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Dust 'n Scratches
Vinyl Crackle Background Noise Generator


VinylizerGramophone78 RPMLPSecond HandScratched!ScratchesMonophonicStereophonicHissyDustyEnd of Groove Surprise!

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The Soul of the Vinyl, without the Turntable

One of the classic tricks for breathing life into digitally recorded material is to incorporate the crackles and hisses from old vinyl recordings. You can use our Dust and Scratches generator to add a new "old" dimension to your digital music. When properly set up, these noises will interfere with your songs less than you might expect. Instead, they will increase the perceived sound quality of your poor recordings by adding frequencies and transients that are missing.

To make our generator sound realistic, set the levels so that our noise generator becomes just audible in the quietest passages of your songs.

Published by Stéphane on June 25th, 2014

User Stories

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  OMG, this accompanying Vangelis/Blade Runner is absolutely sublime.

  Listening to Deftones with the vinyl effects is a diffrent kind of vibe. <3

  Thanks a million for this marvelous site! Impressive vinyl emulator. Congrats!

  This reminds me of the first recording of Amazing Grace.

  Sounds like rain, and also reminds me of EAToT which I love both, kudos to the generator for letting me love my music even more.

  This works well with the music records from Minecraft, which are already designed to sound old. This makes them sound ever better!

  This is incredible. Thank you so much for developing and sharing with the public!

  I love using this generator while listening to Jack Stauber songs, it really just hits different. Love from Vegas! (Note for the creator: hope you make a speedy recovery <3)

  This is so cool. Love it. If possible could we add a "warp record" effect? I grew up with LOTS of warped records.

  Sounds like rain, which I love. The brown slider really adds the thunder. Keep it up.

  Play this with Ted Lewis songs. It's more golden than it sounds.

  Everywhere at the end of time but no music.

  This generator is so .... Yes. Love it :]

  Sound ABSOLUTELY AMAZING when mixed with Minecraft™ music.

  Makes your music sound JUST a bit older. It sounds like an old CD or when you're far from your radio source. This gen is amazing.

  This Gen is very underrated. It's amazing!

  This just has to be one of my favorites! This noise goes so well with soothing music and it really enhances my concentration for studying. Using this really made me want to study more. It just adds so much :D

  Amazing mixed with Tape memories.

  The digital version of Autechre's album Tri Repetae says incomplete without surface noise. So now I can listen to the complete version.

  Try this with the "Tape Memories" generator for a great experience!

  Hey, this is great stuff! All of my music on my laptop pc sounds realistic like a needle on a vinyl record on a turntable or a record player! I'm real glad that it's on a regular web browser-chrome or firefox! So that I can access it quicker rather than me having to get/download competing specialized/expensive-a daw/digital audio workstation-with special plug-in apps which cost even more! Thanks.

  I love this generator so much. I own many records and hearing this makes me calm :)

  Play any song to this without surround. So cool!

  I found christian music from the 70's 80's and early 2000's. This goes along well with it!

  This vinyl sound generator is amazing to use along with lo-fi music. It adds another dimension to the sound and it improves it so much.

  This sounds so relaxing. I dont want to stop it.

  Put that 78 RPM with 40s music of your choice, preferably music from Fallout stations, and bam. A nostalgia sandwich.

  This together with post-rock brings out so much melancholy, it's almost scary. Very nice sound on its own, too. Didn't know I needed this :)

  This generator is almost like ASMR, it's so soothing.

  Freshman in college. Put this on to study.

  Sounds just like some of my old records, without having to worry about buying new styli or records.

  Excellent website. I'm musician, and I can make soundscapes, and vinyl noise. Grateful for the work ;) I support you at 100% :)

  The 78-RPM preset here combined with the 5 left-hand sliders of Distant Thunder should put just about anyone out for the night. The low tones are so enveloping, like a heavy comforter and lots of pillows.

  'Hissy', with a few EQ tweaks, replicates one of the most soothing sounds I know - an AM radio tuned to an absolutely quiet part of the band. It's difficult to find such a spot with most modern radios. Just that empty-channel AM hiss punctuated with a few quiet pops. Add an occasional electrical crackle or two and it'd be spot-on!

  This goes excellent with any song, honestly. Makes every playlist feel like a genuine mixtape <3 Electro swing is the best companion tune!

  I like this for recreating a phonograph feel.

  Really helps when listening to Autechre's Tri Repetae. "Incomplete without surface noise" indeed!

  This, along with the 'minimal' setting on 88 keys, is just something else... I love it so much :)

  Sounds great, even without any music... Thanks.

  Love listening to music on vinyl... love these little sounds...

  Wow. This one is now an instant favorite of mine. Very relaxing background noise. I have not yet tried mixing it with others, but will have to.

  I like to do school work with Andrew Huang's "Lo-Fi" and this paired. It helps me constraint.

  Pair with Ralph Vaughan William's "The Lark Ascending".

  Play this with "Charlie Parker With Strings"

  I love this soundscape so much! I find that it especially works well with any of Scot Bradlee's Postmodern Jukeboxes' songs. It's like Icing on an already Scrumptious cake.

  So relaxing :) - Ian

  I love playing this generator over my own music or along with other generators on the site. It gives the sound a physical, nostalgic feel that really cements you into the moment. Pairs perfectly with warm slippers and a fresh cup of coffee or tea.

  Perfect. Just perfect. In all honestly this is a really cool site. Love how you can make your own noise. Been looking for the best sound to fit smooth jazz and what not. ^^

  Just what I have been looking for! I set up an Edison phonograph with a small speaker where the sound box normally is so I can play recordings of old 78s through it and this Dust n' Scratches enables me to add the noise back in as well. Perfect.

  I like playing this generator over the EarthBound/Mother 2 original soundtrack because it fits so perfectly. Thank you for this generator!

  This with the some electro swing playing in the background on YouTube and some of the babble noise is really going to help me write a scene in a story which takes place in the 2020's that's similar to the 1920's in a small but flamboyant nightclub. Brilliant! Perfect place to go to when looking for some creative inspiration!

  Amazing how I can "see" the needle going up and down on the beautiful wavy vinyl while I listen to my digital recordings! Can't thank you enough! :)

  ← this sounds like the end of a rainstorm, crazy as it sounds.

  Just browsing some of the presets and more specific noise generators when I found this one. I've been REALLY into listening to ProleteR's remixes of jazz/big band classics, and this fits really well with some of his work. Very cool site, can't wait to explore more!

  The scratches remind me of my old friend Malu, who presented me to this website and made me much more productive at work... Thank you Dust 'n Scratches!

  I actually use this as a bonfire sound! It helps me get rid of headaches and feel safe.

  Thanks for this site, Stephane. You are obviously astute when it comes to sound. Keep up the good work!

  This is fantastic! I will use it during live sets to make people think I'm a DJ.

  Paired this with 4'33" and I heard incredible new things in that record like never before! Bravo, my digital maestro!

  The only noise that would put me to sleep. Like massage to the ears!

  This is just fun. Turns any music I listen to into a childhood memory of my dad pulling out a favorite record from his vast collection or showing us his new, neat find, such as a record of Mr. Rogers singing various songs.

  I just love this site. It creates a good ambience, like vynil cracks when I listen to music at work, or the sound of evening crickets when I'm home and it's winter outside. A BIG THANK YOU to the people who created this and came up with such a cool idea!!!

  Thank you so much Mr or Ms whoever runs this site!!! You guys are amazing. Pair this with ABBA's digitally remasterd Complete Studio Recordings compilation box set... This is great.

  I LOVE YOU. THIS IS GREAT!!! Saw this on an article from How-To Geek about adding the vinyl sounds to new music/digital remasters of record-age music, and IT. IS. GREAT. Thank you so much.

  I didn't "get" this one at first, but when you get the setting just right, it's heavenly. Brings me back to my grandma's place!

  Paired it with a cello/piano cover of a Fall Out Boy song... this is surreal.

  This is absolutely perfect for playing on top of any dark ambient of your choice. It adds to the eeriness of basically any track, and I love it. :) Currently listening to End Titles by Atrium Carceri.

  I just found this and it's perfect to play with my Star Wars A New Hope soundtrack. Takes me back to listening to my parents records on lazy afternoons.

  This almost sounds like a fire crackling :) Messing with some of the presets sometimes gives me a headache, and this one is pleasant enough to be relaxing and bring nostalgia of sitting around the campfire with my grandparents. The quietness of it keeps my head quiet enough that it's comforting. Thanks website person :)

  Very enjoyable. I like to use this to induce a comforting environment.

  This generator is great, especially when put together with the Beatles album of your choice. Personally, I'm listening to it with Abby Road, though, any music created before cassette tapes were invented will sound better with this as background noise to make it sound more like an authentic record.

  Play this and My Girl by The Temptations for the perfect sound of vinyl jazz.

  This kinda sounds like snow hitting the ground. Sounds good with a podcast too, not just music.

  Adds a lovely effect to older songs. Looked all over for an effect like this. Absolutely mint.

  Combined with Mr.Rhodes this setting makes me feel like sitting on the sofa with the glass of vine in the twilight - soothing and comfy. Cheers!

  Great to add to classical music too! I remember listening to Mozart on vinyls when I was a child, and this noise overlapped to modern recordings reminds me those times so much.

  Amazing behind Simon & Garfunkel as well as Neko Case. Lovely of its own accord, like as when the record has ended (or needs to be flipped)

  This is pretty much what my Led Zeppelin II vinyl sounded like after years and years of play! Put this in another tab and enjoy my living-room circa 1987!

  ← end of groove. Great idea. Recalling old memories from one of the most common white-ish noises back in the good old analog times.

  I love, love, love the Vinyl Groove noise generator! It's very unique playing it along side an existing track list; it really does breath an interesting vibe into it. Very relaxing and inspirational.

  Puts this on behind The Ramones. Experiences punk nirvana.

  Love playing this with classical music from pandora in the background. Gives it the authentic record feel! Nostalgia!