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You've Come A Long Way
Inspirational Soundscape


WindlessElectro-AcousticPianoscapeWing Song Surprise!

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You've made it

You've earned every ache in your body, pressing on this far. Nothing is quite as you thought it would be, but the view from here is something you could not have understood at the beginning. Little by little, you have reached the extraordinary.

This cinematic soundscape - a composite made from existing stems - has been designed by Nell, a patron of this website. Listen and vote for her sounds in the Community section of myNoise.

Sound generators on myNoise have been intentionally designed to mix well together. Therefore, it is no surprise - to me at least - that combining stems from myNoise sound so good. From time to time though, I am amazed by a combination that I would not have imagined. When users astound me, their soundscapes deserve an entry on the main index page! Here with Nell's creation.

Published by Stéphane on November 11th, 2022

User Stories

Write your own here. Click the blue bulletsto load associated settings.

  Try this with Woodland Echoes, focusing on the White-Throated Sparrow slider, or even just that one slider. This creates a Hunger Games ambience, evoking the call of the Mockingjay in the distance - a sound of hope in the midst of a time that requires fortitude.

  This setting is lovely. I'm always looking for ambience that rides the line between melancholy and contemplation -- while still feeling generative and inspirational. This one does just that.

  Ah, this makes a wonderful ambience. I stood on the peaks of mountains and this takes me right back to standing above the clouds in the breeze, feeling cold and tired, and with all the aches of a long trip, but also just so content with myself and the world. Thank you for sharing this mix!

  Combining this with In The Sky creates such an eerie yet serene atmosphere. I picture myself at the entrance to a grand temple on the summit of a mountain, having passed through the cold and the clouds up a narrow, winding pass. The ground below is only a distant memory, lost in the mist. Ahead, only a mystery, ancient as it is uncertain. Yet, in the present moment, otherworldly beauty all around.

  You've been working on this paper for almost a year. Now, it's time for the final review. You've come a long way.

  i actually really like it with the wind up! Here's my settings.

  My mom died last week. This mournful tones of this music are beautiful and soothing. Thank you for creating and sharing this.

  Most of the pandemic, I've worked in frontline healthcare security. I'm lucky to sleep 4-6 hours/night. I'm angry and upset a lot of the time, about everything, and nothing. Burnout + operational stress injury are both on the horizon. Exhausted, I find this pairs extremely well with the Distant Thunder generator. The sounds make it very difficult to feel angry and upset. Thank you.

  I love mixing this one with Duduk Song.

  What a lovely lonely place.

  This generator is curious and beautiful. It mixes sounds that I never expected to see come together, but they work perfectly. This is ambient and inspiring.

  This one is excellent to write by. It's somber and evocative, without being overbearing or bleeding too much (or too little!) into the work.

  Paired with default Japanese Garden, this soundscape is much more beautiful than itself!

  This is an amazing gen! I'm not very good at creating custom gens like this, so I, like Dr. Pigeon, am astounded. Great job!

  Nice combination of music and natural sounds.

  I use this on windless. It's a truly grounding soundscape! The heavy, but moving progressions help me process conflicting emotions. I use when I am down, and it keeps me motivated to continue studying or tidying up the house. Great for shadow work and journaling too, due to the light piano melodies. A favorite!

  I prefer the setting without the wind, because it brings out the "melody" in all its beauty. I loved this generator from the very first few moments, I find it beautiful, sad, relaxing, evocative, melancholic, all at the same time. It's already among my favourites.

  This generator reminds me of the zombie-apocalypse survival videogame called "Days Gone", sweet memories I had while playing the game. Fresh out of high-school was on my holidays playing the game daily. The storyline was awesome and sad at the same time. The piano chords in this generator sounds like the one in that game's loading screen. IDK, I am too emotional.

Create Your Own

Use a laptop or desktop computer, as you will be asked to use keyboard shortcuts.

To create your custom composite generator, browse the site for slider contents: open any generator on myNoise, and select the sliders you want to use in your custom set by 'zeroing' all others, then hit [c] to collect all active sliders into a hidden stack. Move to a next generator and repeat the process until you have accumulated 10 sliders. Now hit [shift+c] to render your custom composite generator. At any point, press [x+c] to clear the hidden stack.