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Wooden Sailboat Noise Generator


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The sailboat experience, without the seasickness

Ahoy there shipmates! Batten down the hatches, get cozy in your bunk and hunker down for a journey on a sailing ship of old. Your destination? An ocean of sound, made by the creaks and squeaks of timbers and ropes, and the restless mood of the wind and the waves, pitching and rolling your vessel. Let the fair breeze steer your course, then safely anchor your vessel at night, allowing you to dream of you final destination. Or opt for a stormy weather soundscape, and spend a sleepless night aboard!

Published by Stéphane on June 25th, 2014

User Stories

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  This makes me feel relaxed and able to focus. I do overnight mostly because it's a good thing of peace and quiet, but has the boat noises. I don't have ADHD, but when I don't listen to these sounds, it feels like I do.

  Playing this with the Evil Charm soundscape is an experience like no other. I feel as if I am sailing a haunted lagoon, surrounded by the spirits of the souls that were lost to the great beast of the deep...

  When listening to ‘Thunderstorm’ I wasn’t studying in an office, I was braving a storm in an ocean!

  Thunderstorm sounds so full of doom. I’m writing about a ship; this really sets the mood. I love it!

  Pair this with The Pilgrim and it sounds like traveling over the sea to a new, better land. Tried this today and all of my worries were lost at sea. :)

  This is a great one. I was listening for the frapping of halyards against the mast.. For me that is a sound that is totally unique to a sailing holiday and a sound I am nostalgic for. I don't recall the squeaks you have here, which wouyd have sent me up the companion way to see what's occuring.. So I turn these right down. I like that it is really quite a sploshy day!

  This one is like you're in a submarine, or in a big ship of some sort, maybe in the lower floors.

  I created a spooky soundscape, it's perfect.

  So satisfying! Who knew the sound of a sailboat could be so refreshing? Not me! I use this sound all the time now.

  I love how calm this is. I like to pair it with thunder and rain for an even more layered sound.

  Thank you for this; it helped me write a family history story.

  It goes well with 20,000 Leagues under the sea when you increase the sounds of ocean and sea and decrease the volumes of wood, waves and wind.

  I love this. I have it playing all day working from home. I pretend I'm working onboard my boat. It's calming but not distracting. In fact I leave it playing even while I'm on calls and while in conversation I don't even notice it. Then when my call ends I notice it again and all is fine.

  I can't help but think that countless lives that were out at sea in the past when I listen to this generator.

  Where be the seagulls?

  Combined with the "Floating" Twilight and the "Walk with Me" preset of Healing Water, the squeaks are no more squeaks of a sailboat: they remind me to the mountain brooks with dangerous bridges squeaking and shaking after every footstep!

  Great recording! It's just missing the sound of the halyards slapping the mast... one of the most memorable sounds I have ever heard.

  Writing a pirate story and listening to this at the same time... ahhh, what could be better <3 I LOVE this! Can't wait to listen to more of these :) <3 GREAT job with this one!!

  I've always wanted to be a pirate, despite me getting seasick. So this is definitely a fave!! Captain Hook, here I come!!

  I never knew this soundscape would be perfect for me when I read the title. When I tried it out, however, I was introduced to such a variety of helpful atmospheres. Rumbling and creaking- water and wood, with wind drifting in and out of the background.

  I was reading Titanic in ELA class, this is very perfect with distant thunder while reading Titanic!

  Whenever my mind is full of thoughts, wether they are good ones or bad ones, this sound helps me calm it. I don't explain it, and I'm not looking for explainations, it just helps me so much...

  Whoever said to put sea shanties over this is an absolute genius. This + Irish Coast + shanties make up a whole another experience.

  Shanties sound amazing when played over the top of this soundscape. This one paired with "Irish Coast" inspired me to create an entirely new D&D character, so thank you!

  I like how I used this for schoolwork. We are studying the first fleet, and this sound makes me feel like I'm waiting below the deck to see sunlight.

  Default sound but with wind helps.

  Simple, Clean, maybe even pure! When I need to clean my mind I turn to this one and his cousin: Open Sea. But the squeaks in this one make a difference.

  The sailboat noise generator inspired me to think of some new ways of doing live on-stage Foley sound for a radio play that takes place at sea. Thanks !

  My ears may not register the first four sliders, but the combination of the others gives an adequate feeling of relaxing on deck while a haunting wind and gently lapping waves surround me like a blanket.

  This makes me feel like I am lost at sea with the wind and my friends footsteps to accompany me.

  An interesting take on this generator is to take out the sounds of water entirely, leaving only the haunting wind and the creaking hull. Everyone needs a little ghost ship in their lives!

  You hear the faint noise of the other person who is on deck with you. Talking to the captain. The quiet squeaks of the wood replaying in your head. You hear the wind howling outside. “Must be a storm” you think to yourself. But deep inside, you know you’ll make it there.

  Love this one... it doesn't distract me yet it somehow retains my interest.

  I am a titanic enthusiast, and I love ship / boat noises, there is nothing like doing my research or writing papers about that great ship while listening to this, I write a lot of my papers with a feather dip pen, and this soundscape sends me into a different time, I feel like a captain on a ship, writing his log, I can imagine all the stars in the night sky, and the seemingly never ending sea...

  I lose focus quite easily so listening to something while working is always a risk, but this provided me a calming background noise without distracting me in any way. I definitely recommend listening to it, it makes writing a paper a far more bearable experience!

  Eerie. I'm on a ghost ship, but all I do is getting work done :)

  I grew up on the northern Gulf Coast and started sailing when I was seven. Not only would we sail on the bay and Gulf, but we'd anchor at a barrier island and stay overnight. The instantaneous recognition of these sounds when I first loaded this generator was amazing and brought back such wonderful, soothing feelings. I am positive it will become a favorite.

  This setting makes me feel like I'm trying to sleep at night below deck, my hammock won't stop swaying but I've gotten used to it at this point. Everything past my cabin is muffled from the creaky wood of the ship itself.

  I love how this makes me feel like I’m on a yacht, speedily sailing through the night.

  Pair with Berber Tent (flapping and sleepy wind only) if you want some sails :)

  The only thing this is missing is the gentle flap of canvas sails. It sounds very much like a ship at rest or sailing with currents. Extremely soothing.

  Leave the noise of your crewmates behind, and enjoy a nice dive nearby the vessel. Jump in - the water's fine!

  These settings + Unreal Wind (trade winds setting) make for a nice fantasy airship noise-scape. Personally, I wouldn't fly on such a squeaky airship, but it IS atmostpheric!

  Almost slept in while this was playing twelve hours straight lmao.

  Pairs very nicely with the main theme of "The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker" -- you feel like you are Link aboard the King of the Red Lions, sailing away to an epic adventure!

  Have a fireplace inside your tent? Camp with your fireplace-equipped tent on an old wooden sailing ship? Might not work in the real world, but it does work on! I love layering sounds I already love on their own. I need to escape the quietness of my room and my head sometimes, and these soundscapes are varied enough for me without being distracting. Plus they bring back good memories!

  Anchored And Underwater + Davy Jones music box sound. Talking about a 100 years before the mast =)

  I am on a sailing team at my school, and the second I turned this on I could smell salt. No joke it came on and for a second I felt like I was in an FJ with ocean salt in my nose. Maybe I spend too much time on a boat ;)

  Definitely my favorite generator. I'm writer, and when I have this playing I can SEE the scenes.

  Absolutely love this one! It's very calming and helps with sleepless nights. It reminds me of days spent on my dad's little sailboat when I was young. Great work as always.

  I love this generator! It helps me fall asleep every night, and paired with Anamnesis, it's a life saver. I use it every day to focus on my homework and drown out other people talking. I love it!

  I have always loved the sound of water, and this along with the subtle squeaks and creaks of the ship really soothe me.Thanks so much!!!!Levi, Northern ireland

  I find myself working better with soundscapes that sound a bit... unsettling. I imagine this would be the sound of a haunted ship of some kind. I layer this with the whispers from the church atmosphere.

  I keep coming back to this one. I grew up on the prairies of Alberta - hundreds of kilometres from the nearest ocean. But I did do a sailing trip in the Cyclades several years ago, and this reminds me of being moored at night and being gently rocked to sleep by the Mediterranean Sea.

  I was looking for this - or something like it - last year. I hoped it'd come around eventually. It's as marvelous as I hoped it would be. This site never fails to deliver. Play a media file or YouTube of a sea shanty to overlay with this. Current favorite: a fiddle cover of Drunken Sailor.

  This is hauntingly beautiful. One of the best myNoise generators I've found. But it does make me sleepy at work (which isn't always a bad thing).

  I listen to this as I fall asleep and think about being underway on the open ocean... Thank you so much for giving this gift!

  Quite the interesting thing! Would enjoy it when I'm on shore, though that doesn't happen so often now! :)

  This website is a new adventure every time, today on a boat. Great stuff, very inspiring.

  I spent a week on a sail boat and it was the best 'holiday' I've ever had. Now (a year and a half later) I miss it so much that I need this sound to feel relaxed :)

  There are few things that can help me to calm down when I have an undercurrent of panic, this site is one of them. I am sure my grades would have looked different without it!

  This is an awesome site... really enjoy it... helps set the mood in my office at work when I'm not out on the water... thanks guys!

  Thank you a lot for your work, it's incredible. I just find out about this website. It's very useful for writting or just relaxing and sleeping. I'll try to donate regularly. Thanks again =)

  I've been using these generators to create ambiances for my Dungeons & Dragons group. It makes everyone feel really immersed and it's so fun to fool around with!

  I love this, it's so calming, and I love the sounds of water in general, so this is perfect!

  This is great. When you up the squeaks and sit on a round ball or swing and close your eyes, it really feels like you're on a ship. I love combining this generator with the rain-on-a-tent one and the distant-thunder to create the atmosphere of a distant storm on a boat. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! THANK YOU. This site has worked miracles for my productivity. Keep up the great work <3

  This reminds me of back home in the Virgin Islands as a kid, sitting at night by the boat docks on weekends. What a great relaxing sound. I love, love, love it! It is spot on! Thank you!

  This helps me get away from the voices. They know they can't swim...

  Many nights I have rode the waves, riding my steed through the winds and open sky, thinking over and over... "Oh Lord, Thy sea is so large, and my boat is so small!"

  Yarrr, maties! We arrr now sailing on the Spanish Main! Belay the main brace, Squire Trelawney! This be mine ship now!

  I think of this sound as being inside of the barracks in a pirate ship. Very relaxing.

  This is what I imagine it would sound like if you were standing on the deck of a tall-ship of old, rolling over the high seas on a stiff wind. "What a ship is... is freedom" -Captain Jack Sparrow

  These soundscapes help me use my imagination. Use in tandem with the Healing Water generator to immerse yourself on a pirate ship docked in a tranquil oasis, on a remote tropical island.

  On the clearest of nights, when the winds of the Etherium were calm and peaceful, the great merchant ships felt safe and secure. Then, Captain Nathaniel Flint and his band of renegades would swoop in out of no where, gather up their spoils and vanish, with out a trace. Flint's trove was never found, but stories persist that it remains hidden in the farthest reaches of the galaxy: Treasure Planet.

  After listening to all the generators, soundscapes, drones, etc. This is, by far, my favorite. I love the squeaks, water, rumbling, and for some strange reason, it makes me nostalgic.

  This is one of my favorites! I love the squeaking and the water sounds. It really sounds like I'm on a wooden boat. I have this on when I'm working. It helps me to relax and focus on what I am doing. Thanks a lot guys!

  I've spent the last days in a hospital and this scenario helped me a lot to relax and sleep at night. Thank you very much, you're doing an amazing job.

  I really love this one, it puts me right to sleep every time. I think of floating away on a small ship, in the middle of nowhere, just me and the sound of the ocean and my ship creaking.

  This takes me back to my days of tall ship sailing, and I could honestly just have this on in the background always, it's perfect, especially for days when I am stuck indoors. This generator perfectly captures the sense of calm and serenity between moments of adventure and inclement weather. Thank you for the effort put into making this.

  ← This, coupled with Anamnesis, just makes me feel like I'm drifting among black clouds above a dark ocean on a dead planet...

  My cruise ships have cannons and wooden hulls. As a guest on public sails, I noticed that wooden ships are more like living things than technology: the hulls creak and groan and sing with the sound of the sea, the standing rigging hums like giant harp strings, the sails snap out like vast dragon wings. This soundscape captures the unique feel of ships that fly on the wind.

  Because of my recent addiction to an anime about pirates, or better known as One Piece, this helps me write fanfiction relating to that particular anime. Needless to say, this is also extremely calming. I can drone out any sounds just after a few minutes of listening, and boy does it make me miss the ocean. Thank you so much for all that you do, Stephane.

  I study in a somewhat noisy environment and I use this generator to help keep the distractions to a minimum.I imagine the noises of a Viking era longship silently beaching on a sleepy English coastal village when I hear this.

  Gonna be sea sick...

  I love this setting so much. It's calming, and it helps me with my writing projects. I love the combination of the wind and the waves against the hull.

  Reminds me a lot of my favorite part of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. So many memories.

  Capzising! This setting reminds me of all the shipwreck movies I've watched, like Life of Pi :D

  I work on a tall ship and this sounds exactly like she does rolling through the waves on a relatively calm day. It's so beautiful.

  This generator and the Ferryboat generator combine into the rich and complicated background noise of a busy port. Very relaxing, and really excellent for addressing less pleasant industrial and construction noises.

  The wood creaking is pretty good for blocking out loud keyboard hammerers in an office.

  There is a storm on the horizon...

  This together with a low bass an high bass in train sound creates kind of a sunless sea-sound! Love it!

  This generator set on animate, plus my own playlist of sea shanties, makes a perfect setting for a tale of pirates. This is perfect for when I need to shut everything out and just write. Thank you, Stephane!

  ← That with the Wind Noise set to "Trade Winds" with the negative volume clicked four times, you have The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker. At least, it's how I imagine it.

  And here I am, standing in front of my PC with my headphones, eyes closed, dreaming about the feeling of routine sailing and the ownership of a boat. The sea has to be one of the most magical places in earth. That mix of beauty and unravel mysteries :) Let's sail in our dreams fellows!!

  With Edith Piaf playing in the background along with my settings, I am swept away to a lovely evening with a secret lover as we dance and sway with the gentle rocking of the boat and the soft music.

  I've tried out a lot of sites and apps similar to, but this site blows them all out of the water! I'm so impressed by the work Dr. Pigeon has put into this. The option to customize all the different sounds is unique as well. You can easily find what you're in the mood for... it's great for focusing, sleeping, and just letting the stress melt away.

  ← Reminds me of the summertime when I visit my friends and we sit on their boat. Simply amazing.

  How I imagine it would sound on a ship in the dead of night... Really helps me get into the story I'm writing about pirates!

  It's amazing how this page brings back memories of boating and sailing, activities I miss terribly due to health limitations. Funny how it can make ya seasick, though!

  Simply beautiful. I love the water!

  I feel so at home, being born and raised by the sea I have always loved it. The sea is my home, so on trips when I cant sleep, this always helps.

  During the summer months, my family and I do a lot of kayaking. The sound of being on the ocean on a summer's day always manages to relax me, and this setting really takes me back on the water. If I close my eyes, I feel as if I'm sunning myself on my kayak again.

  This just freaks me out! So strange feel, like i'm alone keep turning around to see if anyone is in the room.

  Reminds me of sleeping on the bow down in the Keys.

  I can't express how much I love this setting, it reminds me of my favourite video game. Thank you so much!

  Absolutely wonderful - peaceful, calming, like being in a small boat out on the water.

  Water, water everywhere...

  I've always had a love for sailing ships and the sea, alas I live as far away from it as you can, I'm having so much fun with this noise generator, thanks a lot for making it.

  I love the sound of Anchored with the Distant Thunder sound. It really feels like being aboard a ship on a distant island while a summer storm rolls over. Every sound on this site is truly incredible. The high quality mixed with the versatility is something that really sets this website apart.

  I listen to this with the 'Distant Shore' setting on Ocean Waves, it makes me feel like I'm in the lower deck of a ship while docked at shore. Listen to "Close to the Water" if you want to go up on the top deck!

  The sound is soothing and calming and perfectly dulls the sounds of others talking/shuffling in my crowded grad student office. It's the perfect balance of consistent and dynamic sounds. Consistent enough to avoid being distracting, dynamic enough to generate a kind of cozy ambiance that keeps me comfortable in my seat, doing my calculations.

  This setting sounds like an old treehouse in the middle of a storm.

  I'm writing a book about pirates, and this sound, on animate with the way it changes, really helps me get in the right mood and frame of mind when i'm writing. It stops me from getting distracted too, I can really imagine I'm on the ship with my characters.

  I used to go sailing with my father a lot when I was in college. I remember those days with great fondness, and have desperately missed being able to get out on the water the way I once did. Once I had calibrated this noise to the right mix, it sounded exactly like being belowdecks on Dad's boat, and I was nearly moved to tears at the familiarity of the sounds and the memories it brought back.

  Turn off the water, and it sounds like you're on an airship! I'm gonna doze off now, and dream that I'm in Skies of Arcadia.

  I hold two activities dearest to me, Starcraft 2 and Drawing. When I'm doing either I like to mentally trick myself into thinking I'm in a different place such as a sailboat, or maybe I brought my computer to my backyard at night time while I'm completely immersed in the activity. It especially helps me concentrate when I draw as I get easily distracted by the temptations of other activities.

  Yup, sounds like Channelwood to me

  Water, water, every where; And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, every where; Nor any drop to drink.

  The sound evokes the feeling of lying on a hammock inside an old wooden ship, sailing across an ocean. Perfect for relaxing with a good book or sleeping to it as well.

  I just listened to this trying it out, and I didn't think it would be for me. And now I can't stop listening to this. Calming, beautiful, and strangely transporting.

  It sounds great. I was the one who suggested this sound and it's perfect.

  When I am immersed in my work while listening to these sounds, I sometimes catch myself imagining that my desk is in a captain's cabin at sea.

  As an insomnia sufferer, I've been using myNoise generators to help me sleep for months now, and I think this is my new favourite; try combining it with the White Rain generator for maximum washing away of your worries.

  Very cool! I've been wishing for a sailing boat sound for ages. Getting out on the open sea is one of the most relaxing experiences... if it's calm! But now I can adjust the sliders to make it sound a bit stormy, and then bunker down with a cup of tea - nice and cozy :)

  Thunderstorm has to be my FAVORITE sound on this whole website! The instant I heard it I was taken to a shaky pier on a cold,dark ocean. It is INCREDIBLY atmospheric!

  Reminds me a lot of a trip on a schooner I went on recently - not very good weather!

  This is reminiscent of my days aboard a good friend's vessel. We had many an afternoon relaxing on the deck.

  Another awesome sound-scape Stephane... perfectly described.

  Reminds me of one of the levels in Myst.

  ← 'Orlok's Coffin' i'd call my settings. A rather dark version of this terrific new sound atmosphere. I just love rumbling basses and deep wind noise.