didn't think randomly generated music could sound good but your generator proved me wrong!

  I tend to hang on to stress without really noticing, and when I'm relaxed I sometimes end up crying out of nowhere. I knew I found something really special when I loaded this up and everything went blurry so quickly. I can't thank you enough for putting the effort into this. It's like listening to starlight.

  Combined with White Rain Noise Generator it helps me to focus on my work and to mute the surroundings as I am hypersensitive. I love my NC-Headset for that. Love your page!

  I have anxiety and panic attacks. As soon as this track begins to play, I can feel my body start to relax. The music calms my mind and soothes my soul. Thank you for helping me to function without fear.

  I mix this piano generator on the myNoise app with some thunder and a little bit of traffic noise to create an amazing, relaxing never-ending car ride and it helps me reduce stress over whatever it is I'm working on. To say I use myNoise is an understatement.

  It's calming and soothing to the ears. Perfect for concentration and deep meditation during this trying times.

  Combine this piece with Black Hole on the "Serenity" setting. It is good both for calming music and for writing music.

  That bass makes it sound like a movie trailer.

  I love this generator. If you set it up right it can give random gloomy or dark moments but some bright and uplifting moments in between. It reminds me of music that would be in Inside or Limbo where you're venturing across a vast empty landscape alone.

  I love this sound! Combining the Tranquil preset and the Japanese Garden sound is really relaxing. I usually have trouble on focusing on work I'm trying to do, but this combination really helps!

  It sounds soft, and calming. The reversed notes and repeating high notes provide a soothing input. Lovely.

  This goes really well with In The Sky!

  This is the stuff that everyone should be listening to for focus, lo-fi is cool but these sounds just hit.

  This has the perfect Breath of the Wild serene emptiness to it.

  This is as Amazing as it gets. The site, the sounds and the music are all masterfully designed and produced. Bravo!

  Wonderfully somber.

  Despite the extreme stress of preparing for ap tests, the terrible news regarding coronavirus, and all the recent police shootings, this soundscape calms me down so so much and makes me feel like everything is going to be ok someday. And my GOD is it gorgeous. Stéphane, I will be forever in your debt for your providing this for free.

  I love pairing it with Rain on a Tent, it's soothing and helps me focus.

  This is my recommended setting. The tool creates a simple chaotic piano noise, that will put you right to sleep. My custom settings create a perfect equality between pianos.

  This is definitely my favorite. I never get tired of these sounds. They help me concentrate for hours on my work even though I am usually very anxious and get easily distracted.

  I found this about a year ago and I LOVE IT! Mix it with any rain gen and fireplace for a sad, rainy noise.

  I played this with the singing bowls and it sound great and relaxing.

  This generator is a blessing to my ears. This is very amazing! Go!

  This + Cafe Restaurant is everything. Creates a peaceful environment at work and turns into background noise. Helps focus the brain without being too busy.

  I listen to it with a nc-headset in office so I can mask the stupid talking ;-)

  Fantastic! I enjoy clicking through everyone's different settings, but those reverse notes really hit the spot. Combine with Orchestron for an excellent study accompaniment or your favourite rain generator for an excellent tea break.

  This is superb. But it's even more superb that it's masking my annoying neighbours playing their piano (badly) against our shared wall. Once again your fine work restores my peacefulness and sanity, Dr Pigeon. Thank you.

  I was recommended this website, and now I listen to it every day. So amazing.

  I am going to cry listening to this. I love this piece so much.

  Sometimes I went out and played this generator while traversing through the city. It unleashed a productive and rewarding chain of thoughts. Thanks to the creators, developers, and supporters.

  It's one of the only comforts that allow me to study at night, I'm tired, it gives me the impression of being somewhere else, sometimes I imagine stories; anyway thank you again for the soundtrack.

  This is really beautiful.

  I listen to this when I do school... I simply love it.


  This may not seem like much (I am 18 btw) but here's my message! This soundscape in particular helped me cope with a breakup I had last year. I was very clingy to this person, and the piano keys told me it was okay to let go of the past, and move onto a better place! I like today Thank you to the person who had made this generator, It sounds really beautiful and makes me think about tommorow!

  Infinite beauty.

  I love this site. It helps me sleep calmly and meditate with bells to signal the end of it or at certain times. Love.

  I really love this sound as i play Piano too. I think this setting is the best, I love the ethereal sounds which come out and combine with the chords. I love this with Morning Forest or Primeval Forest.

  Beautiful job! Helps me stay focused while studying <3

  This setup is so emotional! It kind of fades in the background but also doesn't, like a looming shadow of a piece long forgotten. (Also lovely if you like silky smooth bass)

  This holds many emotions for me. Appreciation, lost, melancholy, determined, saddened, and open-minded. To me, listening to this brings a story about a knight, trying to save their village. To save them, they must slay their ruler he had served for so many years. He doesn't know what to do, but as he takes the long journey to the castle, all he can do is think to himself. Thinking... Thinking...

  Love this setting! So relaxing and helps me get my homework done ;)

  Simple and calm.

  This actually seems nice and relaxing (the reversed SFX kinda mimics the main keys played currently).

  Combine this with Duduk Song 2 and Slow Marimbas. HOLY COW.

  I am student starting at a new school, I've been having tons of homework and this helps me focus!

  Being a classical pianist myself, I greatly appreciate myNoise providing such a wonderful, fine-tuned piano generator. I've used this setting for a multitude of things; studying, relaxing, yoga, and meditation. It's phenomenal.

  Combine this with Duduk Song 2 for a woodwind melody over the piano accompaniment.

  ← Pair this with any nature noise (White Rain and Healing Water work great!)

  Combine this with Orchestron and you have your very own nonstop custom soundtrack to de-stress with while you work :)

  Try putting this together with Orchestron and Underwater Ambience, with slider animation on. It kind of feels like real-life Minecraft! Hah! :D

  I put the Rain n the City generator on, then I put this on, single notes up only. Set slider mode to subtle and slider speed to fastest.

  This. Is. Amazing. I think I'm about to cry.

  This has been one of my favorite generators for a long time. I pair it with any natural sounds (Cave Water or Primeval Forest work great!), and it makes amazing background music for homework. This site is a lifesaver for my ADHD!

  This was nice to have in the background for an hour while browsing the internet super late at night.

  Very nice, I have problems concentrating at school and this is the best! Thank you very much!

  I literally can not comprehend how cool this is.

  Love this, got the app on my phone, good to chill out with in a noisy office.

  Wow, this is so trippy and cool and all sorts of AWESOME. You rock. Thank you for this!

  Without a doubt the best of this genre, and in fact, can be said to be its only representative. Lovely and extraordinarily effective...

  I love this site so much. Helps with concentration and focus. Big hugs to the creator.

  Beautiful discovery on the internet! :)

  So relaxing. It's nice combined with Autumn Walk or Rain. I like the one called Stéphane. Elegant and beautiful.

  Reminds me of the soundtrack in Life is Strange. Listen to it on an actual rainy afternoon/evening for the best effect. So good.

  Your piano sounds amazing. More people need to know about this website.

  This is so beautiful! And it's the only reason I got through my exams.

  This is by far the best on myNoise! Love this one... helps me concentrate in a room that is very quiet.

  Such a pretty noise. The sound of the slow, relaxed contemplation of the nice parts of life.

  OMG, how long my life was waiting for something like that! Tons of audiobooks and stories will now take a new breath!

  Pair this with the engine rumble of Warp Speed and you feel like you're in hyperspace awaiting a dramatic event.

  WOW. I have been using the app for a while, and it's been a minute since I got on the browser version, and I was so pleased to find this. This is so beautiful, and works so well as background noise when I'm working.

  This is by far the most incredible creation on myNoise. My house is extremely quiet and this helps fill the space.

  Absolutely perfect for relaxing.

  Listen to this with Japenese Garden. You'll thank me later.

  I loved 88 Keys! It really helped me focus and was so, so beautiful.

  This is by far my favorite for working and studying at the computer. Beautiful.

  Just what I wanted to study, thanks.

  Fabolous! Could not have been better!

  Sounds killer with the "Thunder and Rain" generator in the background and the reversed notes, effects, and bass turned up pretty loud.


  Have you ever tried to play 88 Keys with Japanese Garden? ... Do it now :)

  Beautiful recordings and atmospherics... Euphoria, bottled and shipped!

  Thank you for taking me to a whole new world!

  Thank you for making my life so much better. For taking me to an incredible place, even if where I am is dark, and scary or unsure. My heart feels lighter as I listen. Can't tell you how much that means to me.

  Trying to sleep on sick days.

  Reminds me very much of a dark and emotional show I watched. It's a strange but very mystical feeling.

  Thank you for such a magical place.

  A beautiful soundscape with stunning tones.

  Well, helped me a lot while studying. Thanks...

  It's very good music that makes me relax.

  Let the silent pain of loneliness control your mood.

  Listening to this along with 'Sleeping Dragon' is a truly calming and whimsical sound piece.

  I keep coming back to this marvellous soundscape. It remains me of the great Harold Budd/Brian Eno collaborations from the late 70s and early 80s, but sounds even more abstract and ambient. Great late night-music.

  So so beautiful, it makes my heart ache.

  This blows me away. This instrumental piano music is such the perfect and beautiful place holder for me, who's been missing my piano something fierce (it's currently in storage.) Inspires my writing - which I just started doing full-time after retiring and moving out of state. This music will be my new jam. THANK YOU! <3

  The 88 keys preset reminds me of the old Channel 4 preview and it's so nostalgic. I love it.

  Reminds me of the 40 seconds into to the song "love" from Art Of Noise. I let this play with the "Irish coast" soundscape in another tab, dialed down a few dBs.

  This is one of my favourite generators, it's just so varied. You can layer the piano over so many other soundscapes to create either a light and optimistic tone, or a melancholic and hopeless one. For the latter, I find using just the chords, filtered and reversed piano with Black Hole and Deep Om from Deep Chant is exquisitely desolate, but oddly calming.

  Beautiful. Just beautiful!

  Oh my word! This is the most therapeutic sound I have ever heard perfect for relaxing and mediation :)

  I love combining 88 Keys with Stardust, Black Hole, Twin Black Lodges, and Thunder & Rain. It gives me such a sense of complete calm with all the gentle sounds of ambiance together with a soft thunder and the elegent sounds of piano. It's something that literally brings me such serenity that the dark thoughts that depression brings me just melt away. Thank you.

  This orientation is the best for me; it sounds dark, but hopeful, and it's almost surreal. This feeling may not be shared by all. In fact, I believe the opposite. I believe everyone should try and find their own personal best setting. Thank you for making this happen!

  I've perfectly put these settings together so that I can maintain the optimal amount of focus. Thanks!

  I discovered this after browsing the site and it REALLY helps me drown out the classroom noise and just focus on my work.

  Reminds me of Joe Hisaishi's "The Sixth Station" from Spirited Away. Thank you, it's precious!

  So beautiful and relaxing :)

  Got me to cry for the first time in ages.

  Honestly, i've been struggling with writers block a lot these days. nothing worked, and I often felt saddened and down due to this fact. However, upon listening to 88 keys, I immediately had a vision; a story unfolded right in front of me. Loved this very much! Thank you :)

  After 15 minutes of working and listening to this without speaking, I find myself with the strange feeling of serenity, which makes that when a co-worker speaks to me I respond with the tone much lower than normal. Just for this little change in me, thank you very much.

  Love this mix on its own... just to helps me concentrate and stay in a happy positive mood when working on challenging tasks! Thank you heaps.

  There's always something about Piano I can relate to. It touches me.

  Love combining this with the cafe noises and maybe some rain to get that relaxed, focused "working in a cozy coffeeshop on a rainy day" feeling.

  Stumbled across this gem on Reddit as well. This might be my most favourite site ever. Donating, even if just a little, is a no-brainer.

  This tickles my brain!

  It's great for writing a dystopian novel. That kind of melancholic uneasy piano is perfect for what I have in mind, especially with distant thunder in the background.

  I feel very relaxed while listening to this! Thank you guy from reddit!

  88 keys has to be the best studying music to listen to! I usually hate these white noise kind of things that supposedly "help you study", but with my customized 88 Keys settings and the default Black Hole settings, I can focus for hours on end. It is a really cool combination! Thanks to the creators of both soundscapes and to myNoise for helping me to focus better on studying for my finals!

  I play this with the chords, bass and improv from "Telecaster Licks" to help me focus.

  I find myself grounded again.

  88 Keys combined with Cafe Restaurant and Train and Railroad Noise take me inside a dining car on a cross-country journey filled with mystery and intrigue. I use this to relax, stimulate my imagination, and block nearby distractions. is the best — thank you, Stéphane!

  88 Keys is amazing for writing, it sparks the inspiration deep in my soul and allows me to fill pages with my imagination. I thought I had forgotten how to write, how to find these words inside myself, but this soundscape brings me to a time, a place where I can strive to create.

  I put this on with these personal settings and the Distant Thunder generator a little louder than the piano, and I have found the perfect soundscape to help me write my research paper for my English 11 class. All the distractions are drained out, and I can now clear my mind and focus on what's important. Thank you myNoise.

  88 Keys helps me relax when desperate and relieves anxiety.

  The combination of reversed notes and single notes twinkle together in a way that feels reminiscent of Breath of the Wild. It's quite lovely to listen to alongside the rain gen and binaural beats.

  Paired with the Japanese Garden and Ultimate Cafe, it takes me to an open-aired cocktail party in a movie.

  I struggle a lot with trying to find background noise that helps me focus but isn't too much that it overwhelms my thoughts. My regular music that I listen to for fun is usually impossible to sit down and write to, and all those lofi music compilations can only do so much. This was the perfect noise generator for me! Just gentle enough that I feel some atmosphere, but not so harsh that I get lost!

  This piano soundscape is pleasant enough to actively listen to, and unintrusive enough to fade into the background when I'm busy.

  88 Keys with Thunder & Rain and Singing Bowls helped me study.

  An interesting background to play around on my keyboard with! Especially the idea that you can change keys.

  This is an astonishing piece of audio software. Love the Ultra-Bass :)

  I like the way that it sounds like I'm right next to the piano. The deep sounds of the keys really bring something out in me...

  I love how this seems to sync one's thoughts and draw them meditatively into a kind of focus that is almost visual in nature. Thanks for sharing this amazing resource!

  It's pretty good for calming my nerves so my mind can absorb data better. I wonder if you have a version of this tuned to 432hz.

  Black hole and 88 keys, dark creepy sounds mixed with light hearted piano, is a fun combo and one of my favorites.

  As someone whose favorite instrument is piano and wants to learn it: This is amazing. Thank you for creating this. This is totally better than all the piano livestreams I see on YouTube.

  It's a sense of longing and nostalgia; for those days when feeling melancholy seems necessary and somehow, inescapable.

  88 keys goes with almost anything. This is an absolutely brilliant module. Pro tip: reduce the volume of 88 keys to make it the background to a nature session.

  Combining this with Twin Black Lodges creates the perfect sound for the eerie fey forest my dungeons and dragons group will be exploring soon. So haunting.

  I've been trying to find a "piano background noise" track for some time. With the chordal notes, dark keys, and single notes all high, this one is PERFECT.

  I pressed the Surprise button and I've got this awesome combination.

  I love this one! Especially the reversed notes, which have a really cool effect and remind me of the music from the video game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Great work!

  This is a great relaxation to me, the reverse piano sounds are a fantastic addition to this.

  Love this! So pretty. It reminds me of the Piano Guys, but I don't have to go to Youtube to listen to it :D Really helps me concentrate.

  I just tried this for the first time along with The Pilgrim (also for the first time), and I think they complement each other very well. I love myNoise.

  OMG. This in combination with the Japanese Garden generator is just... I don't even know how to describe it. It's the most soothing, beautiful, comforting experience I ever had.

  88 Keys is absolutely awesome. I can't imagine how this generator was assembled, but it's so relaxing and contemplative. With rain and wind dripping and blowing softly in the background, I think I've found my favorite combination.

  What an amazing find of a website... I'll be donating more money. This work is beautiful, thanks!

  Combine with Gregorian Voices or any RPG for an ominous, haunting theme.

  An amazing achievement. It sounds like gentle rain tuned to the Chromatic scale.

  I don't have something smart to say, the thing is this generator is very, very, very soothing and grounds me in the moment, in the "here". It brings some kind of peace where I am, to say so.

  Surprisingly this is so relaxing to listen to. I found myself able to focus on reading without the need to change music/sound.

  I often find that I can't listen to music while working because my brain latches onto melodies and harmonies and my mind is occupied with LISTENING to the music instead of what I'm doing. This noise generator is great because it gives me the sounds I want but not in a way that my brain gets distracted by. The randomness is pleasant and works well in the background.

  I had an extremely sudden and bad C-PTSD flashback and I ran to myNoise to go find something that can soothe and ground me as I processed it and let it go through my body. The tranquil mode is preventing me from collapsing entirely right now, and I'm being actively soothed. I will always be a patron of your site, thank you so much, this is not the first time I have used your engines to soothe me.

  "88 Keys" with "Unreal Ocean" or "Irish Coast" is my newest favorite noise machine combination to work on my projects. My 2nd favorite is "Guitar Mashup" with "Irish Coast".

  I play this with rain sounds and it sounds great! I nearly fell asleep in the afternoon!

  I found this through tumblr, and it's so relaxing! I'm just so motivated and inspired, yet relaxed at the same time. Love it!

  It is SO great to have white noise at my disposal. Open office spaces look great and are awesome in stimulating interpersonal (and most of the time professional) relationships. The one thing they are not good for is creating quite spaces. This website saved me from being irrelevant because I can now be fully productive at the office too. Thank you for that.

  I combine this personal setting with the Distant Thunder machine to create a focus zone for my writing. Works immensely and I never get bored of the generated music!

  I'm writing a sad scene right now, and was having a lot of trouble with it, but this setting has helped tremendously. Thanks much, Stphane.

  I'm in an open cubicle at work and the person sitting next to me talks very loud on phone calls. This website has saved my relationship with her as well as several projects I've worked on over the years. 88 Keys is my new favorite but I am also a big fan of Cat Purr and Rain on a Tent. Thank you thank you thank you.

  My mind races at all hours, day and night, and I don't sleep much. I'm also a student in a difficult major, and this helps my mind slow down. I drown out the rest of the world, breathe, and move on to the next chapter. I find stillness that I cannot otherwise achieve.

  Here's my attempt at a Harold Budd/Brian Eno "Plateaux of Mirror"-esque mix.

  Quite noise perfect for working; on homework, in the office, or just to relax.

  I pair this with Primeval Forest often, and it helps me focus more on whatever it is I'm doing- usually Art or Writing!

  I just love the minimal preset.

  I've been a patron for years now and have many favorites but this may be the most helpful noise for me. It gives my ADD mind a place to rest while working in difficult complexities. Thank you. Thank you.

  Sometimes, when my head is spinning and my mind is reeling, I find myself coming back here. Each time I find myself in a cave, lit up with blue gems. Water drips from the ceiling, and while I don't like being damp, I'm completely at ease. Normally caves scare me, but this cave is different... It's the embodiment of peace.

  Normally I listen to just normal music, but these settings create an interesting atmosphere especially when combined with animated sliders. I play piano and when I do, most of the time I just improvise in A minor, simple and hard to play wrong notes but still sound interesting, and this mimics the way I play: chords on one hand with a simple melody on the other.

  I love this. It's hard to describe how it sounds with the settings I have, but... wow. The low tones, reverse, and effects just melt your troubles and stress away. I love using this when making pixel art.

  I think this is the default, but regardless of that, it sounds nice and calming! Definitely good music for writing!

  This is great! it is really relaxing for me. Usually I listen to music online while studying or working, but this is better, because there aren't links to other videos.

  This, with the right settings on Orchestron, makes for an awesome writing soundtrack. It's weird, but it works -- give it a try and see if you agree.

  88 Keys in 'Reverie' and In The Sky in 'Calm Fall' is a really calming combination. Helps me deal with stress and panic attacks

  I've been using this generator a lot while writing my current novel. It sounds like the gentle music in the background of a movie scene, and it's completely inspiring. I adore so many of the generators on this site, but this one is definitely a favorite.

  Paired with Black Hole, it has the feel of sitting on the dock in the late night/early morning. You don't know which. You lost track of time a while ago. Your feet hang over the edge of the pier, letting the mist off the lake cover your calves. You're laying on the pier. The lake is misty, but the sky is clear. There are so many stars out here. It's beautiful.

  Touched by the inseparable sensation of sadness and joy in the same moment... really beautiful Stphane.

  88 Keys and Sleeping Dragon sound very well together! This is a nice sound to have playing in the background.

  This one is just beautiful! I'm totally in love with it. Using different combinations of sliders makes the sound quite different, so it's hard to get bored with this one. Sometimes when I can't sleep I like to sit at my piano and really softly just press notes in the same key, creating something kind of similar to this. It's very calming to me.

  Use Stephane's preset in A#, EX for the slider animation, 2X speed and play Pebble Beach with standard animation. I can't describe how beautiful it sounds.

  88 Keys + Stardust sounds like drifting aimlessly through space. Peaceful.

  If you've ever wanted to make classical literature just a little more engaging, pair this with quiet fireplace noises and the "table" slider from Cafe Restaurant. It's a quiet Victorian dinner!

  This is my study setting. Consistent and repetitive enough to allow focus, but with beauty and a sense of spontaneity.

  Playing this with the Twin Black Lodges in F minor with the Tape Speed Control is beautiful. After that, I toss in the Thunder & Rain, Ultimate Fan, and Cafe Restaurant. That combination leaves a beautifully haunting and melancholic ambiance.

  This is wonderful when played simultaneously with the ASMR whispers.

  This is heavenly. Layering this generator with Telecaster Licks is breathtaking! Just lovely.

  I handed my earbuds to a friend and said "listen to this pianist, she's really good!" that was half an hour ago... he hasn't figured out it's a generator yet.. hasn't given me my earbuds back yet either...

  There is something very sad, almost mournful, about this soundscape. It's pensive, really makes me think and kind of pull into myself. It's like sitting alone on the shore of an iron-grey lake and just letting yourself breathe.

  Amazing work. I have tried countless of the synthetic/more musical soundscapes to improvise over top of while I play drums, and it is too much fun. Countless thank you's!

  This is so beautiful. I play this along with the Thunder + Rain noise generator and it helps me read, draw, work, etc. It even helps with my insomnia. So glad I found this site.

  This is beautiful, especially in combination with "Slow harmonies" on "Duduk Song".

  Guitar Mashup makes an interesting mix with this setting.

  Thank you for this! Relaxingly random, but peacefully harmonic at the same time. It's exactly what I was imagining when I thought about how myNoise could play the piano. Lovely to mix with rain, too!

  Mix this with In The Sky.

  Love that I can create the perfect soundtrack to a rainy autumn evening. This really helps me downshift after a long stressful day. Thanks so much for sharing your hard work.

  I am in love with this! It sounds just like a classical piano station. This one is a keeper!

  Stphane, I am both amazed and grateful for this soundscape. When combined with a natural sound it creates an atmosphere of solace and a warm, meditative state of mind.

  This is truly wonderful. So soothing and peaceful... It made me donate a bit more ;) Thank you so much for such a brilliant work.

  This is by FAR my favourite among all the soundscapes and drones in this place. I've played the piano ever since I was roughtly 6/7, so it plays an important part in my life, and I can't explain how beautiful, charming and peaceful this sounds to me, aswell as incredibly melancholic. Thank you so much for your work, this is music to my ears!

  Wow! As a pianist, this is indeed music to my ears. As a writer, it's calming, yet inspiring. It provides the perfect backdrop to a writer developing his story and its characters. Almost like a subtle musical score in the background. Well done!

  Music and computer programming intertwined. Do androids dream of electric sheep?

  This is the result of all your work thus far and everything you learned within working in the constraints of your engine. I'd see this as a milestone for the site. Best one yet.

  I'm not typically a fan of the piano, so I didn't think I'd like this generator, but holy WOW, it's gorgeous. It feels impressionistic and modern, so, so peaceful, and juuuust tonal enough to keep me relaxed and at-ease. Amazing.

  This reminds me of when I went to university where there was an old piano in the corridor outside my classroom. I would come there early in the morning due to bus routes and sit there and just play random harmonies and notes until someone came in. I pair this with 'distant thunder' to really get that magical, calming feel. My two favourite noises in the world combined. Thank you so much for this!

  This might be the straw that breaks the camel of donation's back...

  This is so relaxing and peaceful. Seriously one of the most beautiful on the site.

  It may have taken you a long time... but I think we will agree it's worth waiting for! A wonderfully relaxing and focussing experience.

  Really calming and pensive music. I combine it with Orchestron and it's a great combo (both on fastest animation and 0-100