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Sleeping Dragon
Calming Tones Sound Generator


Calm LowCalm HighCalm EvenCalm OddYin DragonYang Dragon Surprise!

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Animation Parameters

mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range [Low High]   set→ [Low High]

Tape Speed Control

G #A #BC #D #EF #
Speed ÷2Speed x2TransformReset

Spatial Width


iEQ • Calibration


  Guided Meditation

Enter the Meditation Room beta

Keyboard Shortcuts

Visualizer • White • PiNk • Brown • J↓↑KHelp

Shhht... you don't want to wake him up!

Sleeping Dragon is the name of a generative music software, designed and programmed by Ross Fish. It's a very neat piece of software that is available for free on both Windows and Mac OSX platforms. Ross was kind enough to introduce Sleeping Dragon to me, and let me use its output to build a sound generator for myNoise. It took a while to complete so, in the meanwhile, Ross started to work on another project: he now designs his own eurorack synthesizer modules for electronic musicians. Could Sleeping Dragon one day become a hardware device too? Maybe...

Now, sit back and relax. You better find a comfortable place first to ensure that you have time for a long-lasting sleep!

Published by Stéphane on June 20th, 2016

User Stories

Write your own here. Click the blue bulletsto load associated settings.

  A calming atmosphere if you play this with Stormy Weather, both in animated.

  Pair this with "Now Loading," set both on animate, and you have the perfect ADHD brain tickler. I love it so much.

  This generator is so wonderful at getting me to a relaxed and almost mystical type of feeling. It's perfect with the slider animations on, always new sounds that blend together perfectly.

  Listening to this after some anxiety. It's really helping me to ground myself again. Thank you for making this.

  Wow... Dr. Pigeon, your work is incredible. I feel a glow of positivity every time I check out your website. This is, without a doubt, one of the best web addresses in existence. Please, never, ever stop what you are doing. The world is better for it.

  This is literally the first time I've listened to this generator and upon clicking the yang dragon preset it instantly resonated with something in my mind. Just amazing. As for my video game reference, the pad's texture combined with the slightly melancholy chord reminds me of "moss covered path" from genshin impact.

  I combined this with Autumn Walk, and I found myself in a world of tranquility. I had never felt so peaceful. It was very easy to get my homework done. I highly recommend you try it.

  This was my first favorite. I was able to sleep on this during a very trying time. Oddly, my preset alarm would vibrate me awake and I'd feel groggy as if I was ripped out of a deep sleep state. Makes me wonder if I get any regenerative sleep without it these days...

  Love the violin-ish hums in the back of my mind!

  I like to imagine this is what it sounds like taking a nap on the moon.

  Love hearing the low hum of the dragon. What I picture is a sleeping, dark-blue scaled dragon in a Minecraft grotto, a realistic dragon with a pixelated background. Listen if you wish! -B

  Serious Minecraft vibes. I love it!

  This sounds kinda like Minecraft, but a very calming Minecraft. I love it!

  I really like this one - it's soothing without being dark on the one hand, or schmaltsy on the other. It reminds me of David Sylvian and Holger Czukay's musical collaborations in the 1980's (which is a compliment!).

  It is when I listen to this, do I feel true inner peace.

  This is what a dream sounds like, but a dream that is so quiet, it feels loud. I can hear the hum of the dragons heart. But we must now wake it up. The euphoria of basking in its glory, I wouldn't miss this for the world. Even if it is only a figment of my imagination.

  My absolute favourite. Calms me down and helps me focus so much more. Thanks man! I cannot express this in words.

  Love this setting, doing an exam to it atm.

  Love this sound, I've always loved dragons, I used to tell my people I was dragonologist when I was a kid.

  Much thanks to the user who left the ME intro settings! I've tweaked them to lower the harsher high tones. This generator is one of my favourites and is perfect for calming me down and helping me sleep, especially when I pair it with the transport generators like Aircraft Cabin.

  Helps me sleep like nothing else..

  It brings shivers down my back and relaxes me before bed...

  It makes me feel like I'm in a magical backrooms level.

  This sounds AMAZING paired with Yakutian Voices.

  Minecraft vibes intensify when listening to this, it is also very calming and relaxing for the mind and soul. Just lifts you to a higher place of inner peace and comfort.

  There is honestly something about this that I love. I love the musical side of it and the way in which it passively transports you to another place, and helps me focus. I'm currently very stressed because of various things and concentrating has been verging on impossible... But when I turn to this one my life changes. Thanks so much... Please try your best to keep up this honestly awesome website!!

  This Makes My Feel Like I AM IN Space

  This is very helpful for me when I am doing homework and it's sort of something I am used to because it feels like I'm playing Minecraft.

  Absolutely Incredible! This helps me a lot with relaxing and sleeping. Slider Animation plays a big part as well, I would definitely reccomend this. Best free noise generator ever.

  I'm in a little boys dream in a adventurous movie.

  Absolutely wonderful. Thanks for sharing this masterpiece with us.

  Dude, this has like a minecraft and backrooms vibe to it... It’ss creepy and calm at the same time.

  Thank you so much for creating this! I use it to help me fall asleep, and it's super calming.

  Often, I stress out badly when I have to write an essay, an email, anything, really. The low hums of the Sleeping Dragon really alleviate this anxiety. I think I spent at least ten hours writing my last essay, and I listened to this generator all throughout the process. It's a real life saver!

  Combining Sleeping Dragon with Hum Drone is perhaps one of my favorite combinations so far, very calming and ethereal.

  This is incredibly calming, if you listen to this while listening to Mitski, it is AMAZINGGG!!!

  Strong Minecraft vibes!

  This is my favorite so far! I am really feeling relaxed. Thank you for this <3

  This sound is SO nice I use it when I'm trying to go to sleep or studying for a test. When I'm trying to go to sleep I listen to it as a background sound and do "Libby Library".

  This is my favourite ever. Every time I listen to Sleeping Dragon, my mind gets elsewhere, where I no longer need to be worried about the stress of this world, and just be me and think about my passion...

  I have this saved in my bookmarks and whenever I open it, I'm hit with such calm and relaxation. This music makes me feel like I've ascended and I'm floating somewhere warm and peaceful.

  I had trouble finishing my science project/lab before listening to this. Now I'm typing much faster and can actually focus thank you so much!!!

  This combined with 'Japanese Garden' is absolute heaven. It's like you're lying down in a forest, at peace. You can finally set aside your burdens and just exist.

  It helps me study as the low tones give off a peaceful sound when combined and a little bit of the higher ones make it perfect. If you think it might be too loud, you can click the 'lower volume' button or press 'J'. 'K' will make it louder.

  I love this Music it helps me study and sometimes after a test, help me sleep.

  There's always this specific setting I use for this soundscape. First slider, third slider, fifth slider, and the eighth slider. The slider animation- fast- deep. It's so calming to me!

  For my zoom classes, I put my name and the ' the dragon' as short for 'the dragon of souls and poems' so seeing this was cool and it is also super calming.

  I use these settings to sleep.

  Helps me with studying, and the low tones with a good combo of the higher ones are very calming and relaxing.

  So relaxing... The title says so much here. A "Sleeping Dragon" is what I feel like when I listen to this.

  I use the subtle animation and 2 clicks of increase levels and it's quite nice. A little bit of the meditation bell helps too.

  Wonderful ... these low brooding tone settings have made me, for a moment, forget the madness of the world.

  Journey around the multiverse.

  This sound is so calming! Beautiful!

  This goes well with Himalayan Voices tuned to E or The Pilgrim. Listening to this as I was meditating I imagined what other realities could be like, and felt myself floating and then could feel a deeper version of our world, in a way I became both more and less aware of reality.

  Just this basic setting alone (Calm Even) calms me down... nicely done!

  Kinda sounds like the game 'Spore'! Love it!

  Melts all the worries away and replaces them with good thoughts! Might become addicted to this!

  I will now use this every time I want to meditate and think about what we have not yet discovered in space. Thank you so much!

  I am obsessed with dragons and I happened to find this on my favorite website for meditation.

  I have insomnia and anxiety issues and I have been using this along with Rain on a Tent for a few weeks now to help me fall asleep. It works wonders for me! Thank you Dr. Pigeon and all contributors who put so much work into this site!

  I mixed this with Distant Thunder, on the "Low Rumble" setting, but lifting the middle thunder a little. I was not disappointed. I have the phone app too and look forward to mixing this as a permanent setting.

  I do tarot readings to this, and the energy coming through always makes me feel so mystified and spiritually-centered. If you mess with the settings just right it does honestly sound like ethereal and like a dragon's deep rumbling while it slumbers.

  Combine this with "Unreal Wind" and perhaps a touch of rain for a tribute to Loki Odinson--the only MCU villain who deserved better, and whose death broke hearts (twice).

  Reminds me a bit of Minecraft music. Loading this with The Pilgrim is probably the best way to get the Minecraft feel without opening Minecraft.

  Combine with 'From India' and Tibetan Choir'. Awesome!

  This is so helpful! It really helps me focus on my schoolwork and get my writing done! Thank you so much!

  So calming!

  This helps me so much! I use it every time I do my homework. I especially love it with the bass up and the highs down.

  Just like Mass Effect intro.

  It takes my adhd and anxiety a lot to sit down let alone sit and do my work. I honestly go to this every single time and I'm able to do my work without fail. It's incredible for me especially when sometimes sound works and sometimes it doesn't, some sounds work some sounds don't, this one is the first that works every time.

  This is pure music, to my ear. The very slow changes, or none at all, encourage the brain to to add phase changes and melodies on its own. I need beatless drone sometimes, and so glad to have found such a selection here. "Leave it alone, and let it drone". :)

  I have both ADHD and PTSD, which means that concentrating on anything for extended periods of time is very difficult, even things I love like my current passion project. My tendency to panic and beat myself up for getting distracted doesn't help with that, but this really helps me to stay calm and focused. With my mind racing less, I can focus on what I'm writing better as well. Thank you!

  This has a gentle slope coming from lots of bass, ending in the midrange. It's so calming and feels like looking out at a sunset and falling asleep under warm blankets.

  My dad got into a car accident and I was told he was in shock before my mom left. I didn't know what to do with myself and so I put in my headphones to listen to my music to help me calm down. This sound was already playing even though the app wasn't open and wasn't in my phone history. Immediately , I felt an overpowering sense of calm and my sister called to say he was ok. Thank you so much. <3

  I have trouble concentrating for extended periods of time and I really needed to study for my final exams - I combined this generator with other water sounds (like cave water, rain, etc) and it worked like a charm!

  Needed some calming tones. Knocked down the highs and paired this with the Pebble Beach generator set on distant shore. Seems to be working out.

  Love the more stripped back sound mixes.

  Feels like the lowest backing track of a GYBE song playing for an eternity, wonderful.

  I work in a noisy open plan office and I use Sleeping Dragon and Data Centre together. It drowns out all speech and other noise. It is wonderfully peaceful and I can concentrate!

  I've been having anxiety attacks more and more lately, and this sound generator is the only thing that helps me calm down. Everything else feels too overwhelming or too overstimulating. But this one helps me feel like I can breathe, it helps soothe my worries, and helps me sleep. I really can't express my love for it enough.

  This site is really improving my quality of life! Thank you!

  I'm loving this setting. A sense of calm alert looms. Very powerful.

  One of my new favorites for studying and meditating :) Thanks as usual!

  This is by far my favorite generator I have used. I hope everyone finds a generator on myNoise that they enjoy as much as I enjoy this one.

  Try this with "Overtone Throat Singing". Wild!

  I have PTSD and a lot of other things that interfere with my sleep, and Sleeping Dragon is one of my immediate go-tos that has tangibly helped with that. I am currently going through radiotherapy for head/neck tumours, and to have this noise generator to help me sleep, feel comforted, or to feel like there is a Sleeping Dragon near me (I can't help it, the title is evocative!) is invaluable.

  This is amazing. I have fallen in love with your website in general and this generator in particular.

  The Sleeping Dragon sounds so beautiful when it's lowered down by two octaves. I'm a bass person, and the low, gently rumbling noises make me feel like there's a huge dragon nearby, sleeping, waiting.

  They help me sleep, and help me go for walks.

  Animating Sleeping Dragon in one tab with the Fireplace noise on the Drawing Well setting in another tab is perfect study atmosphere for me.

  Sleeping Dragon is a favourite for me when I'm craving those calming tones. Today, I'm mixing it with Nocturnion and Into Balance for a soundscape that is at once soothing, inspiring and intriguing.

  I've been pairing Sleeping Dragon and Autumn Walk with the footsteps turned off. It takes my mind to a place of absolute serenity. I imagine that this may be what the wind sounds like in a place untouched by human civilization.

  Truthfully, I have no reason to use this. I suffer no problems, and I'm not easily distracted. But my gosh, if I did have any problems with hearing sleeping or I was easily distracted, this would DEFINITELY be a life saver. THANK YOU!

  You like the game Skyrim? Try this with any natural sounds in the backgound!

  Simply beautiful.

  I don't have trouble going to sleep, but I often prefer to fall asleep to ASMR or podcasts. This website has joined my ranks of sleep content. ESPECIALLY "Sleeping Dragon" with the brown and purple tones jacked all the way up on a low volume. The highly customizable - but easy to work with - nature is one of the best things about this site!

  I've tried many white noise generators and this is the best. Non-looping, highly customizable levels, a staggering variety of sounds. I'm recommending this to my staff and friends liberally!

  This truly is a strange beast (pun 100