Faint Glow • Moonlight • Shimmery • Floating • Lament •
℗ Surprise!
Animation Parameters
mode |
Hard •
speed |
÷2 •
Normal •
range |
Tape Speed Control
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B •
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E •
℗ Speed ÷2 •
Speed x2 •
Transform •
Spatial Width
Mono •
Narrow •
Stereo •
Guided Meditation
℗ Enter the Meditation Room beta
Keyboard Shortcuts
Visualizer •
White •
PiNk •
Brown •
J↓↑K •
Noodle Soup
I learned to play classical piano when I was a kid. As a teenager, I became fascinated by synthesizers, which can create their own, unique sounds. Despite my ten years of piano education, I was not particularly talented. With synthesizers, I could compensate for my lack of playing skills by programming complex sounds. In my sound designer years, I achieved the ultimate shift: some of my sound programs were so complex that starting from just one note, they could create something pleasant to the ear that could last for minutes, the length of a song — from just one single note!
With myNoise, I left music behind to focus on noises, beautiful noises. Still, music is my first love. And sometimes it comes back to me, like a boomerang. The years have passed, but I still don—t have the talent to be a composer or a keyboard player. But something recently changed...
In the past, I feared learning a new instrument. It takes years of practice before you are ready to play in front of an audience. And I am not there yet with my piano, so why start over again with another instrument? Today, I realised this fear was biased by my thinking that music should be played live, in front of an audience. In the solitude of your own studio, you can play any instrument, and keep playing until something nice happens, coincidentally. No one is there to listen to your unsuccessful attempts. Of course, learning the basics of the instrument really helps and maximizes the probability of a beautiful occurrence. Learning the correct techniques is a prerequisite, too, but that doesn't necessarily take years, sometimes just weeks or months. Once those happy occurrences have been recorded, I use my sound design skills to turn them into sonic rainbows, like the one you are currently listening to. Here you can hear me playing — noodling is a better word — the electric guitar.
I am very grateful to all of you who are supporting my work with a small donation. You help help me keeping the project alive, and growing with fresh material. These guitar recordings have then been chopped and re-arranged using my latest acquisition, the excellent Tasty Chips GR-1. Thanks to all my patrons! <3
Published by Stéphane on August 17th, 2020
User Stories
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Paired with Japanese Garden is just magic. Animate both deeply and the resulting atmosphere has great variation and maintains a lovely space in which to dwell. ~Respect & Gratitude
This is a new favourite! Thank you.
Reminds me of summer nights, or scenes from Stealing Beauty. Great soundscape.
← tap the blue heart right now! You won't regret it ;-) I love how this is so bright and cheerful, and has a nice story to go with it! I was looking at the "new” section, and I found this. It’s perfect to get me fired up in the morning, and get ready for school (or right now, online school). It also helps me to calm down when I’m stressed. Beautiful!
This sounds like I'm floating in space above the Earth, watching all the clouds on the globe move around, seeing the stars go on and on forever.
Wow, this ambience is beautiful! I love the mix of low breathy tones and high fluttering/sparkling notes. Helps me stay focused on my task at hand.
This is just... stunning...
Absolutely beautiful! I get chills every time I listen to this! Thank you so much for this. I usually study with this playing and it helps me focus a lot better! :)
Reminds me of the Beatles' song 'Revolution 9' on the White Album, 1968. "Number Nine, Number Nine, Number Nine..." Love it!
Floating in a timeless and beautiful world.
Oh wow, I don't usually post on here about the different sound generators, even though there is many different ones I really enjoy. But this new one you have made is amazing! It just makes me feel so relaxed and at peace when I listen to it. This truly is one of the best ones you have done. Keep up the good work!
I'm crying but good.
Beautiful, thank you so much!
Love it!
You always thought fireflies kept away from the cold. But now, looking at your yard - a blanket of snow bathed in moonlight, dancing little lights in the air above the stillness - you can't help but wonder if you're dreaming.
Thank you for this honest story! Mine is the same - I never had an official music school, I've learned notes on my own in primary school. Soon I was fascinated with synthesizers and grew up with love of ambient and cosmic sounds they can produce. I bought the best possible synthesizer and it was my best buy in the life! Now I can play a single note for minutes creating crazy space and emotion!
How serendipitous this morning that I checked out the newly loaded and found this sound generator. Fireflies evoke childhood summers and I set time aside this morning to write down some thoughts about the summer camping trips from my childhood. It shifts and flutters like a firefly. A delight for my morning writing session.