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Alpha Omega
Ambient Electric Guitar Soundscape


HopePatienceShimmerVoid SymphonyEpilogueFull Surprise!

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Genesis or Epilogue?

For Christmas, myNoise patrons offered me two guitar pedals. Well, I offered these to myself using the patronage income, but thank you! In return, here is a soundscape that makes use of my new delay and reverb.

A space ambient soundtrack again? Yes, this is the music I naturally compose when I lack the proper playing technique on a musical instrument-ha ha-and the guitar in particular. The instrument is then used to create individual notes, which are turned into textures. Textural music has a name: ambient music. This style of music emphasizes tones and atmospheres over rhythm and structured melody. Ambient music invites the listener to contemplation and introspection. myNoise excels at producing these tracks because of the multilayered and animated nature of its audio player.

I must apologize for once again composing in a minor key. Please don't question why. In my daily life, I am quite a cheerful individual. However, when it comes to music, I find myself drawn to the minor key. It tends to stir up more nuanced emotions compared to a major key. It might sound melancholic, but it's also profound and contemplative. This soundscape could represent either a beginning or an ending. It could be an endless genesis or an eternal epilogue - the interpretation is entirely up to you. But one thing is certain, it's an infinite soundscape, one that never repeats - like all the soundscapes on myNoise.

Published by Stéphane on January 15th, 2020

User Stories

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  Amazing, really.

  Perfect work background for when you want to get stuff done, but in a calm way.

  Just the best soundscape.

  Feeling of the world, as you know it, slowing down.

  Very Rick Wright / Pink Floyd as already noted. I keep expecting the rest of the band to break in at any time. Most excellent!

  I layered this with Black Hole and Alpha Omega and got to go on a wonderful adventure. Perfect mix for writing magic and mystery.

  You've done it again :)

  I love how the default slider positioning correspond with the mountain in the background :)

  What a power!

  Combined with the lone Church Bell and distant Reverb Song of Gregorian Voices, I took an adventure straight out of a gloomy space opera all in the comfort of my desk chair. Absolutely enlightening ambience!

  That made me cry a little... I love this generator.

  Damn Dr. P - you be good on that guitar though.

  It’s an infinite.

  This awesome jewel of a unique soundscape definitely deserves the ying-yang sign of a meditation generator. Highly recommended.

  Meditation is not a happy pill or feel-good movie to pop in. It's finding peace in whatever there is at the moment. Some are in pain or deep despair. At quite some times minor is the perfect vibe to provide that peace. Meeting a seemingly rather unpopular need as sophisticated and respectful as you do with this soundscape is something to be proud of, not to apologize for.

  I'm deeply touched by this generator. The unique atmosphere, elegant simplicity, perfect balance between calming and softly stinging sounds, coldness and warmth is most stunning. One your best for deep meditation. Usually I change the slider settings, but the default already works perfect. Cannot find anything to improve, which is a first.

  I meant to use this as background music for my space based RPG, instead it sent me to sleep!

  Please don't apologize for the minor key - this is wonderful! I love all the presets, but Epilogue is my favorite. The distorted chord feels amazingly powerful - I think it evokes the feeling of a coming thunderstorm, something that's always calmed me down. I deal with intrusive thoughts, anxiety and assorted a lot, and this greatly helps silence the noise in my head. Thank you so much!

  This helps me concentrate while I'm coding at work.

  A dose of the infinite creative exploring the void with the periodic crack of distorted power chord to remind us that it all started, and is maintained by, intelligent purpose. PS: minor key really works here.

  When taking out the Electric Thunder slider and subsequently switching on the Slider Animation, the soundscape becomes a soft, slowly meandering slide into total relaxation. And it equally works great for staying focused on a difficult task.

  Perfect background both for creation and meditation or, as it goes, meditative creation. Supporting the whole project as it is invaluable. Thank you.

  Beautiful! Reminds me of the opening of the "Wish You Were Here" album by "Pink Floyd" - "Shine On You Crazy Diamond - Part I" - and since that's one of my favorite pieces of music ever, I guess it says a lot about how much I like this soundscape. Thank you! :)

  I feel myself floating when I close my eyes to this. Mix it with In The Sky and I drift of to sleep. Beautifully done!

  Makes me feel like the result of a test tube experiment ready to be introduced to the world. An in-utero feeling that awakens the AI part of me. Probably my favourite new generator this year, and it's only March.

  Very calming. Makes it easier to concentrate on work!

  This sounds like dawn on Tatooine with Luke looking out to the horizon before his aunt and uncle wake up.

  Very relaxing. Combines well with the flutes of Canyon.

  I just love it.

  A beautiful soundscape.. So peaceful yet suspenseful. Well done, once again.

  I was a bit late discovering this. However, this is really nice! Thank you!

  This soundscape makes for a perfect droning background to other soundscapes with more individualized sounds, like Mournful Chimes.

  Absolutely perfect when combined with Desert Wind.

  "For Christmas, myNoise patrons offered me two guitar pedals. Well, I offered these to myself using the patronage income, but thank you!" As a patron, this made me very happy to read, I always loved listening to ambient music, but some tracks are way too slow and low in the start. Having this on fixes that issue because now there's always noise! Thank you!

  It's been three months since I discovered myNoise and one week since I was waiting for a generator like this one; it sounds like Black Hole but waaay better :) Thanks for everything!

  Excellent. Thank you very much for this generator too.

  Yet another excellent space-themed soundscape. Stephane, you almost sounds apologetic in the description for this soundscape but please, keep bringing us Space-themed and electronic soundscapes! My afternoons at work would not be as productive without them!