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GregorianInstrumentalFlat Surprise!

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The 1990 Revolution

German music project Enigma released their first studio album MCMXC a.D. in 1990. With its unique and previously unheard mix of Gregorian chants and dance beat, this release left a strong impact on he New Age scene. When I reprogrammed some of the stems in the Gregorian song generator, my intention was to come with a tribute to Engima's most emblematic album too. And here it is!

Published by Stéphane on July 31st, 2019

User Stories

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  This one can make some fun Alan Parsons Project or Tangerine Dream-esque soundscapes if you play with the faster speeds and octaves!

  By now I'm almost in my mid-40s and still remember exactly when I heard Sadness Part 1 for the first time. And so many years - decades! - later, the song still goes straight to my ear and heart. So thank you for this soundscape, in which I can now permanently revel.

  It reminds me to "Otroki vo vselennoy" the Movie (1974).

  I am 16 and my dad introduced me to Enigma last month. I am in love with it! I like Sadeness and Return of Innocence. What a surprise to find the same themed sounds here!!!

  This is perfect!! I used to loop this album when writing my thesis because it was so meditative! LOVE IT!

  Thanks to you I listened MMXIX a.D., and I felt really overjoyed, this is beautiful! Now I love Enigma too. Perhaps it isn't surprising, because I'm a student of the faculty of history and I reeaalllyy love all that Middle Ages things, Gregorian chants, and some new age singers too, like Era or Gregorian. I truly deeply thank you, you are the best!

  Have been playing this soundscape layered with Thunder & Rain for the past week. Provides a splendid background sound for working and as an engineer I really need to focus at times. Yet it provides enough interest that I when I take a break from my computer I listen. I have then taken it into the evenings when I have had particularly stressful day. It soothes my soul. 6 of 5 hearts.

  Enigma has been a favorite group of mine for years, especially for working on anything creative. Their debut album is still an all-time favorite of mine. I'm glad myNoise has created a sound just for them. Tip: I always liked listening to them with rain in the background as well—now I can easily do that any time I want thanks to myNoise!

  Oh my god, this one blends beautifully with Deep Chant. So ethereal!

  Wow! I love MCMXC a.D. and I love this soundscape!

  ... based on a true story: to find a place you can go when life gets too hectic, as we all are too hectic. Everybody should spend a few hours here, it would make the world a better place to live.

  Simply stunning and deeply moving. Thank you.

  I instantly felt my stress melt away when I started playing this. It doesn't feel repetitive, it just flows nicely for hours, even without animating the sliders. This is my new go to for working, studying, everything really!

  Brilliant. I'm in love.

  Just beyond amazing!

  MCMXC a.D. is most probably the album I played most during the nineties: the Gregorian chants on a voluptuous beat, the suggestive texts sung by Sandra Ann Lauer, the increased attention for medieval times due to the movie 'The Name of The Rose' from 1986 and a different mindset that came with the later 80's - early 90's made it almost obvious that this would become a frantically selling album.

  This is really nice and definitely has a nostalgic retro vibe that reminds me of the 90's.

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To create your custom composite generator, browse the site for slider contents: open any generator on myNoise, and select the sliders you want to use in your custom set by 'zeroing' all others, then hit [c] to collect all active sliders into a hidden stack. Move to a next generator and repeat the process until you have accumulated 10 sliders. Now hit [shift+c] to render your custom composite generator. At any point, press [x+c] to clear the hidden stack.