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Generative Drone


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Echoes of Endurance

Remember the last work I shared - Silent Countdown? Its making started just before my health issues began at the end of 2022. During my stay in the hospital which lasted for two months, the only sound generator I composed was a drone sound. Today, this particular sound has a distinctive meaning and symbolizes an important part of my life.

My initial weeks in the hospital were characterized by intense pain. No medication could alleviate it; time seemed to freeze, and life appeared to be on hold. Despite this, there were periods when the pain subsided, granting me moments of tranquility.

During these quieter times, I wondered if I could convey my personal experience through sound. My aim was not to create a direct audio representation of my pain. It wasn't about evoking empathy through an auditory expression of suffering. Instead, my intention was to create a sound that captured the complex, nuanced, and layered emotional journey I was on.

This sound echoes a challenging time, so I invite you to listen to it quietly and deeply. In doing so, you may find reflections of your own narratives of struggle and resilience. You may hear pain, hope, strength, relief, or perhaps a blend of all; every listener will interpret this sound differently.

In tough times, inner strength often shows up unannounced. That's what this drone reminds me of.

Published by Stéphane on June 2nd, 2023

User Stories

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  I decided to try and manipulate the sliders to reflect the primal fear and sorrow I felt during a difficult time in 2023. The higher tones are urgent and set the brain on high alert, but there is a lower drone that symbolizes inner peace. There is a little bit of hope hidden under it all, but you must listen closely.

  I listen to this before I go to sleep! Perfect for calming my brainwaves and preparing for dreams.

  This in combo with piano sounds from Strings Above and (one of the) Ionian / Aeolian / Phrygian Universes. Perfection. P.S.: Will there ever be a Lydian universe generator?

  When my migraines get so bad that all I can do is lie flat in a dark room, this noise helps me. I feel like it acknowledges the intensity of the pain while also offering the hope of progressing through it.

  Using this alongside Sleeping Dragon is helping to block out the construction workers outside the house as I write my novel. Thank you again for this wonderful website <3

  Thank you for your works and sharing, you are a wonderful human. As I am listening to it, I surrender to the feeling of unknown and fear and I let the sound to sooth my pain.

  This one makes the pain go away. I lay on my floor, with my cat on my chest, and smile. How wonderful to be here. Thank you.

  This reminds me of Monument vallet OST or any other indie game music :-) I really use this to just take a moment and relax, like, just taking a moment and think about life.

  I can't put into words how much this calms my brain. On default animation, with individual sliders slipping in and out of my attention, I can concentrate on the task before me, or let go utterly and drift away.

  This plus Black Hole is something else... Thank you for your work.

  Love this one. Has a very Welcome to Night Vale/atmospheric horizon type of a flavor. It can feel both menacing and dark and have 3AM on a lonely road feel. But also can feel like you are on a pier staring beyond the gray horizon, just before the pale gold streak of next daybreak. Moody and complicated, makes me both feel things I felt when in hollow sorrow and other times of solitary contentment.

  Fantastic, deep, and complex. Love it, thank you.

  Even on its default slider settings this hits that feeling of waiting for the waves to stop crashing at the gates. I'm a long time sufferer of kidney stones, and the most recent one did a number to my system, and there will be times where I'm stuck in the latrine for an hour waiting for the sensations to end so I can resume normal living.

  As a migraine sufferer, this resonates deeply. There's something in the ambience of this generator that reflects not so much the actual pain, but that timeless void where you are stuck between moments of agony interrupted by fleeting moments of reassuring yourself that the pain will end, and that you'll be okay, you just don't know when. This sound is all about that waiting for me.


  I've been reading your updates since you inform us of your hospitalization. I was so happy to read when you shared the news with us that you were finally back at home. This generator is haunting but also real. I can hear my own struggles with a chronic illness that at times produces a lot of pain. And still I'm sure it's nothing compared to what you had to go through. Thank you for sharing this!

  This setting really is nothing like I've ever heard. Thank you Mr. Pigeon for sharing your extraordinary talents with the public. I hope you have a quick, and thorough recovery.

  There's really no one like you, Dr. Pigeon. So glad to see you're back with a new soundscape, especially during hard times like now.

  Dear Dottore Stéphane, the best way to overcome gruesome expierences ist to create art. And that is what you did here. Get well soon.

  Wishing you the best Stéphane. We all have hurdles in our lives and you're jumping over a significant one. We're with you, hopping along! Thanks again for another intriguing and beautifully crafted soundscape.

  Damn. This is heartbreaking but beautiful at the same time.

  You never cease to amaze. It is inspiring to see that you can convey even a positive outlook all while experiencing pain and suffering. I think it goes a long way to speaking about the person that you are. I love that it both evokes the trance like state from the drones, and eerie feeling from the upper range sounds.

  The names you gave some of the sliders, and their associated sounds, are unsettling. I'm so sad you had to go through that, and so glad you're out of that place! <3

  I recently went through some hardships in my own life so reading the blogs as of late have been inspiring as well as the latest sound generators. This one makes me feel that slowing down, staying still, helps us move forward in life.

  This reminds me of the TV series Chernobyl. It gives of this sense of looming danger. I get the feeling I just did something terribly wrong and I start to realize it.

  Stéphane is a national treasure, we must protect him at all costs. Love the gen, love the description. It's perfection, and this one speaks to me. As I was listening to The Pain setting, I didn't realize it but my legs were crossed and my right leg was flexed and tense. As soon as I switched to The Relief, they released and dropped to the ground.

  It's a beautiful basic drone. Static yet transcending. It fits the description; I can feel the strength of endurance and perseverance. Very powerful and empowering. And it sounds wide, almost like expanding space. Healing harmonics. It hits the nail on the perfect spot. What more is there to say? Thank you!

  Infinitely relaxing, thanks for all the work you do :)

  I like this! It gives me Half Life 2 vibes!!! Perfect for listening while looking at liminal spaces.