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Happy Place
Meditational Soundscape


InstrumentalPeace of MindYinYang Surprise!

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Animation Parameters

mode Soft HardSolo Duo Trio
speed ÷8 ÷4 ÷2Normalx2 x4 x8
range [Low High]   set→ [Low High]

Tape Speed Control

G #A #BC #D #EF #
Speed ÷2Speed x2TransformReset

Spatial Width


iEQ • Calibration


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Visualizer • White • PiNk • Brown • J↓↑KHelp

A place in your mind that makes you feel happy

This soundscape creates a comforting environment when you need to calm down. Its repetitive pattern puts you in a gentle trance, and it helps you to find perspective. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and experience your worries melting away as you go on a quest to find your inner Happy Place. Feel the warmth seeping into you as you get closer to your goal: a shiver down the spine will tell you when you have arrived! Come back here anytime you want to reach your Happy Place again.

Published by Stéphane on September 16th, 2019

User Stories

Write your own here. Click the blue bulletsto load associated settings.

  OMG this helps me so much with my mood. Thank you!

  Relaxing for nights when you've worked hard all day, you flop into bed, turn this on and melt into your bed. Great for melting and leaking through to La La Land!

  This is my happy place when you mix it with Fireplace! Soooo, I usually end up staying up too late at night, then my body is on alert and I jolt at every sound. This helps a lot to drown out those noises and shut up my amygdala!

  When I stay up late at night and I try to call asleep, my body is on HIGH alert and I get scared of every noise. This noise, however, blocks out the other noises and calms down my amygdala. Thank you for creating this calming noise!

  I love this one, I used the Instrumental preset and turned up the far left sider to max for that ear scratchingly good bass. Using it to focus on my work at the moment.

  I absolutely love this, perfect sound to calm down and relax :)

  This makes me happy. Anxiety gone. <3

  These sounds are SO magical man.

  Hi I have a hard time sleeping and this just puts me to sleep.

  Hello I'm a Turkısh student who trying to learn Dutch and this sound really inspires me to make my homework easier, so this sound is if you are a student I think you can do your homework easier.

  It sounds a bit like Minecraft. It is calming. It is happy. It is good for meditation.

  This noise gen really works. I listen to this when I'm stressed and feel calm. Also I listen to this after I finish work to unwind and unload the stressors of my work day.

  Over a short period of time this page has gone from being a happy chance encounter to a must-have! It has become a part of my working life now where whenever I have to focus on something and block out outside distracting noise, I just play this in the background and I am all set. I have recommended this to many of my friends and colleagues as well. Thank you so much for this gem <3

  Slows my breathing down ^_^ Nice

  I was having a truly terrible week at work, and my usual playlists were actually aggravating me further rather than centering me. I stumbled upon this wonderful site, and the Happy Place soundscape specifically, and I could literally feel myself relaxing even as I continued my poor work week. There's always a tab open to this site now, and I'm truly grateful this site exists.

  Happy whalesong against invigorating electronica? I've been playing with tape speed & love the effects that combining key changes with speed x2 has on Happy Place. F# x2 with the slider speed animation set to 4x is a gentle but insistent wake-up call on this sleepy, snowy morning.

  I paired this with the white rain noise and it worked so well I could still sit with my friends but focus on homework.

  Okay, I just combined this with Healing Trees (very soft, lowered the sibilance sliders), and I'm floating, weightless, in a fairy pool. I can't quite make out what the fae are trying to tell me, but I can juuuust hear them, telling me secrets, telling me truths and lies, epic stories and boring mundanities, all while other fae sing hauntingly, beseechingly, deep in the woods. It's pure magic.

  Very relaxing drones, with just enough texture to keep it from getting boring. I love this gen!

  Just got some bad news, but this soundscape is helping me feel better and focus so I can complete a work project on a deadline.

  This is a brilliant generator, so happy I found it. I can find lots of generators for focus and calm can actually induce melancholy in me, but this one hits the right spot. I combine with "Bird Calls" which fits perfectly. Thank you so much.

  This music is so relaxing. It is one of the best soundtrack I ever heard so far.

  This setting takes you to a completely different world. You feel like you are in a magical forest or field, with flowers springing up wherever you step. A cool breeze blows through your hair as you look up. The sky is crystal blue and it absorbs your sense of time and space, letting you drift through your blank mind. <3

  As of the first second, this Soundscape pulled open a can of memories from no less than 40 years ago. I'm eight years old again, and lying on my back in the tall grass, looking up at the cloudless blue sky, grass rising up above me, a tree in the right corner of my field of view, an apartment building in the left corner. I hear crickets and bees, the world is a magical place.

  This is one of my new favorite generators. It truly makes where ever I am a "happy" and relaxed place.

  Wow. I don't normally write comments on this site, but I had to leave one for this. I didn't even realize how stressed and tense I was until I clicked on this one and almost instantly felt the tension in my shoulders melting away. I could feel myself relaxing into the sounds. This will certainly become one of my new favorite generators, especially after a long and stressful day. Thank you!!

  This setting really feels like I'm in such a calm environment; keeps me in the moment.

  A really love the peaceful calm feeling, but the marimbas and such give it a nice bit of energy.

  A happy place on my birthday!

  A perfect mix! I instantly love it!

Create Your Own

Use a laptop or desktop computer, as you will be asked to use keyboard shortcuts.

To create your custom composite generator, browse the site for slider contents: open any generator on myNoise, and select the sliders you want to use in your custom set by 'zeroing' all others, then hit [c] to collect all active sliders into a hidden stack. Move to a next generator and repeat the process until you have accumulated 10 sliders. Now hit [shift+c] to render your custom composite generator. At any point, press [x+c] to clear the hidden stack.