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Port Town
Interactive Soundscape Generator


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Ready to Ship

Throughout history, people have settled on the coasts to enjoy what the ocean has to offer in terms of food supplies and trade routes to distant countries. This soundscape combines the natural sounds of the seaside and the noise of modern human activity.

Published by Stéphane on July 24th, 2019

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  I don't live near any body of water, but when I do go, it's so relaxing. This is awesome! The diesel engine fits so perfectly.

  Listening to this noise paired with the Genshin Impact soundtrack 'Hustle and Bustle of Ormos' right now. It really makes me feel like I'm there in the Sumeru port city, amidst the noise of the markets and the sound of the ocean waves hitting the shore and the sound of the birds. Thank you for recording!

  Herman Melville ambiance.

  Childhood memories living in a town at the seaside in southern Spain. Love it.

  Wow. Just wow.

  I'm pairing this one, with Café Restaurant, lower. And I'm in Toulon, Marseille, or any Mediterranean city. Any of these cities where I feel free, alone, complete. Sodade? I guess so.

  NYC docks in the 60's.

  Animated and paired with "Dazed" Shepard Madness, this creates the atmosphere of Innsmouth how it could be in the XXI century.

  This generator reminds me of my home in the Chesapeake Bay area of Maryland. Many bad memories were made there but none of them spoiled the splendor of the East Coast. This setting reminds me of being on the piers with my boyfriend, many years after the bad things happened.

  I have many fond memories of going to San Fran with my family for Fisherman's Wharf or the Moore Rd. Pier, as well as the once-in-a-long while trip to Monterey. With this generator I can recreate the experience at home or work. Thank you!

  I love working harbours, I love the bustle, colour and grit. And alone in my room with my computer, I can take a micro-break from work, close my eyes and literally smell and salt and the diesel. The care with which these sounds have been put together is obvious. is the best white noise generator online, no question about it. Thank you so much for your hard work!

  What if I want to be in a MEDIEVAL port town? Port Town + Medieval Village with a few tweaks and slider animation turned on. Yesss.

  The sound without seagulls taking your french-fries :D

  I too needed metal clanging in my Port Town Shipyard. Head over to Medieval and find the Blacksmith, and you'll have that much-needed metal on metal.

  I love listening to this while sitting by a fan or on the porch in the summer. I just close my eyes and the breeze makes it feel like I'm at a seaside cafe, and all my troubles float away. Thank you Stephane!

  It feels like the sun on my face.

  This noise generator has a distinctly briny smell, and it stole my chips right out of my hand.

  This is EXACTLY what I've looking for! Thank you so much!

  I love this so much! It always amazes me how natural each of these soundscapes are, but this one is definitely going to be a favorite. Thank you so much!

  I adore the sea, and I live in three different port cities--one for university, one with my family, and, very soon, one for work!--but none of them near enough the sea that I can fall asleep listening to the sounds of the harbour, which are absolutely gorgeous. Imagine a walk along the clifftops while the port clatters and clunks below, ships powering in and out of the harbour.

  This actually sounds like a harbor!

  Thank you! I've been listening to Sailboat and Yacht and just not getting the noise I really want - that ping ping of halyards clinking on masts. It's an annoying sound, really, but it's home.

  I love the industrial feel of the first 5 sliders, with the bassguitar-like diesel-hum. And as always here on myNoise, wether it's noise, nature, music, drone or voice, the depth of the sounds give me a sense of freedom. Thanks again, Stephane!

  This is perfect background for work. I feel like I'm sitting on the beach early in the morning before most people wake up. The gentle lapping of the waves and soft cries of the gulls in the distance, combined with the occasional boats bumbing along a wharf, lull me into a peaceful meditative state that makes work more fun (no matter how tedious).

  I combined this with Café Restaurant and Fire Noise, and suddenly I'm sitting in a café on the waterfront.

  Pretty often there are new generators you don't realize they were missing until you got them. This one in particular. The sea, the gulls, some "noise". And the sound of the cables on the masts! Thank you for this gen.

  I can't get my Smell-o-Vision working, but if I could I'd be smelling salt water, diesel fumes and seaweed baking in the sun. Y'know what? I think I'll set up my desk right here on the beach for a while.

  Wonderful generator that brings back memories of growing up in a coastal town. My favorite thing about this particular generator is how perfect that default settings are. I've been playing around with the sliders for over a half an hour, and realized it needs no customization and is best listened to as is. :)

  The hard work and generosity that goes into this beautiful resource is beyond anything I could ever ask for. Sick and home bound, trapped in traffic deep in the city, stuck up in an office, studying in a library where you need to be quiet... it all doesn't really matter. I am so thankful that this website and these sounds exist, to fill the empty space with the sounds of ocean, nature and rain.

  Every generator on myNoise is like a world in itself... This site is a refuge when the world gets too loud for me. Thanks for all the restful nights, productive study sessions, calming meditation sessions, panic attack soothers, anxiety relaxers and for the simple pleasure of having high quality sounds at my fingertips.