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Dreaming Nautilus
Calming Soundscape


Atonal BedRhodes OnlyDry MixUtterly CalmAbysmal DepthsGenerative Surprise!

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Atonal Dreaming

Published in 2016, Sleeping Dragon slowly became one of the most popular relaxing soundscapes on myNoise. With Dreaming Nautilus, I wanted to create something similar in terms of calmness, but with distinct tones and textures. I also wanted to capitalize on all the experience I have acquired during all these years of creating sounds for this website.

For this generator, I am using a vintage Rhodes piano and an analog synthesizer from the same era, the Roland Juno-6. Atonal sounds were created by passing the Juno's output through guitar effects and a strongly detuned chorus pedal.

Underwater sounds were used to complete the scene: we are deep in the sea, where there is little light and the water is calm. Welcome to the home of the nautilus.

Published by Stéphane on February 7th, 2022

User Stories

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  I always find myself using this when I need to write, whether it be a report for school or a story for my own time. I've also found that it helps me get some good rest. This sound is exactly what I've been looking for!

  This noise really helped me focus when I was writing my rough draft at school, especially when paired with Pebble Beach. Thanks, Stéphane!

  I really like the myNoise musical sounds. It's like the music for a documentary, except without the documentary.

  I love this. It makes me feel proud of who I am.

  I love this.

  This sound is just what I've been looking for! Like some other users, I have ADHD, and this sound helps me focus (while not being distracting itself), and it helps me stay calm. This is my go-to sound for any type of work!

  Very calming, great for art.

  Of the Ocean we all came out... This is what I was looking for, my lovely Nautilus x Thank you so much, Dr Pigeon! Sorry, can't make input now, but hopefully later I'll make. God bless you!

  This reminds me of the award winning soundtrack to the game Osmos for iPhone in the 2010s. Great!

  This is it! I've come home! Bless you!!!!!!! It's all encompassing. I'm a triple Pisces, Heyoka Empath and Creativity Coach - and I have been really close to burn out and this just puts me right!

  The best for focusing when you are starting preparation for exams. Feels like studying in the sea. Its so calming and non-distractive. Best by

  In this ocean, am I drowning? Why do I feel like I'm more alive than ever? The corals send their colours to dance with the water, creating a luminous coloured atmosphere. Turtles, fish of different shapes and colours join the dance too, waving their fins in rhythm, making a beautiful melody. Is this how drowning is supposed to look like? In this case, I think that I don't mind.

  This Nautilus theme sounds so 70s... A mix between early Kitaro, Tangerine Dream and Peter Gabriel plus the Rhodes of Chick Corea in Weather Report :D

  This is so calming! I've only been listening to it for a minute or so, and I already feel so much better.

  This is my favorite sound generator because it's beautiful, but while studying my brain ignores it but my ears don't... Idk how it's working, but I am more concentrated with it. I always thought that was a lie. BUT IT NOT!!!! I found this website like yesterday, but I already really love it! Also, my fav preset is atone bed. Really relaxing.

  This sound generator is absolutely fantastic, here is a suggestion for those that are combining sound generators for the best noise blocker + focus music: combine this with the Distant Thunder (make sure both have animated sliders for a variety of sounds.)

  I had been looking for a long time for a calming music app, and I finally found the most fitting. What a great experience.

  This is so relaxing! One of the best generators here!

  I love it. I think it's the best one on this site and this site is amazing!

  I combined this with Grey Noise Generators, and it sounds so nice. It is audible enough to occupy the ears, without distracting you from what you need to do.

  I'm amazed I haven't found this sooner. It feels like someone's just taken everything I feel when I'm at peace, and put it into audio form. I have never felt more at ease. Thank you.

  Vivid & creative soundscapes make this site amazing. After hours of listening, I'm neither bored nor fatigued. Just... Floating around in the deep sea.

  I received an ocean wave projector lamp recently, so lately I've just been listening to this one and staring at the projections on the ceiling, totally blissed out.

  So calming... This is probably my favorite now :)

  I love this new sounds! It's a great idea! This sound mix is so wonderful!

  Thank you. Best gen ever.

  Amazing music. Blocks out loud home noises. Great for studying. Thank you.

  Okay, stop it riiiiiiiiiiiight there. The underwater slider + In The Sky is what I have been wanting ever since I started using this website 3 years ago. Please, make more gens like this!!!

  You're drowning, but you don't care. At least not for now... The water is mesmerizing, calm, and above all, beautiful. Now, you wonder: "Why did I also hate the ocean? " You hear a voice singing like an angel... It calls you... And now you know why you've always hated it here... The voice calls again, "You're mine now, my dear." Yes, I know. Shouldn't be writing a story in this. Ha... Sorry...

  This is beautiful. It eased my mind down a whole lot in just ten minutes. Thank you for it!

  This sounds so much like the exit music at the Baltimore Aquarium. I just want to chill in a dark place and watch the fishes.

  This generator reminds me so much of Ethersea, an arc of The Adventure Zone! The awe-inspiring depths, lurking creatures, and the eternal drifting of the deep sea. Plus the Rhodes melody brings reminds me of the vibes of the music in Ethersea, too!

  This one pairs really nicely with "Osmosis".

  This is amazing, so soothing while revising hard for exams takes the stress away like nothing else! Thank you for - again - another amazing noise!

  This is wonderful thank you - really enjoy it for my yoga and meditation practice.

  There is some serious mind-reading at work here! I was looking for a generator that combined underwater sounds and soothing musical tones and that's when this soundscape was published. Perfect!

  Drop the root note to "G" lowered all the atonal sliders, increased underwater, and Rhodes as well as blip/blop. This is the closest I've felt to actual diving in a long time :) Instant tranquility... Thank you.

  Dropped the root note to "G" and I swear it put me into an instant trance! amazing... My new favorite.

  How? How in the hell do you come up with this? My new favorite for sure!

  There's something absolutely soothing about the underwater sounds (underwater, blips, and blops sliders. All other sliders low or muted.) alongside 'Drifting Away'. It feels like falling asleep in the crisp, cold air of an aquarium.

  Syphius, otherwise known as B'va 4 is the last planet in the system, it's a wonderous planet. It's entire surface body being covered in water, an Aquatic planet. Its depth goes as far down as 42 Kilometers down, but no matter. Near the surface are the Solar Fish, who feed off of the natural sunlight of B'va Prime. The Eldish Guardian Fish, the massive depth dweller that lies near the ocean floor..

  You crazy bastard, you did it. It's amazing (just like all the others).

  I love the movie Aquaman and this hits the right spot. Love this generator, love this site!

  Sleeping Dragon is nice, but this is even better! I think this will be my audio background for work for a while. Thank you!

  Another beautiful generator. Love this site!

  Let’s go! This is awesome! I am going to use for my all-night study :) [Nitin]

  This might just become my new favorite go to for falling asleep.

  Nice gen!