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Volcanic Island
In the heart of the Pacific Ocean


The CraterMount YasurFrom a distanceNeighboring IslandQuiet NightVocanic BeachParadise Island Surprise!

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mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range Set→[ LowHigh ]←Set

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From Volcano to Coastline

This soundscape will transport you to the heart of Vanuatu, an island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean known for its rich cultural heritage, diverse wildlife, and stunning natural landscapes.

One prominent feature of Vanuatu is Mount Yasur, an active volcano situated on Tanna Island. Standing at about 361 meters (1,184 feet) above sea level, Mount Yasur is renowned for its spectacular and frequent explosive eruptions. Despite its activity, it is considered one of the world's most easily accessible active volcanoes, allowing visitors to view its eruptions up close under guided conditions.

The majority of the sound recordings were captured by Félix Blume, a frequent contributor to myNoise. To ensure pristine audio quality, he spent a night on the volcano, away from any tourist noises. Additionally, we included recordings of the island's wildlife by Matthias Feuersenger, an avid birdwatcher from Germany.

With this generator, you have the freedom to select your preferred location on the island. Whether you want to venture into the dynamic volcano (the sliders on the left) or relax in the serene coastal area amidst the vibrant jungle (the sliders on the right), the choice is yours.

Published by Stéphane on December 6th, 2023

User Stories

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  I love this as a background to drown out noise and chatter at work. Somehow it feels calmer and more muted down than Irish coast, for those days where I don't feel like being slammed with waves. The distant volcanic explosions are weirdly soothing.

  Lived in Pacific islands for years, and this really takes me back there - combine the rainforest end of this with Tropical Birds and some background drumming (try Pacific Energy Commitment in the new mixer prompt) . Being 32 celcius, feels like 38 with the humidity, and being bathed in sweat right now really contributes to the Pacific vibe :-)

  So calming and peaceful!

  Reminds me of Philippines. There's a volcano there called Taal.

  Finally! Volcanoes on myNoise!

  Wonderful Stéphane! Such a feeling it gives me...

  This generator combines the booming activity of a volcano with the calmer sounds of nature, making for an interesting blend. The volcano noises are very powerful, though I found it quite soothing to listen to.

  I can't wait to see what the community does with this generator. So many possibilities.