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Senegal Town
Urban Noise Generator


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Meet Celia, my oldest daughter. Célia is finishing her studies as a kindergarten teacher. During her final year of studies, she had an opportunity to work as an intern in an elementary school in Mbour, Senegal. She experienced the different culture there and learned how elementary schools are run in Senegal. Upon her return, I received two gifts: a pair of asalatos, which I am now learning to play, and an SD card full of original audio recordings!

The ambience she captured faithfully recreates the sound of Mbour, a busy coastal African town. You will hear children playing in the school yard (what else would I have expected from a future teacher) and the sounds of other places, such as the vigorous ocean, busy streets... and local pubs!

People have been requesting the sound of kids playing for years. Here they are at last. This generator makes a great noise blocker, if you don't mind working to the sound of a busy town and noisy kids. And if you do, just pretend you're on a holiday in Africa and these are the sounds you can hear coming in from your hotel room's open window!

Published by Stéphane on April 20th, 2020

User Stories

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  As a 13-year-old, it kinda reminds me of the days when I went to my elementary school. It was better than going to middle school. Having more fun in the schoolyard than now, it makes the late 2010s much better than now, even though the memes during that year weren't good at all.

  Only a minute in and I'm already feeling satisfaction and a calm sort of excitement that is proving perfect for motivating me through the more drab parts of my dense scholarly reading. Thank you, Stephane.

  Blissful tunes and local soundscapes remind me of my time travelling and watching the world go by in foreign places. This helps me focus, but is also really enjoyable. Love the animation setting. Tried to shazam the song with no luck... Let me know if you locate the artist!

  I just love this website. It helps me relax a lot and keep a peaceful mind. Some noises and beautiful melodies just send me back home and that gives me nostalgic feelings and memories. Thanks!

  I am a woman of music, I love it, I play it, and I listen to it. This band, somehow helps me sleep. Maybe it's because I enjoy the comfort of a pub so much I can fall asleep with the comfort of a live band playing nearby, maybe with family listening beside me too. I dunno! Great for a girl to sleep somehow!

  I like this preset to provide me with a slight husstle/bussle in a city park like environment. It keeps a nice background in my otherwise silent office!

  i love the liveliness :) its so full of character. One of my favourite sounds.

  This one is my favourite! I turn off the "warm up" but everything else about this is so great. Helps block noise in the office, has upbeat music without being distracting, and keeps me focused for hours on end.

  Great for blocking out conversations in a noisy office.

  This is my favourite soundscape of all time. I've seen a lot of other comments with people wanting to know the song/band playing. I too am desperate to know! I would love to show them some support and listen to more of their lovely music.

  One of my favourite "noises". I just can't think of anything to make it any better.

  I can almost smell the syrup, coffee, toast, and bacon, Thank you!

  The band is SO epic! I love this one, it's really happy.

  This is perfect. It helps me reset when I feel discouraged.

  Yeah, this is what I've been looking for! It feels like I'm in the cafe. Probably one of the gens I frequent the most.

  It's calming and makes me feel as if I'm actually sitting in that cafe.

  The band is just awesome. Added a bit of ocean and street traffic for nice lively background.

  Using this noise generator with Senegalese music in the background is perfect for my ADHD!

  The rhythm and repeating chords of the band, in combination with the busy street life background, is a great help against inner turmoil and anxiety.

  I don't know how, but something about the smooth band in the background and the birds that sound like those in my back yard, mixed with children playing ALWAYS puts a satisfied smile on my face! Thanks for all you do, Stéphane!

  This generator is my happy place. Here is a public playlist on Spotify I made to accompany it: Chill African Guitar For MyNoise Senegal Town. I leave the instrumental warm-up slightly tuned up to create an organic feel, and also add in extra ocean waves. Cheers.

  I love this soundscape! It would be awesome if you did something similar in a Brazilian town with music and people dancing in the background! I lived in many places in my life, but Brazil is my absolute favorite place on Earth! The people, the music, the good vibes - gives me the warm and fuzzy when I think of those memories... Wonderful site, thanks so much for creating it!!!

  I love Senegalese music and Senegal's on my travel bucket list so finding this generator was a delight. Does Celia remember the name of the band? They're fabulous!

  I love this! It was the first audio I listened to upon discovering myNoise - it was on the first page and sounded promising. The faint music is pretty and the sounds of children and activity is not distracting. I almost feel that I'm surrounded by other humans while I'm actually in my quiet house working on my computer.

  My favorite one so far! :) I could listen to this melody playing the whole afternoon and don't even get tired of it. It has this 'late breakfast during holidays at the seaside' kind of vibe that really fills me with joy. Wish I knew this band's name tho.

  This one makes me feel so nostalgic of home back in NYC where I lived by an elementary school that occasionally had live bands play during their recess!

  Thank you for this piece, makes me smile every time I listen to it.

  Amazing generator honestly. The music in particular is brilliant. Makes me genuinely lament that we don't know who the artist is.

  I recently heard about a friend's trip to Kribi, a pleasant coastal village in Cameroon. Now I dream of visiting there.

  Best with the band on high and the rest right down.

  It's good that this is suggested as an uplifting machine - it's definitely a great relaxing vibe. I like feeling like I'm relaxing in a street cafe while I work and watch the world go by!

  So relaxing and joyful, without being distracting (I turn down the "Band Playing" and turn up "Warm Up" so that I don't get distracted by the singers' voices). Makes working/studying alone a lot nicer.

  Love this...And would love more like it...Like everyone says, there is something very warm and relaxing and nostalgic about this one.

  This is so good! I have covid at the moment, and I am having to isolate in my bedroom, so to have a sound generator like this amazing one is so inspiring as it transports me to a different place and helps me fight the depressing boredom of being confined to the same 4 walls for days on end. Thanks Celia!!! You are a genius. And you too Dr. Pigeon.

  I love layering the sounds of the band, cafe, and the schoolyard, with the traffic and market sounds of the Mexico City generator. I made my perfect busy city :)

  I'm obsessed with this! Thank you for sharing this heart-warming ambience.

  This is amazing! I increase the sound of the band for a peaceful work background. My favorite creation so far. Thank you!

  This is the perfect combination of music, background noise, and nature sounds. It has just enough going on to where it keeps my brain busy yet focused on what I need to get done. I love how it makes me feel as though I am part of a community even though I am sitting alone in my room. It definitely makes me feel less alone.

  This is just happy :-)

  It's as if I'm sitting in a bar with a drink in my hand, having a great evening and not a care in the world.

  I really like this one, I just feel transported to a beautiful place.

  This is one of my favorite sounds for when I just need to unwind. So calming!

  Curious if anyone knows the name of the band playing guitar? Absolutely peaceful.

  I'm Skye!! This isn't really a story but here is what inspired me to be creative and inspirational for people who are not just depressed or love art but just have no ideas!! I love art but I don't know how to express it until one day I listened to some music, I used to not listen to music because I would just watch videos or play games ALOT but anyway, I think everyone should listen to music!! xx

  This helps me so much. I spend most of my time studying, and this setting is really helping me go through it without feeling alone!

  Oh my word!!! I am know for not having a favorite of anything, but this has got to be my favorite piece of music to listen to in the whole world!! I can sleep with it, work with it and feel de-stressed as well. It is just sooo awesome!!! Thank you Celia!!

  This really helped me focus! I felt like I was back home in the streets of my old African town!

  This is a wonderful addition to my favorites! Like others I turn the band slider up more than the others. If you like the band sound I recommend layering music from Kaira Ba and Diali Cissokho.

  Absolutely amazing... so good... especially the band in it... myNoise needs to publish more with 'bands' in their noises... all must listen.

  Does anyone knows wich band is this? And some other bands with the same vibe as this one?

  I think the band and the ocean are a beautiful combination and this really gets the energy up in you!

  I use this to simulate sounds for the more modern RPGs I play. I like the way this one can be used both for the street right outside a cafe, and for the cafe itself. What's the name of this band, by the way? I love their sound.

  The African Town mix is amazing. I turn up the band (which is just so lovely and reminds me of my own childhood with my "world beat" musician father)... then turn up the ocean waves / distant shore to block more noise from my own kids while softening the sounds of other children playing in another language... hilariously ironic, but effective. ;)

  Please, what is the band playing? I can't believe I have heard 10 seconds of music on repeat for the whole day and there's no sign that I am stopping anytime soon. Is there a way I can hear more of it?

  Great, calming mix.

  I love this, I love the band, I want more cafes with bands playing. I really want to know the bands name, though, I wish it was longer.

  I like this with all of the slides turned off except for Band Playing, Ocean Waves, and Distant Shore.

  Very uplifting! I can't live without myNoise!

  This reminds me of my old elementary school I went to before I was homeschooled. Thank you for another trip down memory lane!

  This reminded me of the times I went out to eat with my family in neighbouring cities. It's nostalgic and comforting to say the very least.

  Listened to this while doing homework, never have I finished so quickly! Thank you sooo much, myNoise!

  Love the Playing Tonight preset with some Street Noises and Morning Ambience thrown in. Sitting in a cafe with a cup of tea and a Dakar baguette for breakfast.

  Just as an extra remark from a bird enthusiast on a great generator - I was curious about the House Sparrows heard on the far right slider, as I didn't know they're present in Senegal. It turns out they are, and the coast of Senegal is the only place they can be found in Western Africa! It does make for an amazing urban noise ambience.

  Had this playing in the background while reading "A Long Way Gone" for school assignments. Really helped my ADHD self get immersed and focused in the book. Thanks, myNoise!

  My absolute favourite to soothe my wanderlust, achingly reminds me of being in Namibia last winter. Please have more town noises from different parts of the world.

  This is so calming and relaxing, especially nice on a rainy day to boost one's mood.

  I really struggle to focus when doing my uni assignments, and this has helped me so much in improving my concentration. Thank you so much for this website, it has truly saved me so many times.

  This is great for writing! I was able to finish a book while listening to this, and I love being able to listen to music from a place I've never been to.

  This generator takes me back to having seaside breakfasts in Madagascar! It is immediately one of my favorite generators. Thank you for this!

  I can feel this beautiful country, smell the dirt road, taste that spicy food.

  This is my favorite noise generator on here. I turn the children's sounds most of the way down and turn the music up, as well as the background waves. It makes for an incredibly soothing experience as I work!

  This feels like it would go great as ambient noise to a game or tv show. It's so pretty and just makes me instantly relaxed.

  Love it! I also add some old calypso on top -- bliss!

  What a wonderful soundscape... listening to the music and the birds, distant voices and chatter and life. Comfort seeps into your bones without any effort here.

  The morning is getting late, but you want to sit for a bit longer sipping your coffee. The breeze rolls in, bringing the sounds of the town with it. You sigh, contented, and get up to start your day.

  This selection of sounds is a blessing. Such unique sounds to get feels of many different parts of the country. Click on the blue heart to load my favorite settings. I imagine this: You're sitting in some kind of Café where a band is playing such a beautiful and calming song. Meanwhile you hear kids playing across the street, and also some quiet street sounds. Life is good; right here, right now.

  So beautiful this soundtrack... chill and simultaneously sufficient to block lots of outside noises (I live in very dense Mediterranean stone town)... its perfect for me to focus in work and I love emotion of it :) I wish you had more of these "city" sounds mixed with street music and ppl such as this one... Barcelona, Brazil... Edinburgh.. etc etc... it is v. nice idea... <3 Your work is awesome <3

  My favorite on this website! It helps me relax and it has a very summer-y feel. I listen to it while reading the most. I live in a busy house and the music drowns out background noises and lets me focus on my books!

  Perfect for when I have online lessons and need something in the background to fill the silence.

  I like the cafe but this is a much better noise blocker for voices, keyboards, etc. It's less overwhelming over long periods but does the same thing. I took the songs out because the they do get a bit repetitive, but the street noises are, shall we say, less "babbly" (not a word) than the cafe generator. Ka pai Célia!

  Amazing - really captures the essence of the atmosphere. If you close your eyes, you feel like you're really there. Excellent sound balance as well, great noise blocker without any distracting sounds.

  This one is a treasure. Heartwarming story of how it came to be. The final product is remarkable.

  I like having everything medium and them setting the band high to have some nice café ambience. Simply amazing.

  I wish this generator had more of this band's songs! They have a nice, chill vibe, and with the birds mixed in it's quite nice.

  Makes me feel like I am sitting outside of a cafe, sipping on my coffee, with the band near me playing great music and me watching the kids further away having fun!

  I really love that one! Like others who asked I want to know more about the band or the song they play...

  I clicked this and almost immediately burst into tears while working at home. I'm a guy who is not a big crier but I didn't realize how much I missed the sounds of a busy community of people enjoying life outside. Thank you for sharing this.

  The sound of enjoying breakfast in a cozy cafe by the ocean, the perfect start to the day.

  This is one of my favorite noise generators. If you edit the levels like this it reminds me of a serene restaurant by the shore. With, of course, a beautiful band playing. Really makes me relaxed and helps with my work :>

  Now I want to go to Africa; here's an open air coffee shop with some live music early in the morning.

  Thanks a lot, Stephane and Celia! I am crying here.

  I second wanting to know who the band is on the band slider.

  I love this! I want to go where this was recorded! It warms my heart!

  A nice restaurant with band at the beach <3

  I can feel the warm air through my headphones.

  Fantastic! For a kindergarden teacher, your daughter seems to know an awful lot about sound recording, lol. These sounds are extremely vibrant. You really feel like you're in the middle of it.

  I absolutely HAVE to know what song the 'band' slider is playing... I could listen to it all day.