The Village • Paved Road • Early Morning • The Fountain • Broken Heart •
℗ Surprise!
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Tape Speed Control
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℗ Speed ÷2 •
Speed x2 •
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Mono •
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Guided Meditation
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White •
PiNk •
Brown •
J↓↑K •
Welcome back to the village!
myNoise Medieval Village is one of our most popular soundscapes. Originally designed for Role Play Gamers, the village has also become a favorite of many other users looking for tranquility. This time, the village sounds much quieter: today is the blacksmith's day off - haha! We are standing close to the fountain. A broken-hearted minstrel improvises a few melodic lines, while passers-by throw coins at him. You sit on a wooden bench, along the village's main paved street, and enjoy observing the calm life around you.
Published by Stéphane on July 12th, 2020
User Stories
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Dealing with ADHD and SPD, homework time used to be so hard for me. But now I can actually focus and get things done. It feels amazing. No other tool has worked for me so well and for free! Thank you so much <3.
I love having this paired with Primeval Forest; it makes me feel like I'm sitting with the local bard, having a quiet chat while we listen to birdsong. Gentle, peaceful.
Ahhh.... Peace and quiet... This is the best space to relax and recharge. These settings are right for a peaceful study session! (Yes, that's possible now, thanks to myNoise)
I found this as I needed to calm myself down quickly. I was on the verge of sensory overload, and my source of stress wasn't expected to end for a while. Turns out, the very act of adjusting the dials required me to slow down and pay attention to what made me feel better. Then, listening to it, a wave of calm just washed over me. This saved me from a horrible experience. Thank you.
Has it been 4 years already! I found this website back in 2020 and it has always been my study companion. Sad Minstrel is my favourite soundscape... It helps escaping from the busy cities to a green country side and a minimal life...
I love this generator! Makes me feel like I'm in Lord of the Rings, or at a stable in Breath of The Wild. I'd definitely be a sad minstrel if I were in a fantasy story like LOTR, wandering the beautiful big world with my lyre and wishing I could somehow see every inch of it in my lifetime. Paired with the 'First Drops' setting on the Thunder & Rain generator, this is my favourite place to be.
I was looking for a nice tavern sound and put together just the right sliders for it. When you pair it with the Fireplace, this becomes incredibly cozy! I love it!
I love this soundscape. The Renaissance Fair is my happy place and it's hard to keep that jovial and relaxed attitude in the colder months following. These sounds are solemn but still give me that feeling that everything is going to work out. It's knowing nothing will be happy forever and being okay with it. This helps me relax and study. Thank you so much for this, it's dear to me.
Nice relaxing, natural background music! Just add a rain generator to make it perfect :)
Thank you so very much for making this generator Dr. Pigeon! It really helps me focus and fall asleep WAY easier than before I found this little joy.
This beautiful and calming noise generator has helped me to relax, focus and more. This setting is my absolute favourite, it feels like I'm right there.
This combined with Thunder andRain and I am content.
I am a student studying for exams and myNoise has been such a help to block out family noise and support my concentration! Thank you so much!
Beautiful. Toss him a coin!
The horses riding is one of my favourite sounds on this. Very calming sounds but also very nice when I need to focus on schoolwork.
The longer I listen to this mix, the more I appreciate how nicely it is composed and blended together. Thanks!
The king is dead. Long live the king.
You sit by the fountain with a fresh baked good in hand. It's too early for the market to be busy, but you can feel the village waking up as more and more people begin to trickle into the square. As you eat, a nearby minstrel plays a gentle tune. You relish the calm of the hour, knowing it will soon be replaced by chaotic noise and bustling activity.
I discovered this website by mistake, 've to say it was an amazing mistake...I tried almost all the soundscapes present here... but those melodies by the Minstrel in this totally made my mood... I think this is the best one for me and my studies... Thank you!
My family and I sometimes volunteer at the renaissance fair in out town. This sounds exactly like the end of the day there.
I’m an HSP and concentrating on learning was so hard for me . But then I made a mistake and clicked on this website while searching for smth... Best mistake in my life! I’m so grateful for this website.
I think this might me my favorite :D
Welcome to the land of no technological advances!
Toss a coin to your witcher.
Nothing like sitting next to the fountain while a beggar collects their daily coins.
Really love how with one goes with Oak Song "Spring Again" setting!
This one just makes me feel very peaceful, somehow.
Natural feeling of tranqulity. I love this so much!
Depending on the current situation, I choose different generators to help me study. This one is perfect when I sit at my desk in front of the window and I have to use my laptop's speakers. I can pretend the sound comes from the actual village beyond my window and it blends perfectly with the few sounds that the real village makes (mostly dogs, chicken and birds). It really helps my concentration!
The guitar reminds me a little of Nick Drake's song "Horn," from the album Pink Moon. That's a good thing!
This + Rainy Riverbank is my reason to live.
Lovely early morning vibes, so glad I found this website :>
Pair this with Folk Tradition (turn the flutes up and all the others down) ... Enjoy ...
This is pretty awesome :D Nice and calming break from music mixes and nice to work to.
This website is absolute GENIUS. Love it love it love it.
Nice lonely sound.
You pluck at your lute, wondering where everyone else could possibly be. All you know is your name, your music, and your land. thought you knew your land. Your melodies fade into the air and dissolve into the wind. You are alone, but you are not lonely.
The lute and bells :) This website is absolute gold.
This is a lovely soundscape, but I think it's misnamed, because the music the "minstrel" is playing doesn't sound sad or broken-hearted to me at all.
I am the minstrel.
Another great generator, very atmospheric and meditative.
With :6 speed this sounds like a sinister village with a deep humming bell. Besides that another fantastic sound composition. With the dogs barking in the background, the bell ringing and the crowd around you, a very spatial experience. The fountain and coin clicking are relaxing.
Am really liking this generator, you are a genius! Almost a Renaissance Faire, but with more (and older) character. These noises even put pictures into my head.
I love "Medieval Village" so I was really excited to find about this one. I think I will use this atmosphere a lot, and maybe swap the Minstrel for other instruments for different moods. This website is beyond amazing.