Song and album prices may vary depending on the store, and so does the availability of individual tracks. Tracks longer than 10 minutes are tagged 'Album Only' on iTunes and Amazon, but available as individual tracks from Google Play.
These albums are made of songs shorter than 10 minutes, allowing individual purchases on iTunes and Amazon.
Click an album to preview.
The most successful sound generators on the website are now available as EPs. Many of the individual tracks have a duration of 25 minutes, the length of a Pomodoro session (the ideal timing for students at work).
The most successful musical generators on myNoise will soon be available as regular albums, but with tracks optimized for Shuffle playback. It means that you will be able to create ever-changing musical ambiences - like the player on myNoise - using a standard music player set to Shuffle Play mode.
These albums provide tracks you can sing along to, or play a musical instrument with, tuned to each musical key. This series has been designed to offer a steady reference to singers, and help them to improve their pitch accuracy while practising singing. It also offers background drones for soloist musicians, who will love improvising on top of them. These albums consist of twelve tracks corresponding to each root note. They are excellent to listen to during meditation sessions.