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Glacier Lagoon
Natural Noise Generator


Rainy ShoreCalm LagoonFresh WaterJokulsarlonUnderwaterWater and IceTurquoise AbbysBefore The Sunny SpellAfter The Rain Surprise!

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speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
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Aerial and Underwater

Those who know the myNoise project are likely aware of my interest in recording unique sounds in nature. Each year, I plan a trip to gather new material, and in 2024, I had the chance to visit Iceland, a place I’ve wanted to explore for a long time.

When Rémy and I arrived at the Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon, the weather was far from ideal—rainy, windy, and cold. We started hiking along a trail that followed the lagoon, moving away from the noisy tourist area. The weather showed no signs of improving, and if it were up to me, I would have called it a day, returned to the hotel, and relaxed. However, Rémy had other plans, so we continued walking, mostly in silence, enduring the relentless rain and wind. Hours later, as we reached 64°03'50"N 16°16'10"W, the weather finally began to clear, and I could start recording more than just the sound of rainfall and wind, the default settings of this soundscape. You can thank Rémy for the existence all other sliders.

I brought both aerial microphones and underwater hydrophones on this hike. The sounds I captured reveal the fascinating duality of the glacier lagoon’s sound environment: a lively atmosphere by the lakeside and the mysterious world hidden below the water. Above the surface, you’ll hear the rhythmic waves and occasional gusts of wind. Beneath the water, are the delicate sounds of melting ice, subtle bubbling, and the occasional deep resonance of shifting ice masses.

Together, these layers create a rich, immersive experience perfect for blocking noises around you, or simply escaping to the tranquility of Iceland’s wilderness.

Published by Stéphane on January 28th, 2025

User Stories

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  I really like this generator. I've always liked water noises in particular, but this hits a really sweet spot for me that used to only be hit by that one sound where ice cracks across a large frozen lake.

  I only now have begun to recognize the similarities between a crackling fire and the cracking of ice! Praise God for His creation, and props to Mr. Pigeon.

  Love this preset. It takes me back to the time I was visiting the exact same spot with my family. Very powerful sound!

  I love this one so much that I had to review it twice! Because I wanted you to know I actually hearted it first on the app, and when I realized this was new, I felt excited enough to go on here because I also enjoy reading your stories! The added detail behind the sounds adds a marvelous layer of interest to it. Thanks for all that you passionately do! This one is in my top favorites.

  Adore this one. Perfect inspiring mix of exactly the kind of icy, rainy, crisp, and hollow wintry sounds that I've always wanted. Going to listen to this one every bedtime to feel cozy. Helps inspire my creative work too!

  Breathtaking as usual, Dr. Pigeon! And props to Rémy for pushing onward.

  Such a comforting soundscape, somehow helps me focus and relax! Amazing job y'all are doing at myNoise :)

  The wind sounds on this generator are some of the best on this site so far! Great work!

  The underwater gurgles sound like I'm listening to music floating in from far away.

  Really goosebumps... Put on your Eskimo...

  You've done it again! This sounds incredibly crisp and clear, like a piece of organic abstract music with great differentiation.