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Interactive Neighbourhood Soundscape Generator


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Another Peaceful Day at Home

Quietness is a relative concept. As you might know, even a cave one hundred feet underground can be noisy! Paradoxically, the more silent a place is, the more your ears will notice sound, just as a noisy place can seem like a blanket over your ears. This is the core of how myNoise works, and why countless people turn to myNoise sound generators for help focusing in both loud and quiet environments.

I myself live in a quiet neighbourhood just outside a big city. A suburban noise generator has been among the more popular of myNoise requests, and fortunately, all I needed to do to fulfill this request was to record the sound around my own home! When the weather is favorable, I can enjoy the bustle of my neighbours as they work in their gardens on Saturdays, the diverted traffic from the national airport, the busy lawnmower across the street, the neighbourhood dogs barking and the summer birds up in the trees. And now you can enjoy the suburbs too!

Published by Stéphane on July 18th, 2016

User Stories

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  This is one of my favorite soundscapes! It brings a lot of peace to me. It reminds me of my favorite kind of day: the soft breeze rustling the leaves of the trees; the sun, while not too harsh, still very bright and warm; the activity of other individuals around my neighborhood, mowing and interacting; even the planes in the sky! It's very relaxing. Thank you so much!

  When I'm working from home, I'll either listen to calm office or suburbs. The suburb one makes me feel like I'm working outside in the sun and not in my basement -- it alleviates stress and distracts me from the fact that I have no window to look out. I customized the sliders to what my neighborhood sounds like during a typical day and it's lovely.

  I live in a suburban area and this gen is really accurate to what a summer day sounds like. It's great! I can also tweak it and add sounds anytime I want with custom composite generators. myNoise is fantastic!

  I love listening to the sound of the neighborhood, it reminds me of when I was younger and I used to sit outside with my Grandma.

  I always remember just being outside and hearing the cars drive past, it's honestly really satisfying.

  Takes me back to when I was 4, falling asleep on my mom's bed, sometimes my brain skips my dreams so all of a sudden, in seemingly 2 seconds flat, night time becomes morning time in a flash. Haven't had a time skip experience like that ever since I was a toddler.

  This takes me back to my school days, being sat in a classroom during the British summer with the windows wide open and being off in my own little world with the sounds of the mowers on the playing fields below - I could sit all lesson looking like I was listening to the teacher, but really I was a million miles away!

  My favorite soundmachine: feels like taking a nap in the backyard. I like to combine it with the pigeon noises from Palm Garden for even better experience.

  When schoolwork stresses me out, I just fiddle around and mix myNoise gens. It always calms me down.

  This was the first generator I found on myNoise. It makes me feel safe because I am from the suburbs. I can take an easy nap to this. I just imagine myself laying back in a hammock in the backyard while the suburbs continue to exist around me. All very familiar sounds, although I do turn down the motor and blower noises because, despite them being familiar, they have always been a nuisance lol.

  Working from home I didn't think this would become my favorite, but over the last two years now, I find myself listening to this more and more. It reminds me of living in CA where we had grass. Living in the desert, this brings me to a calm safe space and I'm able to work for hours without getting restless.

  I can smell the wet grass already just by listening to this, brings me nostolgia :)

  I'm away at university right now, and this sound reminds me of home! It's perfect for when I can't study because the sounds around me are different than what I am used to, or to trick my brain that its warm and sunny outside when it's actually 9pm and dark.

  Sounds exactly like the summer afternoons of my childhood, as the long school holidays stretched out ahead...

  Sounds just like my neighborhood! Thanks Dr. Pigeon!

  This one is perfect for 'Sequential' animation mode. Set the Tone, Cars and Birds to about one-third level for some background nose. Set everything else to zero. Set the Animation Mode to Sequential and turn on Animation. Perfect suburbia day with various sounds cycling in and out. If there are a few sounds you don't like (Blower, Dogs) set them to just barely above zero before you Animate.

  I love to listen to this while fanfiction! It really puts me in the mood to write something lighthearted and silly.

  Ahhhhhh.... Sit back, relax, and pretend you're in your garden!

  This sounds like home. Thank you :)

  The sound quality is incredible. It's like there are actually cars going past right outside!

  For years, I lived in the most suburb like places I can imagine. For years, I've been looking for something that helped me find some peace, reminded me of a better time, and made me sleepy without being as noisy as white noise or rain. This preset brings me back to the years where so many aspects were so much easier to deal with and work was simply something fun to do with friends. Thank you.

  So, it's already autumn. Dogs, birds and other fellows became quieter, military trainings are over... I begin to feel concerned and uncomfortable without those habitual noises... BUT now I can just turn "dogs" and "plane" sliders all the way up and here we go!! My sweet military airbase and neighbour's dog pack are with me again! God bless your service :)

  Having lived in the same suburb for 21 years, you absolutely nailed it. I'm not sure what kind of motor "Distant Motor" is supposed to be but I do know I hear it all day everyday.

  This gives me nostalgia for a place I never left. Love the idea!

  I was having a moment of bad anxiety and I turned this setting on, and oh it helped so much. It it such a mundane set of sounds, chattering birds, the ticking of the sprinklers, it shouldn't work, but it does. I appreciate this site more than I can say.

  This sounds like my childhood home.

  I grew up on a busy street in Green Bay Wisconsin and for the first 20+ years of my life I found it hard to sleep without the gentle sound of traffic. This setting takes me back to my childhood bedroom on a sunny summer day. I can just feel the summer breeze with the windows open and the soothing sound of traffic mixing with nature in the background.

  It always relaxes me when I can listen to other people working :-) I love this!

  This is so great. It really takes me back to my old neighborhood, visiting my friends on a brilliantly spring day and just sitting back, relaxing, and letting the world move on around me.

  On my noise-cancelling headphones, Suburb is nothing short of awesome: present but not distracting!

  This is just a terriffic spring/summer day in the burbs. I grew up there, and this is amazingly comforting.

  The birds, the cars moving from one side of the headphone to the other, the lawn mower... these are all indistinguishable from the sounds outside my window. This sounds like my home, if it was in a busier place in my village. Or a bit like my school, if the grass in the park would be cut. In any way, this sounds so wonderfully familiar and real. It's just crazy how good the quality is.

  My husband & I both work from home which is great... except that he's usually on the phone. I have a hard time concentrating on my writing when I can hear him talking. This soundscape TOTALLY blocks his voice. It's perfect. I can focus on my novel and still keep my office door open... and enjoy having my favorite person right next door. Thanks again, Dr. Pigeon! :)

  This sounds just like if I was sitting on my front porch. Where has this site been all my life?

  I spent most of my adolescent years in a suburb. This reminds me of home.

  I can't leave my apartment windows open while I work, but with speakers set up behind me instead of in front, I swear I can't tell this noise generator from real noise outside.

  I used to live in a suburb when I was a kid. I remember sitting outside in the shade on a hot, humid, Louisiana summer day, just watching the B-52s begin their decent to the Air Force base nearby. I don't live in the south anymore and it's literally 2 degrees outside right now, but I swear I can feel the heat on my face. I never thought I'd hear the sound of home again, honestly.

  Wow, this is amazing! It sounds just like my neighborhood in summer! With headphones it sounds 1000 times better! Great for studying for a long time. Thanks a ton! :-)

  Wow, this one literally sounds like where I live. Amazing. I live near an airport so planes are flying by constantly, this combined with the birds chirping is so peaceful.

  The Street Life preset, tuned just so, perfectly mimics the sounds of my home's back in the suburbs of Washington DC! Now that I live in NC, small college town life just isn't the same! My homesickness has been bad these past few years, so finding this is a pleasant surprise :D

  People often ask me, "What's it like to live in Pleasant Hill, MO?" This is the answer.

  This is exactly what my neighborhood sounds like on summer mornings. My friends and I used to go outside at around 7 in the morning, when it was cool and quiet, and just sit on the warm driveway and pretend the world was all ours. We've since drifted apart as we've gotten older, but the feeling still exists.

  This is perfect for me. I used to live in town and I loved the sounds of the neighborhood late at night; the fake hum of "silence", the echoes of distant dogs barking occasionally, the sound of cars a few blocks over revving their engines... while it's not exact, this sounds like sneaking out with my friend to silently walk down to 7-11 at midnight for a summer night candy binge.

  Perfect! This is the sound of summer in my neighbourhood as a child. A really comforting sound.

  If i just close my eyes, it feels like I'm sitting in my front lawn!

  This particular mix is just so freaking surreal! It's like I'm on the side of a regional road. Where there is only an occasional house, lots of trees and fields, and... wow. Fantastic work Dr. Stphane, keep surprising us.

  I grew up in Florida suburbs and this is an amazing reproduction. I can almost feel the warm sun and gentle breeze. If I listen to Temple Bells on the Tinkling setting, it perfectly recreates a lazy summer afternoon spent in the grass listening to our windchimes. Sublime.

  Really awesome. The traffic sounds so realistic that I honestly wondered why all the sudden so many cars are driving by my window.

  This is perfect... living in a different city for years now, this is the sound of my real home. Summer evenings in a typical German suburb.

  An unexpected delight, the Suburb generator can be combined with other sounds to create different effects: +Traffic Noise = Busy suburban road,+Electric Hum Noise = Pylon @ the end of the street,+Cafe Restaurant = Neighbourhood garden party,+Guitar Mashup = Garage band rehearsal,+Temple Bells or Wooden Chimes = Back porch wind-chimes.

  This is just perfect. Stick it on 'Animate' and enjoy the ride. Sounds come and go, and everything still makes perfect sense. I think it's the mix of natural and industrial sounds that gives it its genuine feel.

  I love the idea of living in the suburbs. They have just the right amount of people and activity for me. This soundscape really brings to mind my wish to live in an area like this. And what better time to put this up than in mid-July? Nice timing. ;)

  I now live in the country, but I have no idea how much I missed living in the suburbs. This brings back so many memories.

  I love this one because I can turn off the barking dogs and the lawn mowers and blowers and pretty much all of the sounds of humans disturbing the peace, and listen to the background highway and the chirping birds as I wish my neighborhood could be! Fantasy made real. <3

  Like taking a nap in a hidden little suburban park on a sunny summer day. Birds are chirping and a good breeze is blowing. You can hear sprinklers going in a yard nearby. Farther away, the gardeners are working. Occasionally you hear the cars drive by. Just perfect.

  When I was a kid, I would often nap or read in my room in the summer, with my window open to catch the breeze. This is about what it sounded like! It feels strangely peaceful and comforting.