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Interactive Ambience Generator


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mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
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Are you missing your bar too?

With the recent success of I miss my bar — a website dedicated to bar sounds during the pandemic — a couple of users contacted me, suggesting I should work on a myNoise alternative. Ironically, the problem with these sound-generating websites is often... their audio quality. These websites are designed by agencies or web designers with great programming and design skills, but poor knowledge about sound design. They know how to create a buzz, but sound quality is neither their strength nor their priority.

So, here it is: the myNoise bar designed with sound quality in mind, and with layers that fill the entire spectrum: from the low rumble of the distant street to the high-pitched clinking glasses and neon buzzing. This soundscape is an amazing noise blocker, assuming you don't mind working in such a crowded place.

Published by Stéphane on March 1st, 2021

User Stories

Write your own here. Click the blue bulletsto load associated settings.

  Using this for a D&D game I'm running tonight! Just lovely!

  I love to pair this with music to make it seem like I'm in a club :)

  Overjoyed to have found you, as I get lonely late at night with my insomnia and this makes me feel like I have friends in the other room! Haven't explored the millions of other soundscape possibilities yet but I'm already in love and VERY VERY grateful! Please don't ever go away!! <3

  I like to play it on my headphones in the office full of talking, so I can focus. I use increased "Crowded" slider to mask speach better.

  I love this settings without music as a background for any music I may be listening to. It provides a filler between titles that blocks outside noise efficiently and keep me focused while working.

  I love this ambience, it alleviates loneliness. When I'm working by myself at home, I can remember happier times at a Christmas fair in Edinburgh, warming up with hot chocolate in a little cafe.

  This is so cool. I love that it has the different atmospheres and ambiences to choose from, depending on what kind of bar scene you're looking for. I do wish that the "jazz" setting didn't have crowd noises though, as there are already two sliders for it. But besides that, really great!

  Perfect for studying :]

  Perfect for playing online mahjong.

  Blends together with the Cafe Restaurant excellently. I love this/these generator(s)!

  Not sure when this was added, but I asked for more of this type of thing on the Facebook page via messenger, and this was an excellent response! Love the layers.

  This has been the perfect noise blocker for me while working from home, with my young kids often being noisy in the next room.

  This is just the ambiance I needed for the story I'm writing! Really makes me feel like I'm right in the middle of an old-timey jazz bar...

  I write a lot of pieces and often get stuck attempting to create atmospheres in my head. I used to just use music to aid me, but this is helping me a lot with many kinds of bustling atmospheres I want to envision!

  I miss going to and performing at gigs. :( This reminds of going to see my friends perform on Thursdays as the same pub. A big group of us would go and fill in the audience.

  This is a British style pub - standing at the bar, or just in the little nook beside it, reading a book while the noise of social interaction brushes over you.

  The only thing I missed about commuting to the office was relaxing at the bar across the street with coworkers and friends. Perfect page to have in the background after crackin open a cold one!

  My mom misses going to sports bars in the middle of football season, this setting with a sports highlight youtube video in the background is perfect!

  Somehow this helps me study and i love it <3

  Oh man, this pairs beautifully with the "Under the Porch" setting on the regular rain generator. Sounds like I'm waiting for the bus at the stop outside the bar.

  I have a remote job before the pandemic, so it was normal for me to wander down to my bar around 4 or 5 and hang out with the bartender and write, finish work. This setting reminds me of sitting at the bar and watching the game out of the corner of my eye with the owner. It helps me focus and soothes my lonesomeness.

  Perfect for a lazy work afternoon when you wish you were having a two margarita lunch instead of working behind the desk while working from home.

  Sitting near the bar, observing the crowd and stage from a distance.

  I miss my bar...

  A generator I didn't even know I needed until I heard it!