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Need to counter the voices around you so you can focus? Or maybe you need to be released from a mind-block with some inspiration? Try this!
This generator excels at producing a vocal blanket that masks conversational noise, without further distracting you. When you are exposed to surrounding conversations and want to find isolation, try this generator as a cover. Even if it doesn't block the disturbing speech completely, it will prevent your mind from picking up intelligible words and help you to keep focused on your task.
You can also use these voice tracks on their own too, for their intrinsic qualities. They are lovely to listen to, and calming, allowing you to slip into focus mode or inspire you to imagine possible stories. Combine them with other sounds on myNoise.
Here, for example, is a fairytale that will lull your kids to sleep: An Imaginary Fairy Tale. Or you can replicate the nostalgic calm and comfort of childhood – hearing a bed-time story amidst the sounds of post-dinner domestic tasks of dishwashing, laundry hum, bath time: Children’s Bedtime Story.
Meet Maple, a fan of this website who kindly offered to contribute to the sound pool of myNoise in a unique way with her voice and ability to speak a combination of language sounds that you can either hear without understanding or understand in a way that is personally meaningful to you. As an artist who enjoys exploring many different art forms, her voice is another gift she uses and shares to bring inspiration to people. Thank you, Maple!
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