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Magic Generator Series
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mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range Set→[ LowHigh ]←Set

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Discover our Magic Generator Series... for Patrons Only.

You may have been amazed by a couple of myNoise sound generators before, but these ones will quite literally surprise you, always! Our Magic series is a bonus for the people who support this website. Every time the page loads, stems are blindly drawn from our large pool of high quality audio recordings, creating an ambience that is unique to this moment. Enjoy your lucky draw - now - as this particular combination will probably never happen again!

User Stories

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•  myNoise has been an incredible service for me! I live with moderate anxiety that is commonly triggered by sensory overload. Using the myNoise app, I have been able to create a calming environment at work, home, and in public. I love the ability to mix sounds and calibrations to create endless soundscapes for relaxation and enjoyment. I am so grateful to Stéphane for all of his hard work on this!

•  Japanese Oase, Cinematic East and Call of the Andes are some of my all-time favorites. So it's not surprising I fell in love with this generator immediately. The Buddhist chant is a cherry on top.

•  After only a few minutes of listening, I knew I had to download this one because it brings such a profoundly calm focus and a sense of peace. Thank you so much.

•  My boyfriend is from the countryside, but we both live in a busy district in Tokyo. I played this at midday and he was amazed. "This is what I needed. I grew up with these sounds". Thank you so much for this.

•  These magic gens are awesome for finding new sounds that I may not have tried out on my own.

•  This is INCREDIBLE. I have my Japanese exams soon, so I was looking for something to get me in the zone, and can I just say - I am so glad I donated to this website. I just went through every stem individually to see what I was working with, and I love them all and they work together in absolute harmony. I can even recognise strains from some of my favourite generators. BLESS YOU.

•  This magic generator is truly magic. My brain is pretty picky about the combo of noises, so I usually end up hitting refresh a couple of times, but once I've got it, it's hands-down the most relaxing generator on the site for me.

•  myNoise is a great programme. I donate money because I use it daily. Keep up the good work Stephane!

• Dr Pigeon, mate, this is yet another great and unique soundscape. I just wanted to thank you in general for all the great work from your side that has helped me through two theses and the first years of my work life. If I remember correctly this is the only website that I have every paid for and I regret nothing.

• I managed on my second try with this by complete accident to get a sound that captivated my formerly feral cat. We're going on three weeks together with no touch or movement towards each other, but this kept her close by without making her nervous. Absolutely more than worth the donation.

• This is amazing! It's everything I've been wanting without me having to mix it!

• The chimes and water sounds really relaxed me, but then when I hit refresh, I was invigorated by the sounds of chanting in the background. The Magic Gens truly are magic!

• I absolutely love this. On just the first time, some of my favorite are here, in a combination I cannot put together myself. As I use Japanese Oase and Zen Garden most often for working every day, this is a really special gift. Well worth my monthly contribution. Actually, priceless.

• I don't play with the magic generators much but when 日本 was released I knew I HAD to check it out. And I was not disappointed. What a beautiful collection of sounds. I may not be able to afford a trip to Japan any time soon, but this is the easily the next best thing.